Español > deleitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 2, emotionSentido | attract; cause to be enamored. |
Sinónimos | captar, capturar, cautivar, conquistar, enamorar, encantar, fascinar |
General | apelar, atraer | Be attractive to |
Inglés | capture, enamour, trance, catch, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchant |
Catalán | captar, captivar, capturar, delectar, embruixar, enamorar, encantar, encisar, extasiar, fascinar, fetillar, seduir |
Nombres | adulador, encantadora, encantador, zalamero | A person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness) |
arrebato, embeleso, éxtasis | A feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment |
atracción, embebecimiento, embeleso, fascinación, hechizo | A feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual |
atractivo, encanto, gancho, seducción | Attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates |
cautivación, fascinación | The state of being intensely interested (as by awe or terror) |
cobista, pelota, smoothie | someone with an assured and ingratiating manner |
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, trance | A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation |
partido | A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect |
Español > deleitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 3, emotionSentido | Give pleasure to or be pleasing to. |
Sinónimos | agradar, complacer, deleitarse, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagar |
Causa de | agradar, disfrutar, gustar | Find enjoyable or agreeable |
gustar | Be fond of |
Implicado por | cosquillear, excitar | excite pleasurably or erotically |
Específico | arrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, deleitar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, encantar, fascinar, raptar, transportar | hold spellbound |
ganarse el cariño | make attractive or lovable |
General | complacer, gratificar, gustar, satisfacer | make happy or satisfied |
Contrario | desagradar, disgustar, ofender | Give displeasure to |
Inglés | please, delight |
Catalán | afalagar, agradar, amoixar, complaure, delectar, delitar-se, disfrutar, encantar, plaure |
Adjetivo | agradable, grato, placentero, simpático | affording pleasure |
Nombres | alegría, deleite, delicia, gozada, gozo, placer | Something or someone that provides a source of happiness |
delectación, deleite, delicia, goce | A feeling of extreme / extreme pleasure or satisfaction |
goce, placer | A fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience |
placer | An activity that affords enjoyment |
ídolo | A pleasing entertainer |
Español > deleitar: 4 sentidos > verbo 4, emotionSentido | hold spellbound. |
Sinónimos | arrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, encantar, fascinar, raptar, transportar |
General | agradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagar | Give pleasure to or be pleasing to |
Contrario | desencantar, desilusionar | Free from enchantment |
Inglés | enchant, enrapture, transport, enthrall, ravish, enthral, delight |
Catalán | arrabassar, captivar, disfrutar, embadalir, embaladir, encantar, encisar, fascinar |
Nombres | arrebatamiento, exaltación, éxtasis | A state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion |
arrebato, embeleso, éxtasis | A feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment |
atracción, embebecimiento, embeleso, fascinación, hechizo | A feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual |
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, trance | A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation |
embrujo, encantamiento, encanto | A magical spell |