Español > raptar: 2 sentidos > verbo 1, contactSentido | take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom. |
Sinónimos | abducir, coger, pescar, secuestrar |
Categoría | crimen, delito, delitos, infracción | (criminal law) an act punishable by law |
General | apoderarse, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prender, tomar | Take or capture by force |
Inglés | kidnap, nobble, abduct, snatch |
Catalán | agafar, prendre, raptar, segrestar |
Nombres | capturador, raptora, raptor, secuestradora, secuestrador | someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom) |
rapto, secuestro | (law) the unlawful / unlawful / unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment |
rapto, secuestro | The criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force a family member |
Español > raptar: 2 sentidos > verbo 2, emotionSentido | hold spellbound. |
Sinónimos | arrebatar, arrobar, cautivar, deleitar, disfrutar, embelesar, embelezar, enajenar, encantar, fascinar, transportar |
General | agradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagar | Give pleasure to or be pleasing to |
Contrario | desencantar, desilusionar | Free from enchantment |
Inglés | enchant, enrapture, transport, enthrall, ravish, enthral, delight |
Catalán | arrabassar, captivar, disfrutar, embadalir, embaladir, encantar, encisar, fascinar |
Nombres | arrebatamiento, exaltación, éxtasis | A state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion |
arrebato, embeleso, éxtasis | A feeling of delight at being filled with wonder and enchantment |
atracción, embebecimiento, embeleso, fascinación, hechizo | A feeling of great liking for something wonderful and unusual |
conjuro, encantamiento, encanto, hechizo, trance | A psychological state induced by (or as if induced by) a magical incantation |
embrujo, encantamiento, encanto | A magical spell |