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Español 6 sentidos de la palabra ofender:
VERBOsocialofender, insultar, transgredir, violar, vulneraract in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises
emotionofender, chocar, consternar, deshonrar, escandalizar, horrorizar, impactar, indignar, insultarstrike with disgust or revulsion
emotionofender, dañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionarhurt the feelings of
emotionofender, herir, insultar, picarcause to feel resentment or indignation
communicationofender, afrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ultrajartreat, mention, or speak to rudely
emotionofender, desagradar, disgustargive displeasure to
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 1, social
SentidoAct in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises.
Sinónimosinsultar, transgredir, violar, vulnerar
Específicocometerbreak the law
contravenir, infringirgo against, as of rules and laws
joderla, meter la pata, pecar, pifiarCommit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake
pecarcommit a sin
Contrariocumplir, mantenerconform one's action or practice to
Ingléstransgress, offend, infract, violate, go against, breach, break
Cataláninsultar, transgredir, vulnerar
Adjetivodesagradable, ofensivomorally offensive
violableCapable of being violated / violated / violated / violated / violated
Nombresbrecha, incumplimientoA failure to perform some promised act or obligation
contravención, delito menor, delito, falta, infracción, ofensa, violaciónA crime less serious than a felony
crimen, delito, delitos, infracciónA transgression that constitutes a violation of what is judged to be right
delincuente, infractor, malhechorA person who transgresses moral or civil law
malhechor, transgresor, trasgresorsomeone who transgresses
transgresión, trasgresiónThe act of transgressing
transgresor, trasgresorsomeone who violates the law
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 2, emotion
Sentidostrike with disgust or revulsion.
Sinónimoschocar, consternar, deshonrar, escandalizar, horrorizar, impactar, indignar, insultar
Generalasquear, repugnarCause aversion in
Inglésshock, offend, scandalize, scandalise, appal, appall, outrage
Catalánescandalitzar, espantar, horroritzar, indignar, insultar, ofendre, sobresaltar, sobtar, ultratjar, xocar
Adjetivoasqueroso, horrible, nauseabundo, nauseoso, nocivo, ofensivoCausing or able to cause nausea
desagradable, ofensivounpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
desagradable, ofensivomorally offensive
Nombresatrocidad, escándalo público, ultrajeThe act of scandalizing
aturdimiento, conmoción, estuporThe feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens / happens accidentally
comentarios malintencionados, habladuríasdisgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people
escándaloA disgraceful event
indignaciónA feeling of righteous anger
sinvergüenzaA shockingly bad person
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 3, emotion
Sentidohurt the feelings of.
Sinónimosdañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar
Específicoafrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ofender, ultrajartreat, mention, or speak to rudely
apocar, degradar, despreciar, humillar, mortificarCause to feel shame
Generalcausar, despertar, estimular, evocar, excitar, incitar, provocar, suscitarCall forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Ingléshurt, wound, injure, bruise, offend, spite
Catalándanyar, ferir, fer mal, insultar, lesionar, nafrar, ofendre
Adjetivoofensiva, ofensivoCausing anger / anger or annoyance
Nombresatentado, descortesía, injuria, ofensaA lack of politeness
despecho, insidia, maliciaFeeling a need to see others suffer
putería, rencor, resentimientomalevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 4, emotion
SentidoCause to feel resentment or indignation.
Sinónimosherir, insultar, picar
Causa deofenderse, resentirseFeel bitter or indignant about
Generalcabrear, enfadar, enojarmake angry
Ingléspique, offend
Catalánatacar, insultar, irritar, ofendre
Adjetivoofensiva, ofensivoCausing anger / anger or annoyance
Nombreshumor, irritación, resentimientoA sudden outburst of anger / anger
ofensa, resentimientoA feeling of anger caused by being offended
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 5, communication
Sentidotreat, mention, or speak to rudely.
Sinónimosafrentar, agraviar, injuriar, insultar, ultrajar
Generaldañar, herir, insultar, lastimar, lesionar, ofenderhurt the feelings of
Inglésdiss, insult, affront
Catalánafrontar, insultar, ultratjar
Nombresafrenta, agravio, insulto, ofensaA deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect
contumelia, insulto, revilementA rude expression / expression intended to offend or hurt
Españolofender: 6 sentidos verbo 6, emotion
SentidoGive displeasure to.
Sinónimosdesagradar, disgustar
Causa dedesagradar, detestarHave or feel a dislike or distaste for
Específicoagobiar, enfadar, fastidiar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, mortificar, provocar, vejarCause annoyance in
decepcionar, descontentarfail to satisfy
rechazar, repeler, repulsarBe repellent to
Contrarioagradar, complacer, deleitarse, deleitar, disfrutar, encantar, gustar, halagarGive pleasure to or be pleasing to
Catalándesagradar, descontentar, desplaure, disgustar, ofendre
Nombresdesagrado, disgusto, grima, mohínaThe feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something

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