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Related WikiPedia: preservar
Español 8 sentidos de la palabra preservar:
VERBOcompetitionpreservar, amparar, defender, guarecer, proteger, resguardarshield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage / damage
changepreservar, conservarprevent (food) from rotting
stativepreservar, continuar, mantener, persistir, seguir, sustentarkeep or maintain in unaltered condition
possessionpreservar, conservar, llevar, mantenerkeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction
possessionpreservar, ahorrar, conservar, resguardarto keep up and reserve for personal or special use
stativepreservar, conservarmaintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger
possessionpreservar, conservar, economizaruse cautiously and frugally
changepreservar, conservarpreserve with sugar
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 1, competition
Sentidoshield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage / damage.
Sinónimosamparar, defender, guarecer, proteger, resguardar
Implicado porconvoyarescort in transit
ir de carabinaAccompany as a chaperone
Específicoasegurartake out insurance for
cercar, circundar, murar, rodearSurround with a wall in order to fortify
conservar, preservarMaintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger
cubrirprotect or defend (a position in a game / game / game)
cubrirhold within range of an aimed firearm
custodiar, defenderprotect against a challenge or attack / attack / attack
custodiar, guardar, proteger, resguardar, salvaguardarwatch over or shield from danger / danger or harm
encubrirProvide an excuse or alibi for someone so as to cover up guilt
escudar, protegerprotect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm
immunizar(law) grant immunity from prosecution
proteger, vigilarTo protect someone's interests
salvaguardarmake safe
sobreprotegerprotect excessively
Generaldefender, evitarBe on the defensive
Catalánpreservar, protegir
Adjetivoproteccionista, protectorIntended or adapted to afford protection of some kind
Nombresapoderado, defensor, guardia, guardián, protector, tutor, valedorA person who cares for persons or property
guarda, guardia, protecciónThe activity of protecting someone or something
protecciónA covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 2, change
Sentidoprevent (food) from rotting.
Específicoconservar, preservarpreserve with sugar
curarPrepare by drying, salting, or chemical processing in order to preserve
deshidratarpreserve by rapid freezing and subsequently drying in a vacuum
encurtirpreserve in a pickling liquid / liquid
enlatar, envasar, poderpreserve in a can or tin / tin
poner en salmuera, salarpreserve with salt
refrigerarpreserve by chilling
salarpreserve with salt
Generalcocinar, confeccionar, crear, formar, guisar, prepararPrepare for eating by applying heat
Similaraguantar, conservarse, conservar, durar, guardarse, guardar, mantenerse fresco, mantenerse, quedarfail to spoil or rot
Ingléspreserve, keep
Catalánconservar, preservar
Adjetivopreservativotending or having the power to preserve
Nombresconserva, conservasfruit preserved by cooking with sugar
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 3, stative
SentidoKeep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last / last.
Sinónimoscontinuar, mantener, persistir, seguir, sustentar
Específicocurriculum vitae, proseguir, reanudar, reiniciar, retomartake up or begin anew
mantenerse, perdurar, perseverar, persistir, subsistirBe persistent, refuse to stop
perpetuarCause to continue or prevail
prolongar, sostenerlengthen or extend in duration or space
Generalconservar, mantener, sostenerKeep in a certain state, position, or activity
Contrarioacabar, cesar, dejar, descatalogar, descontinuar, discontinuar, parar, terminarput an end to a state or an activity
Similaravanzar, continuar, proceder, proseguir, seguirMove ahead
continuar, guardar, proseguir, seguirContinue a certain state, condition, or activity
Ingléscontinue, uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve
Cataláncontinuar, persistir, seguir
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 4, possession
SentidoKeep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction.
Sinónimosconservar, llevar, mantener
Específicoembalsamarpreserve a dead body
Inglésconserve, preserve, maintain, keep up
Catalánconservar, preservar
Adjetivopreservativotending or having the power to preserve
NombresconservaciónThe preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources
conservación, preservaciónAn occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change
mantenimientoactivity involved in maintaining something in good working order
preservaciónThe activity of protecting something from loss or danger
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 5, possession
SentidoTo keep up and reserve for personal or special use.
Sinónimosahorrar, conservar, resguardar
Implicado porreciclar, recuperarreuse (materials from waste products)
Específicoconservar, economizar, preservarUse cautiously and frugally
consignar, entrar, hacer constar, introducir, registrarmake a record of
Generalconservar, guardar, mantener, quedar, sostenerRetain possession of
Ingléssave, preserve
Catalánconservar, preservar, resguardar
Nombresahorradorsomeone who saves (especially money)
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 6, stative
SentidoMaintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger.
Generalamparar, defender, guarecer, preservar, proteger, resguardarshield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage / damage
Ingléskeep, preserve
Catalánconservar, preservar
NombrespreservaciónThe activity of protecting something from loss or danger
preservadorsomeone who keeps safe from harm or danger
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 7, possession
SentidoUse cautiously and frugally.
Sinónimosconservar, economizar
Generalahorrar, conservar, preservar, resguardarTo keep up and reserve for personal or special use
Contrarioarrojar, desgastar, desperdiciar, malgastarspend thoughtlessly
Inglésconserve, husband, economize, economise
Catalánconservar, economitzar, preservar
Nombresahorrador, economizadorA frugal person who limits spending and avoids waste
ahorroAn act of economizing
economíafrugality in the expenditure of money or resources
economíaThe efficient use of resources
Españolpreservar: 8 sentidos verbo 8, change
Sentidopreserve with sugar.
Categoríacocción, cocinaThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Generalconservar, preservarprevent (food) from rotting
Catalánconservar, preservar
Nombresconserva, conservasfruit preserved by cooking with sugar

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