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Related WikiPedia: encantar
Español 9 sentidos de la palabra encantar:
VERBOemotionencantar, adorar, disfrutar, gozarget pleasure from
emotionencantar, captar, capturar, cautivar, conquistar, deleitar, enamorar, fascinarattract
emotionencantar, agradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, gustar, halagargive pleasure to or be pleasing to
contactencantar, acostarse, cachar, cepillarse, chingar, coger, conocer, copular, culear, follarse, follar, garchar, hacer el amor, jalar, joder, pichar, saber, tirarse, tirar, vergarhave sexual intercourse with
communicationencantar, embrujar, hechizarcast a spell over someone or something
emotionencantar, arrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, deleitar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, fascinar, raptar, transportarhold spellbound
communicationencantar, embriagar, embrujar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, llevar, magnetizarattract strongly, as if with a magnet
emotionencantar, aferrar, atrapar, cautivar, fascinar, hechizar, inmovilizarto render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe
socialencantarcontrol by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 1, emotion
SentidoGet pleasure from.
Sinónimosadorar, disfrutar, gozar
Generalagradar, disfrutar, gustarFind enjoyable or agreeable
Ingléslove, enjoy
Catalánadorar, disfrutar, encantar, fruir, gaudir
Nombresaficionada, aficionado, amante, amiga, amigo, apasionada, apasionado, devota, devoto, entusiasta, fanática, fanáticoAn ardent follower and admirer
amante, enamorada, enamoradoA person who loves someone or is loved by someone
amor, devoción, pasiónAny object of warm affection or devotion
amorA strong positive emotion of regard and affection
deleitación, deleite, diversiónAct of receiving pleasure from something
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 2, emotion
Sentidoattract; cause to be enamored.
Sinónimoscaptar, capturar, cautivar, conquistar, deleitar, enamorar, fascinar
Generalapelar, atraerBe attractive to
Ingléscapture, enamour, trance, catch, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchant
Cataláncaptar, captivar, capturar, delectar, embruixar, enamorar, encantar, encisar, extasiar, fascinar, fetillar, seduir
Nombresadulador, encantadora, encantador, zalameroA person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness)
arrebato, embeleso, éxtasisA feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment
atracción, embebecimiento, embeleso, fascinación, hechizoA feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual
atractivo, encanto, gancho, seducciónAttractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
cautivación, fascinaciónThe state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror)
cobista, pelota, smoothiesomeone with an assured and ingratiating manner
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, tranceA psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
partidoA person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 3, emotion
SentidoGive pleasure to or be pleasing to.
Sinónimosagradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, gustar, halagar
Causa deagradar, disfrutar, gustarFind enjoyable or agreeable
gustarBe fond of
Implicado porcosquillear, excitarexcite pleasurably or erotically
Específicoarrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, deleitar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, encantar, fascinar, raptar, transportarhold spellbound
ganarse el cariñomake attractive or lovable
Generalcomplacer, gratificar, gustar, satisfacermake happy or satisfied
Contrariodesagradar, disgustar, ofenderGive displeasure to
Inglésplease, delight
Catalánafalagar, agradar, amoixar, complaure, delectar, delitar-se, disfrutar, encantar, plaure
Adjetivoagradable, grato, placentero, simpáticoaffording pleasure
Nombresalegría, deleite, delicia, gozada, gozo, placerSomething or someone that provides a source of happiness
delectación, deleite, delicia, goceA feeling of extreme / extreme pleasure or satisfaction
goce, placerA fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience
placerAn activity that affords enjoyment
ídoloA pleasing entertainer
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 4, contact
SentidoHave sexual intercourse with.
Sinónimosacostarse, cachar, cepillarse, chingar, coger, conocer, copular, culear, follarse, follar, garchar, hacer el amor, jalar, joder, pichar, saber, tirarse, tirar, vergar
Implicado poranotar, comerse, marcar, seducirinduce to have sex
consumarfulfill sexually
Específicofornicarhave sex without being married
Generalaparearse, aparear, copular, emparejarseEngage in sexual intercourse
Similaracariciarse, besuquearsekiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion
Uso dearcaismo, arcaísmoThe use of an archaic expression
Ingléssleep together, roll in the hay, love, make out, make love, sleep with, get laid, have sex, know, do it, be intimate, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, screw, fuck, jazz, eff, hump, lie with, bed, have a go at it, bang, get it on, bonk
Cataláncardar, encantar, fer l'amor, fer un clau, follar, fotre un clau, fotre, saber, tirar-se
Nombresachuchón, caliqueño, cardar, casquete, chinga, clavo, culo, echar un polvo, follada, follar, fornicar, joder, kiki, mantecao, polvete, polvo, puñetero, revolcónslang for sexual intercourse
amorA deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction
cama, lechoA piece of furniture that provides a place to sleep
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 5, communication
Sentidocast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something.
Sinónimosembrujar, hechizar
Específicohacer vudúbewitch by or as if by a voodoo
hechizarplace under a spell
GeneralencantarControl by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
Ingléshex, bewitch, glamour, witch, enchant, jinx
Catalánembruixar, encantar
Nombresaojo, autería, brujería, hechicería, hechizo, maleficio, sortilegioThe art of sorcery
atractivo, glamour, hechizoalluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)
brujaA being (usually female) imagined to have special powers derived from the devil
bruja, encantadora, hechiceraA female sorcerer or magician
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, tranceA psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
embrujo, encantamiento, encantoA magical spell
encantadora, encantador, hechicera, hechiceroA sorcerer or magician
hex, maldiciónAn evil spell
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 6, emotion
Sentidohold spellbound.
Sinónimosarrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, deleitar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, fascinar, raptar, transportar
Generalagradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagarGive pleasure to or be pleasing to
Contrariodesencantar, desilusionarFree from enchantment
Inglésenchant, enrapture, transport, enthrall, ravish, enthral, delight
Catalánarrabassar, captivar, disfrutar, embadalir, embaladir, encantar, encisar, fascinar
Nombresarrebatamiento, exaltación, éxtasisA state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion
arrebato, embeleso, éxtasisA feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment
atracción, embebecimiento, embeleso, fascinación, hechizoA feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, tranceA psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation
embrujo, encantamiento, encantoA magical spell
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 7, communication
Sentidoattract strongly, as if with a magnet.
Sinónimosembriagar, embrujar, fascinar, hechizar, hipnotizar, llevar, magnetizar
Generalincitar, influenciar, influir, tentarinduce into action by using one's charm
Inglésmagnetize, mesmerize, mesmerise, magnetise, bewitch, spellbind
Catalánembruixar, encantar, encisar, fascinar, hipnotitzar, magnetitzar
Nombresimán(physics) a device that attracts iron and produces a magnetic field
magnetizaciónThe extent or degree to which something is magnetized
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 8, emotion
SentidoTo render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe.
Sinónimosaferrar, atrapar, cautivar, fascinar, hechizar, inmovilizar
Generalaficionar, interesarse, interesarexcite the curiosity of
Inglésfascinate, transfix, grip, spellbind
Catalánaferrar, atrapar, captivar, embruixar, encantar, encisar, fascinar
Nombrescautivación, fascinaciónThe state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror)
controlAn intellectual hold or understanding
Españolencantar: 9 sentidos verbo 9, social
SentidoControl by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft.
Específicoembrujar, encantar, hechizarcast a spell over someone or something
Generalcomandar, controlar, dominar, mandarExercise authoritative control or power over
Ingléscharm, becharm
Catalánencantar, encisar
Nombreshechizo, sortilegioA verbal / verbal formula believed to have magical force

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