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Español 37 sentidos de la palabra llevar:
VERBOcontactllevar, cargar, efectuar, portar, transportarmove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
stativellevar, contener, encerrar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostenercontain or hold
changellevar, apartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomarremove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract
motionllevar, canalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, transmitir, transportartransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
socialllevar, conducir, manejardirect the course of
contactllevar, portarsupport or hold in a certain manner
possessionllevar, conservar, mantener, preservarkeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
contactllevar, traermove while holding up or supporting
bodyllevar, vestirhave on one's person
motionllevar, acarrear, copar, portar, tomar, traer, transportartake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
bodyllevar, abrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, cansar, fatigarexhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress
motionllevar, apoderar, conducir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiartake somebody somewhere
contactllevar, acarrear, cargar, transportartransport in a vehicle
bodyllevar, vestirbe dressed in
contactllevarbear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of
contactllevar, acercar, coger, portar, traergo or come after and bring or take back
contactllevarpropel or give impetus to
possessionllevar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, tomarrequire (time or space)
stativellevar, cargar, copar, portarhave with oneself
communicationllevar, embriagar, embrujar, encantar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, magnetizarattract strongly, as if with a magnet
bodyllevar, ponerse, vestirput clothing on one's body
contactllevar, alcanzar, driblarpropel, "Carry the ball"
possessionllevar, actualizartransfer (entries) from one account book to another
possessionllevar, acarrearhave on hand
communicationllevarpass on a communication
communicationllevarcause to undertake a certain action / action
competitionllevar, aprobarsesecure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions)
changellevar, conducir, incoar, iniciar, originarset in motion, start an event or prepare the way for
possessionllevarbuy, select
perceptionllevarprovoke or excite
changellevarbring into a different state
creationllevarinclude as the content
motionllevargive a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift
stativellevarcause something to pass or lead somewhere
bodyllevarhave or show an appearance of
stativellevar, dar, irlead, extend, or afford access
contactllevar, traerbe accompanied by
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 1, contact
SentidoMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body.
Sinónimoscargar, efectuar, portar, transportar
Específicoacarrear, cargar, llevar, transportartransport in a vehicle
acarrear, carretear, llevar en carretilla, llevar en carrotransport something in a cart
acarrear, arrastrar, carretearcarry with difficulty
acarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
carretear, llevar en carrozatransport in a chariot / chariot
conducir, impulsar, manejartravel or be transported in a vehicle
devolvermake a return
enviar por aire, enviar por avión, volartransport by aeroplane
llevar, traerMove while holding up or supporting
llevar en bandoleracarry or hold with both hands diagonally across the body, especially of weapons
sacar con cubocarry in a bucket
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
SimilarllevarPass on a communication
llevarpropel or give impetus to
Ingléstransport, carry
Cataláncarregar, efectuar, portar, transportar
Nombresbanda transportadora, cinta transportadora, transportador, trasportadorA moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
camión transporte, transporte de vehículosA long truck for carrying motor vehicles
carroA self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed / designed specifically to carry something
distribuidor, mensajero, portador, porteador, recadero, repartidor, toter, transportistasomeone whose employment involves carrying something
empresa de transportesA person or firm in the business of transporting / transporting people or goods or messages
portaavionesA large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for takeoffs and landings
transferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 2, stative
SentidoContain or hold; have within.
Sinónimoscontener, encerrar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostener
Específicocercar, confinar, encerrarClose in
conservar, retenerHold back within
Generalcomprender, contemplar, contener, englobar, incluir, integrarHave as a part, be made up out of
Ingléshold, bear, carry, contain
Cataláncontenir, dur, portar, posseir, prendre, sostenir, suportar
AdjetivocontinenteHaving control over urination and defecation
Nombresbodega de carga, bodega, compartimento de cargaThe space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
capacidad, contenidoThe amount that can be contained
contenedor, envase, recipienteAny object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another)
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 3, change
SentidoRemove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract.
Sinónimosapartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomar
Implicado porahondar, cavar, excavarcreate by digging
desempolvarRemove the dust from
EspecíficoachicarRemove (water) from a boat by dipping and throwing over the side
aclarar, clarificar, despejar, retirar, solucionarFree (the throat) by making a rasping sound
ahecharBlow away or off with a current of air
amputarRemove surgically
anular, borrar, eliminar, suprimir, tacharRemove or make invisible
apartarRemove with or as if with a brush
arrancar a tiras, raerTake off or remove
arrojar, dejar caer, despojarse, librarse de, mudar, quitarse de encima, quitarse, sacudirse algo, tirar, vaciarGet rid of
cargar, repartirRemove with or as if with a ladle
cavar, excavarTurn up, loosen, or remove earth
cavar, excavarRemove the inner part or the core of
circumcidar, circuncidarcut the foreskin off male babies or teenage boys
claramente, clarificar, unánimenteRemove
condensarRemove water from
cucharearscoop up or take up with a spoon
depilarRemove body hair
deprivarremove a constituent from a liquid
desactivarRemove the triggering device from
desalojarRemove or force out from a position
desbrozar, desherbar, escardar, herbarClear of weeds
descalcificarRemove calcium or lime / lime from
descargarTake the burden off
descargarRemove the charge from
descascarar, descascarillarRemove the hulls from
descascarillar, desvainarRemove the husks from
descascarillar, limpiar, pelar, sacarRemove shells or husks from
descordar, desencordarRemove the strings from
descubrirRemove the cover from
desempaquetarRemove from its packing
desensillarRemove the saddle from
desentrañar, destriparRemove the entrails of
desenvainarRemove from its shell or outer covering
desfibrarRemove the stringy parts of
desgastar, erosionar, gastardiminish, as by friction
desgonzar, desgoznar, desquiciarRemove the hinges from
deshuesarRemove the bones from
deshuesar, despepitarremove the pits from
desintoxicarRemove poison from
desmantelar, desmontar, desnudar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
desnatar, espumarRemove from the surface
despejar, quitar los estorbos, sacarremove from sight
despejar, expectorar, sacarclear out the chest and lungs
despojarRemove the surface from
destriparRemove the guts of
desvestirRemove (someone's or one's own) clothes
dibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
dragarRemove with a power shovel, usually from a bottom of a body of water
enjugarRemove by wiping
escamarRemove the scales from
exprimir, extraertake liquid out of a container or well
extirparsurgically remove (an organ)
extraer, sacarRemove, usually with some force or effort
granarRemove the seeds from
hipofisectomizarRemove the pituitary glands
lavarRemove by the application of water or other liquid / liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent
lavar, limpiarRemove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
lavar, limpiar, quitar, sacarRemove while making clean
limpiar, purificarRemove unwanted substances from
llevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
picotear, roerRemove in small bits
quitartake away
retirar, sacartake out or remove
sacarRemove substances from by a percolating liquid / liquid
sacartake away or remove
sacarRemove from a seedbed or from a nursery
sacarTake off or away by decreasing
sacarBring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover
sacar del amarraderotake (a ship) out of a dock
Tambiéndeducir, descontar, desgravar, extraer, quitar, restar, substraer, sustraermake a subtraction
Inglésremove, take, take away, withdraw
Catalánapartar, copar, eliminar, emportar-se, extirpar, llevar, retirar, suprimir, treure
Nombreseliminación, remociónThe act of removing
retiradaThe act of withdrawing
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 4, motion
SentidoTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission.
Sinónimoscanalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, transmitir, transportar
Específicoretransmitirtransmit again
traer, traspasartransmit
Generalacarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Similarexpresar, transmitirServe as a means for expressing something
Inglésimpart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channel
Cataláncanalitzar, carregar, dirigir, transmetre, transportar
Adjetivoconductiva, conductivo, conductorHaving the quality or power of conducting heat or electricity or sound
Nombrescanal de transmisión, canalA path over which electrical signals can pass
conducción, conductibilidad, conductividadThe transmission of heat or electricity or sound
conductorA device designed to transmit electricity, heat / heat, etc.
conductorA substance that readily conducts e.g. electricity and heat
portadora, portadorA radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
transmisiónThe act of sending a message
transmisión, trasmisióncommunication by means of transmitted signals
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 5, social
Sentidodirect the course of; manage or control.
Sinónimosconducir, manejar
Generalabordar, administrar, encarar, gestionar, guiar, manejar, ocuparse, ocupar, regentar, tramitar, tratarBe in charge of, act on, or dispose of
Inglésconduct, carry on, deal
Catalánconduir, portar
NombresmanoThe cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time
negociación, transacción, tratoThe act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities)
tratoThe type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement)
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 6, contact
Sentidosupport or hold in a certain manner.
Específicobalancear, equilibrar, nivelarhold or carry in equilibrium
comportarse, exiliarBehave in a certain manner
Similarllevar, traerMove while holding up or supporting
Ingléshold, carry, bear
Nombresportecharacteristic way of bearing one's body
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 7, possession
SentidoKeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction.
Sinónimosconservar, mantener, preservar
Específicoembalsamarpreserve a dead body
Inglésconserve, preserve, maintain, keep up
Catalánconservar, preservar
Adjetivopreservativotending or having the power to preserve
NombresconservaciónThe preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources
conservación, preservaciónAn occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change
mantenimientoactivity involved in maintaining something in good working order
preservaciónThe activity of protecting something from loss or danger
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 8, contact
SentidoMove while holding up or supporting.
Implicadesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
moverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Generalcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Similarllevar, portarsupport or hold in a certain manner
Nombrescostalero, portador del ataúd, portador del féretroOne of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral
distribuidor, mensajero, portador, porteador, recadero, repartidor, toter, transportistasomeone whose employment involves carrying something
mozoA messenger who bears or presents
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 9, body
SentidoHave on one's person.
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature
Ingléswear, bear
Catalándur, portar, vestir
AdjetivollevableSuitable for wear or able to be worn
Nombresatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuarioA covering designed to be worn on a person's body
usoThe act of having on your person as a covering or adornment
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 10, motion
SentidoTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere.
Sinónimosacarrear, copar, portar, tomar, traer, transportar
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Específicocanalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, llevar, transmitir, transportarTransmit or serve as the medium for transmission
desembarcarBring ashore
devolver, llevar de regreso, regresar, traer de regresobring back to the point of departure
entubar, enviar por metroconvey in a tube
transbordartransport / transport from one place to another
Generalcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
TambiénadelantarseCause to move forward
alzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerRaise from a lower to a higher position
arriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
aterrizarCause to come to the ground
lanzar, producir, sacarBring onto the market or release
Similaracercar, coger, llevar, portar, traergo or come after and bring or take back
llevar, traerBe accompanied by
Inglésbring, convey, take
Cataláncopar, dur, portar, traginar, transportar
Nombresbanda transportadora, cinta transportadora, transportador, trasportadorA moving belt that transports objects (as in a factory)
portador, transportadorA person who conveys (carries / carries or transmits)
transferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 11, body
SentidoExhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress.
Sinónimosabrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, cansar, fatigar
Causa deaburrirse, cansarse, cansar, fatigarse, fatigar, hastiarseLose interest or become bored with something or somebody
Específicoagotar, extenuar, fatigar con exceso, rendir, vencerTire excessively
agotarse, agotarwear out completely
GeneralindisponerCause to feel unwell
Contrariorefrescarmake fresh again
Ingléstire, wear upon, tire out, wear, weary, jade, wear out, outwear, wear down, fag out, fag, fatigue
Catalánabatre, cansar-se, cansar, fatigar-se, fatigar
Nombresagotamiento, cansancio, desfallecimiento, extenuación, fatiga, lasitudtemporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work
desgasteimpairment resulting from long use
jaco, jamelgo, penco, rocinante, rocínAn old or over-worked horse
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 12, motion
SentidoTake somebody somewhere.
Sinónimosapoderar, conducir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar
EspecíficobalizarGuide with a beacon / beacon
desorientar, despistarLead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions
guiarTake (someone) to their seats / seats / seats, as in theaters or auditoriums
Ingléslead, take, direct, conduct, guide
Catalánapoderar, conduir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, portar
Nombresacomodador, guíasomeone employed to conduct others
autoridad, dirigente, líderA person who rules or guides or inspires others
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 13, contact
Sentidotransport in a vehicle.
Sinónimosacarrear, cargar, transportar
Específicotransportar en vagoneshaul truck trailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars
Generalcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Catalánarrossegar, estirar, tirar, traginar, transportar
Nombresacarreo, arrastre, tirón, transporteThe act of drawing or hauling / hauling something
camionaje, transporte por camión, transporte terrestreThe activity of transporting goods by truck
contratista de transportes, transportistaA haulage contractor
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 14, body
SentidoBe dressed in.
Implicavestirse, vestirPut on clothes
Ingléswear, have on
Catalándur, portar
AdjetivollevableSuitable for wear or able to be worn
Nombresatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuarioA covering designed to be worn on a person's body
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 15, contact
Sentidobear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of.
Generalapoyar, soportar, sostenerBe the physical support of
NombresportaequipajesA rack attached to a vehicle
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 16, contact
Sentidogo or come after and bring or take back.
Sinónimosacercar, coger, portar, traer
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Específicodespachar, entregar, librarBring to a destination, make a delivery
Generalcanalizar, conducir, encauzar, transferir, transmitir, transportarSend from one person or place to another
ContrariollevarseRemove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state
Similaracarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Inglésbring, get, convey, fetch
Catalánagafar, dur, portar, transportar
Nombrestransferencia, transporteThe act of moving something from one location to another
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 17, contact
Sentidopropel or give impetus to.
Generalimpeler, impulsar, propulsarCause to move forward with force
Similarcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 18, possession
Sentidorequire (time or space).
