VERBO | contact | llevar, cargar, efectuar, portar, transportar | move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
stative | llevar, contener, encerrar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostener | contain or hold | |
change | llevar, apartar, copar, eliminar, extirpar, quitar, remover, retirar, sacar, suprimir, tomar | remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract | |
motion | llevar, canalizar, conducir, dirigir, encauzar, transmitir, transportar | transmit or serve as the medium for transmission | |
social | llevar, conducir, manejar | direct the course of | |
contact | llevar, portar | support or hold in a certain manner | |
possession | llevar, conservar, mantener, preservar | keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction | |
contact | llevar, traer | move while holding up or supporting | |
body | llevar, vestir | have on one's person | |
motion | llevar, acarrear, copar, portar, tomar, traer, transportar | take something or somebody with oneself somewhere | |
body | llevar, abrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, cansar, fatigar | exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress | |
motion | llevar, apoderar, conducir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar | take somebody somewhere | |
contact | llevar, acarrear, cargar, transportar | transport in a vehicle | |
body | llevar, vestir | be dressed in | |
contact | llevar | bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of | |
contact | llevar, acercar, coger, portar, traer | go or come after and bring or take back | |
contact | llevar | propel or give impetus to | |
possession | llevar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, tomar | require (time or space) | |
stative | llevar, cargar, copar, portar | have with oneself | |
communication | llevar, embriagar, embrujar, encantar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, magnetizar | attract strongly, as if with a magnet | |
body | llevar, ponerse, vestir | put clothing on one's body | |
contact | llevar, alcanzar, driblar | propel, "Carry the ball" | |
possession | llevar, actualizar | transfer (entries) from one account book to another | |
possession | llevar, acarrear | have on hand | |
communication | llevar | pass on a communication | |
communication | llevar | cause to undertake a certain action / action | |
competition | llevar, aprobarse | secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions) | |
change | llevar, conducir, incoar, iniciar, originar | set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for | |
possession | llevar | buy, select | |
perception | llevar | provoke or excite | |
change | llevar | bring into a different state | |
creation | llevar | include as the content | |
motion | llevar | give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift | |
stative | llevar | cause something to pass or lead somewhere | |
body | llevar | have or show an appearance of | |
stative | llevar, dar, ir | lead, extend, or afford access | |
contact | llevar, traer | be accompanied by |
Sentido | Contain or hold; have within. | |
Sinónimos | contener, encerrar, portar, poseer, soportar, sostener | |
Específico | cercar, confinar, encerrar | Close in |
conservar, retener | Hold back within | |
General | comprender, contemplar, contener, englobar, incluir, integrar | Have as a part, be made up out of |
Inglés | hold, bear, carry, contain | |
Catalán | contenir, dur, portar, posseir, prendre, sostenir, suportar | |
Adjetivo | continente | Having control over urination and defecation |
Nombres | bodega de carga, bodega, compartimento de carga | The space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo |
capacidad, contenido | The amount that can be contained | |
contenedor, envase, recipiente | Any object that can be used to hold things (especially a large metal boxlike object of standardized dimensions that can be loaded from one form of transport to another) |
Sentido | direct the course of; manage or control. | |
Sinónimos | conducir, manejar | |
General | abordar, administrar, encarar, gestionar, guiar, manejar, ocuparse, ocupar, regentar, tramitar, tratar | Be in charge of, act on, or dispose of |
Inglés | conduct, carry on, deal | |
Catalán | conduir, portar | |
Nombres | mano | The cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time |
negociación, transacción, trato | The act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities) | |
trato | The type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement) |
Sentido | support or hold in a certain manner. | |
Sinónimo | portar | |
Específico | balancear, equilibrar, nivelar | hold or carry in equilibrium |
comportarse, exiliar | Behave in a certain manner | |
Similar | llevar, traer | Move while holding up or supporting |
Inglés | hold, carry, bear | |
Catalán | portar | |
Nombres | porte | characteristic way of bearing one's body |
Sentido | Keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction. | |
Sinónimos | conservar, mantener, preservar | |
Específico | embalsamar | preserve a dead body |
Inglés | conserve, preserve, maintain, keep up | |
Catalán | conservar, preservar | |
Adjetivo | preservativo | tending or having the power to preserve |
Nombres | conservación | The preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources |
conservación, preservación | An occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change | |
mantenimiento | activity involved in maintaining something in good working order | |
preservación | The activity of protecting something from loss or danger |
Sentido | Move while holding up or supporting. | |
Sinónimo | traer | |
Implica | desplazar, mover, trasladar | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense |
