Español > cansar: 6 sentidos > verbo 1, bodySentido | Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress. |
Sinónimos | abrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, fatigar, llevar |
Causa de | aburrirse, cansarse, cansar, fatigarse, fatigar, hastiarse | Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody |
Específico | agotar, extenuar, fatigar con exceso, rendir, vencer | Tire excessively |
agotarse, agotar | wear out completely |
General | indisponer | Cause to feel unwell |
Contrario | refrescar | make fresh again |
Inglés | tire, wear upon, tire out, wear, weary, jade, wear out, outwear, wear down, fag out, fag, fatigue |
Catalán | abatre, cansar-se, cansar, fatigar-se, fatigar |
Nombres | agotamiento, cansancio, desfallecimiento, extenuación, fatiga, lasitud | temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work |
desgaste | impairment resulting from long use |
jaco, jamelgo, penco, rocinante, rocín | An old or over-worked horse |
Español > cansar: 6 sentidos > verbo 2, contactSentido | make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool. |
Sinónimos | aguantar, agujerear, barrenar, horadar, perforar, taladrar |
Específico | escardar | Initiate drilling operations, as for petroleum |
trepanar | cut a hole with a trepan, as in surgery |
General | cortar, perforar, seccionar | separate with or as if with an instrument |
Inglés | bore, drill |
Catalán | aguantar, barrinar, cansar, foradar, perforar, trepar |
Nombres | barrena | A drill for penetrating rock / rock |
barreno, taladro | A hole or passage made by a drill |
calibre, diámetro, medida estándar | diameter of a tube or gun barrel |
perforación, trepado, trepa | The act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum |
taladradora, taladro | A tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows) |
taladro eléctrico | A rotating power drill powered by an electric motor |
trepado, trepa | The act of drilling |
Español > cansar: 6 sentidos > verbo 4, bodySentido | Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody. |
Sinónimos | aburrirse, cansarse, fatigarse, fatigar, hastiarse |
Causado por | abrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, cansar, fatigar, llevar | Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress |
Específico | retirarse | Lose interest |
General | degenerarse, degenerar, deteriorarse, deteriorar | Grow worse |
Inglés | tire, pall, weary, fatigue, jade |
Catalán | avorrir, cansar-se, cansar, fastiguejar-se, fatigar-se, fatigar |
Nombres | jaco, jamelgo, penco, rocinante, rocín | An old or over-worked horse |