Sinónimosapoderar, copar, ocupar, tomar
Generalacabar, agotar, esgrimir, usar, utilizaruse up, consume fully
Similaragotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reduciruse up (resources or materials)
Ingléstake, occupy, use up
Catalánagafar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, prendre
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 19, stative
SentidoHave with oneself; have on one's person.
Sinónimoscargar, copar, portar
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature
Ingléscarry, pack, take
Cataláncarregar, conduir, copar, dur, percebre, portar, rebre, tornar
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 20, communication
Sentidoattract strongly, as if with a magnet.
Sinónimosembriagar, embrujar, encantar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, magnetizar
Generalincitar, influenciar, influir, tentarinduce into action by using one's charm
Inglésmagnetize, mesmerize, mesmerise, magnetise, bewitch, spellbind
Catalánembruixar, encantar, encisar, fascinar, hipnotitzar, magnetitzar
Nombresimán(physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field
magnetizaciónThe extent or degree to which something is magnetized
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 21, body
SentidoPut clothing on one's body.
Sinónimosponerse, vestir
Específicoponerse un pañuelowrap in or adorn with a scarf
probarsePut on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice
tocarsePut on or wear a hat
Generalvestirse, vestirPut on clothes
Ingléswear, put on, get into, don, assume
Catalánportar, posar-se, vestir-se, vestir
AdjetivollevableSuitable for wear or able to be worn
Nombresatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuarioA covering designed to be worn on a person's body
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 22, contact
Sentidopropel, "Carry the ball".
Sinónimosalcanzar, driblar
Categoríaatletismo, deporte, deportesAn active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
Generalchutar, pegarCause to move by striking
Inglésdribble, carry
Nombresdribling, gambeta, regateThe propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 23, possession
Sentidotransfer (entries) from one account book to another.
Generaltransbordar, transferir, transmitirMove from one place to another
Ingléspost, carry
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 24, possession
SentidoHave on hand.
Generaldetentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tenerHave or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
Inglésstock, carry, stockpile
Catalánportar, traginar
Nombresacervo, acopio, repuesto, reserva, reténA supply of something available for future use
almacenistaOne (as a retailer or distributor / distributor) that stocks goods
inventarioThe merchandise that a shop / shop has on hand
reserva, reservasSomething kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose
reservasA storage pile accumulated for future use
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 25, communication
SentidoPass on a communication.
Generalcomunicar, informar, transmitirtransmit information
Similarcargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportarMove while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 26, communication
SentidoCause to undertake a certain action / action.
Generalcausar, estimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocarCause to do
Nombresautoridad, dirigente, líderA person who rules or guides or inspires others
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 27, competition
SentidoSecure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions).
Generaladquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtenerCome into possession of
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 28, change
Sentidoset in motion, start an event or prepare the way for.
Sinónimosconducir, incoar, iniciar, originar
Generalcomenzar, empezar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originarBring into being
Ingléslead up, initiate
Catalánconduir a, incoar, iniciar, originar, portar a
Adjetivoinaugural, iniciador, iniciativo, primer, primeroServing to set in motion
Nombresdesencadenamiento, inducción, iniciaciónAn act that sets in motion some course of events
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 29, possession
Sentidobuy, select.
Categoríacomercialismo, comercio, mercantilismo, mercantilizacióntransactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)
Generaladquirir, comprar, mercarObtain by purchase
Tambiéndibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimirRemove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 30, perception
SentidoProvoke or excite.
Generalcausar, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, revolverStir feelings in
Similaraprovechar, exploit, explotarUse or manipulate to one's advantage
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 31, change
SentidoBring into a different state.
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Tambiénalimentar, criar, educar, formar, ser padreBring up
bajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducircut down on
Inglésbring, land
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 32, creation
SentidoInclude as the content; broadcast or publicize.
Generaldifundir, diseminar, dispensar, dispersar, distribuir, divulgar, esparcir, propagar, repartirCause to become widely known
Ingléscarry, run
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 33, motion
SentidoGive a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift.
GeneraltransportarMove something or somebody around
Tambiénarrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntarlook for and gather
Ingléspick up
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 34, stative
SentidoCause something to pass or lead somewhere.
Generalentregar, pasarCause to pass
Similarencaminar, guiar, pasar, recorrerpass over, across, or through
irchange or be different within limits
Inglésrun, lead
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 35, body
SentidoHave or show an appearance of.
Generaldisfrutar, presentar, quedar, tenerHave as a feature
Catalándur, portar, vestir
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 36, stative
SentidoLead, extend, or afford access.
Sinónimosdar, ir
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
Inglésgo, lead
Catalánanar, donar, portar
Españolllevar: 37 sentidos verbo 37, contact
SentidoBe accompanied by.
Implicaacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Similaracarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
Catalándur, portar

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