moverse, mover, trasladar | Move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion | |
General | cargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportar | Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
Similar | llevar, portar | support or hold in a certain manner |
Inglés | bear | |
Nombres | costalero, portador del ataúd, portador del féretro | One of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral |
distribuidor, mensajero, portador, porteador, recadero, repartidor, toter, transportista | someone whose employment involves carrying something | |
mozo | A messenger who bears or presents |
Sentido | Have on one's person. | |
Sinónimo | vestir | |
General | disfrutar, presentar, quedar, tener | Have as a feature |
Inglés | wear, bear | |
Catalán | dur, portar, vestir | |
Adjetivo | llevable | Suitable for wear or able to be worn |
Nombres | atavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuario | A covering designed to be worn on a person's body |
uso | The act of having on your person as a covering or adornment |
Sentido | Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain / strain / strain or stress. | |
Sinónimos | abrigos y chaquetas, agotar, cansarse, cansar, fatigar | |
Causa de | aburrirse, cansarse, cansar, fatigarse, fatigar, hastiarse | Lose interest or become bored with something or somebody |
Específico | agotar, extenuar, fatigar con exceso, rendir, vencer | Tire excessively |
agotarse, agotar | wear out completely | |
General | indisponer | Cause to feel unwell |
Contrario | refrescar | make fresh again |
Inglés | tire, wear upon, tire out, wear, weary, jade, wear out, outwear, wear down, fag out, fag, fatigue | |
Catalán | abatre, cansar-se, cansar, fatigar-se, fatigar | |
Nombres | agotamiento, cansancio, desfallecimiento, extenuación, fatiga, lasitud | temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work |
desgaste | impairment resulting from long use | |
jaco, jamelgo, penco, rocinante, rocín | An old or over-worked horse |
Sentido | Take somebody somewhere. | |
Sinónimos | apoderar, conducir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar | |
Específico | balizar | Guide with a beacon / beacon |
desorientar, despistar | Lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions | |
guiar | Take (someone) to their seats / seats / seats, as in theaters or auditoriums | |
Inglés | lead, take, direct, conduct, guide | |
Catalán | apoderar, conduir, copar, dirigir, encaminar, guiar, portar | |
Nombres | acomodador, guía | someone employed to conduct others |
autoridad, dirigente, líder | A person who rules or guides or inspires others |
Sentido | transport in a vehicle. | |
Sinónimos | acarrear, cargar, transportar | |
Específico | transportar en vagones | haul truck trailers loaded with commodities on railroad cars |
General | cargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportar | Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
Inglés | haul | |
Catalán | arrossegar, estirar, tirar, traginar, transportar | |
Nombres | acarreo, arrastre, tirón, transporte | The act of drawing or hauling / hauling something |
camionaje, transporte por camión, transporte terrestre | The activity of transporting goods by truck | |
contratista de transportes, transportista | A haulage contractor |
Sentido | Be dressed in. | |
Sinónimo | vestir | |
Implica | vestirse, vestir | Put on clothes |
Inglés | wear, have on | |
Catalán | dur, portar | |
Adjetivo | llevable | Suitable for wear or able to be worn |
Nombres | atavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuario | A covering designed to be worn on a person's body |
Sentido | bear or be able to bear the weight, pressure,or responsibility of. | |
General | apoyar, soportar, sostener | Be the physical support of |
Inglés | carry | |
Nombres | portaequipajes | A rack attached to a vehicle |
Sentido | go or come after and bring or take back. | |
Sinónimos | acercar, coger, portar, traer | |
Implica | acercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venir | Move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody |
Específico | despachar, entregar, librar | Bring to a destination, make a delivery |
General | canalizar, conducir, encauzar, transferir, transmitir, transportar | Send from one person or place to another |
Contrario | llevarse | Remove from a certain place, environment, or mental or emotional state |
Similar | acarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportar | Take something or somebody with oneself somewhere |
Inglés | bring, get, convey, fetch | |
Catalán | agafar, dur, portar, transportar | |
Nombres | transferencia, transporte | The act of moving something from one location to another |
Sentido | propel or give impetus to. | |
General | impeler, impulsar, propulsar | Cause to move forward with force |
Similar | cargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportar | Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
Inglés | carry |
Sentido | require (time or space). | |
Sinónimos | apoderar, copar, ocupar, tomar | |
General | acabar, agotar, esgrimir, usar, utilizar | use up, consume fully |
Similar | agotar, comer, consumir, disminuir, ingerir, mermar, reducir | use up (resources or materials) |
Inglés | take, occupy, use up | |
Catalán | agafar, apoderar, copar, ocupar, prendre |
Sentido | Have with oneself; have on one's person. | |
Sinónimos | cargar, copar, portar | |
General | disfrutar, presentar, quedar, tener | Have as a feature |
Inglés | carry, pack, take | |
Catalán | carregar, conduir, copar, dur, percebre, portar, rebre, tornar |
Sentido | attract strongly, as if with a magnet. | |
Sinónimos | embriagar, embrujar, encantar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, magnetizar | |
