Sentido | The act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat. |
Sinónimo | cocina |
Categoría de | acaramelar, caramelizar | convert to caramel |
achicharrar, carbonizar, chamuscar, requemar | Burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color / color |
aclarar, clarificar, dilucidar | make clear by removing impurities or solids, as by heating |
aderezar, aliñar, condimentar, especiar, sazonar | add herbs or spices / spices to |
adobar, escabechar, marinar | soak in marinade |
adobar, condimentar, dar sabor, sazonar | lend flavor to |
adornar con escarcha, alcorzar, escarchar | decorate with frosting |
agitar | Stir (cream) vigorously in order to make butter |
alcoholizar | make alcoholic, as by fermenting |
alegrar, añadir alcohol, echar licor, fortalecer, fortificar | add alcohol to (beverages) |
aliñar | put a dressing on |
apañar, improvisar | Prepare or cook quickly or hastily |
asar | cook outdoors on a barbecue grill |
asar en sartén | roast in a pan |
asarse, asar, rostir, rustirse, rustir, tostar | cook with dry heat, usually in an oven |
asarse, asar, cocer, enhornar, hornear | cook and make edible by putting in a hot oven |
batir, revolver | Stir vigorously |
batir, golpear | Whip with or as if with a wire whisk |
bañar, rociar | Cover with liquid / liquid before cooking |
bañar en salmuera, conservar en salmuera, salar | soak in brine |
calamares, calamar, teuthida | (Italian cuisine) squid prepared as food |
caramelizarse, caramelizar | Be converted into caramel |
cocer al vapor | cook something by letting steam pass over it |
cocer en barro | stew in an earthenware jug |
cocinar, guisar, preparar | Prepare a hot meal |
confeccionar | Prepare or cook by mixing ingredients |
conservar, preservar | preserve with sugar |
curry | (East Indian cookery) a pungent dish of vegetables or meats flavored with curry powder and usually eaten with rice |
dar sabor, saborear, saborizar | Give taste to |
derretir | melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities |
dorar, garapiñar, gratinar, torrarse, tostar | fry in a pan until it changes color / color |
dragar, espolvorear | Cover before cooking |
echar jengibre | add ginger / ginger to in order to add flavor |
echar pimienta, salpimentar | add pepper to |
embutir, rellenar | Fill with a stuffing while cooking |
empanar, empanizar | Cover with bread crumbs |
empanar | coat with bread crumbs |
emparrillar | cook over a grill |
encurtir | preserve in a pickling liquid / liquid |
enharinar | Cover with flour |
enlatar, envasar, poder | preserve in a can or tin / tin |
enmascarar, salsear | Cover with a sauce |
enriquecer, fortalecer, fortificar, substanciar, sustanciar | add nutrients to |
escaldar, sancochar | cook (vegetables) briefly |
estofar, guisar | cook slowly and for a long time in liquid / liquid |
filetear | cut into filets / filets |
freír en sartén | fry in a pan |
freírse, freír | cook on a hot surface using fat |
hallah, jalá | (Judaism) a loaf of white bread containing eggs and leavened with yeast |
hervir excesivamente | Boil excessively |
hornear | bake in a kiln so as to harden |
hornear | bake in an oven |
mechar | Prepare or cook with lard |
montar | make creamy by beating |
poner | put on the stove or ready for cooking |
poner en salmuera, salar | preserve with salt |
precocinar | cook beforehand so that the actual preparation won't take long |
preparar al curry | season with a mixture / mixture of spices |
rebozar | coat / coat with beaten egg |
reducir | Be cooked until very little liquid / liquid is left |
rehogarse, rehogar | cook in liquid / liquid |
salar | preserve with salt |
salar | cure by salting |
salar | add salt to |
salsear | Dress (food) with a relish |
saltear | fry briefly over high heat |
tostar | make brown and crisp by heating |
Partes | aliño | The act of adding a seasoning to food |
Específico | arte culinario, cocina, gastronomía | The practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared |
asado, asar, brasear | cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill) |
braseado | cooking slowly in fat in a closed pot with little moisture |
caza furtiva | cooking in simmering liquid / liquid |
ebullición | cooking in a liquid / liquid that has been brought to a boil |
fritura | cooking in fat or oil in a pan or griddle |
horneado | cooking by dry heat in an oven |
General | cambio de estado | The act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics / characteristics |
Inglés | cooking, cookery, preparation |
Catalán | cocció, cocción, cuina |
Verbos | asar, cocer, cocinar, guisar | Transform and make suitable for consumption by heating |
cocinar, confeccionar, crear, formar, guisar, preparar | Prepare for eating by applying heat |
cocinar, guisar, preparar | Prepare a hot meal |