VERBO | social | ofender, insultar, transgredir, violar, vulnerar | act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises |
emotion | ofender, chocar, consternar, deshonrar, escandalizar, horrorizar, impactar, indignar, insultar | strike with disgust or revulsion | |
emotion | ofender, dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar | hurt the feelings of | |
emotion | ofender, herir, insultar, picar | cause to feel resentment or indignation | |
communication | ofender, afrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ultrajar | treat, mention, or speak to rudely | |
emotion | ofender, desagradar, disgustar | give displeasure to |
Sentido | hurt the feelings of. | |
Sinónimos | dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar | |
Específico | afrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ofender, ultrajar | treat, mention, or speak to rudely |
apocar, degradar, despreciar, humillar, mortificar | Cause to feel shame | |
General | causar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitar | Call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses) |
Inglés | hurt, wound, injure, bruise, offend, spite | |
Catalán | danyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre | |
Adjetivo | ofensiva, ofensivo | Causing anger / anger or annoyance |
Nombres | atentado, descortesía, injuria, ofensa | A lack of politeness |
despecho, insidia, malicia | Feeling a need to see others suffer | |
putería, rencor, resentimiento | malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty |
Sentido | Cause to feel resentment or indignation. | |
Sinónimos | herir, insultar, picar | |
Causa de | ofenderse, resentirse | Feel bitter or indignant about |
General | cabrear, enfadar, enojar | make angry |
Inglés | pique, offend | |
Catalán | atacar, insultar, irritar, ofendre | |
Adjetivo | ofensiva, ofensivo | Causing anger / anger or annoyance |
Nombres | humor, irritación, resentimiento | A sudden outburst of anger / anger |
ofensa, resentimiento | A feeling of anger caused by being offended |
Sentido | treat, mention, or speak to rudely. | |
Sinónimos | afrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ultrajar | |
General | dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar, ofender | hurt the feelings of |
Inglés | diss, insult, affront | |
Catalán | afrontar, insultar, ultratjar | |
Nombres | afrenta, agravio, insulto, ofensa | A deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect |
contumelia, insulto, revilement | A rude expression / expression intended to offend or hurt |
Sentido | Give displeasure to. | |
Sinónimos | desagradar, disgustar | |
Causa de | desagradar, detestar | Have or feel a dislike or distaste for |
Específico | agobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vejar | Cause annoyance in |
decepcionar, descontentar | fail to satisfy | |
rechazar, repeler, repulsar | Be repellent to | |
Contrario | agradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagar | Give pleasure to or be pleasing to |
Inglés | displease | |
Catalán | desagradar, descontentar, desplaure, disgustar, ofendre | |
Nombres | desagrado, disgusto, grima, mohína | The feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something |
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