General | incitar, influenciar, influir, tentar | induce into action by using one's charm |
Inglés | magnetize, mesmerize, mesmerise, magnetise, bewitch, spellbind | |
Catalán | embruixar, encantar, encisar, fascinar, hipnotitzar, magnetitzar | |
Nombres | imán | (physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field |
magnetización | The extent or degree to which something is magnetized |
Sentido | Put clothing on one's body. | |
Sinónimos | ponerse, vestir | |
Específico | ponerse un pañuelo | wrap in or adorn with a scarf |
probarse | Put on a garment in order to see whether it fits and looks nice | |
tocarse | Put on or wear a hat | |
General | vestirse, vestir | Put on clothes |
Inglés | wear, put on, get into, don, assume | |
Catalán | portar, posar-se, vestir-se, vestir | |
Adjetivo | llevable | Suitable for wear or able to be worn |
Nombres | atavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuario | A covering designed to be worn on a person's body |
Sentido | propel, "Carry the ball". | |
Sinónimos | alcanzar, driblar | |
Categoría | atletismo, deporte, deportes | An active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition |
General | chutar, pegar | Cause to move by striking |
Inglés | dribble, carry | |
Catalán | driblar | |
Nombres | dribling, gambeta, regate | The propulsion of a ball by repeated taps or kicks |
Sentido | transfer (entries) from one account book to another. | |
Sinónimo | actualizar | |
General | transbordar, transferir, transmitir | Move from one place to another |
Inglés | post, carry |
Sentido | Have on hand. | |
Sinónimo | acarrear | |
General | detentar, ostentar, poseer, sustentar, tener | Have or possess / possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense |
Inglés | stock, carry, stockpile | |
Catalán | portar, traginar | |
Nombres | acervo, acopio, repuesto, reserva, retén | A supply of something available for future use |
almacenista | One (as a retailer or distributor / distributor) that stocks goods | |
inventario | The merchandise that a shop / shop has on hand | |
reserva, reservas | Something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose | |
reservas | A storage pile accumulated for future use |
Sentido | Pass on a communication. | |
General | comunicar, informar, transmitir | transmit information |
Similar | cargar, efectuar, llevar, portar, transportar | Move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body |
Inglés | carry |
Sentido | Cause to undertake a certain action / action. | |
General | causar, estimular, hacer, incentivar, inducir, ocasionar, producir, provocar | Cause to do |
Inglés | lead | |
Nombres | autoridad, dirigente, líder | A person who rules or guides or inspires others |
Sentido | Secure the passage or adoption (of bills and motions). | |
Sinónimo | aprobarse | |
General | adquirir, conseguir, lograr, obtener | Come into possession of |
Inglés | carry |
Sentido | set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for. | |
Sinónimos | conducir, incoar, iniciar, originar | |
General | comenzar, empezar, estrenar, incoar, iniciar, originar | Bring into being |
Inglés | lead up, initiate | |
Catalán | conduir a, incoar, iniciar, originar, portar a | |
Adjetivo | inaugural, iniciador, iniciativo, primer, primero | Serving to set in motion |
Nombres | desencadenamiento, inducción, iniciación | An act that sets in motion some course of events |
Sentido | buy, select. | |
Categoría | comercialismo, comercio, mercantilismo, mercantilización | transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services) |
General | adquirir, comprar, mercar | Obtain by purchase |
También | dibujar, quitar, retirar, sacar, suprimir | Remove (a commodity) from (a supply source) |
Inglés | take |
Sentido | Provoke or excite. | |
General | causar, emocionar, estimular, excitar, incentivar, revolver | Stir feelings in |
Similar | aprovechar, exploit, explotar | Use or manipulate to one's advantage |
Inglés | work |
Sentido | Bring into a different state. | |
General | alterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variar | Cause to change |
También | alimentar, criar, educar, formar, ser padre | Bring up |
bajar, cortar, rebajar, recortar, reducir | cut down on | |
Inglés | bring, land | |
Catalán | portar |
Sentido | Include as the content; broadcast or publicize. | |
General | difundir, diseminar, dispensar, dispersar, distribuir, divulgar, esparcir, propagar, repartir | Cause to become widely known |
Inglés | carry, run |
Sentido | Give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift. | |
General | transportar | Move something or somebody around |
También | arrancar, coger, desplumar, escoger, pelar, repuntar | look for and gather |
Inglés | pick up |
Sentido | Cause something to pass or lead somewhere. | |
General | entregar, pasar | Cause to pass |
Similar | encaminar, guiar, pasar, recorrer | pass over, across, or through |
ir | change or be different within limits | |
Inglés | run, lead |
Sentido | Have or show an appearance of. | |
General | disfrutar, presentar, quedar, tener | Have as a feature |
Inglés | wear | |
Catalán | dur, portar, vestir |
Sentido | Lead, extend, or afford access. | |
Sinónimos | dar, ir | |
General | estar, haber | Occupy a certain position or area |
Inglés | go, lead | |
Catalán | anar, donar, portar |
Sentido | Be accompanied by. | |
Sinónimo | traer | |
Implica | acercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venir | Move toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody |
Similar | acarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportar | Take something or somebody with oneself somewhere |
Inglés | bring | |
Catalán | dur, portar |
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