HyperDic: aguantar

Español > 19 sentidos de la palabra aguantar:
VERBOcontactaguantar, agarrar, ostentar, sostener, sujetar, sustentar, tener, tomarhave or hold in one's hands or grip
cognitionaguantar, apechar, consentir, digerir, sobrellevar, soportar, sufrir, tolerarput up with something or somebody unpleasant
contactaguantar, constreñir, contener, sujetarto close within bounds, limit or hold back / back from movement
competitionaguantar, aguantar firme, resistir, soportarstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
contactaguantar, alzar, levantarse, levantar, ponerse de pie, tolerarbe standing
stativeaguantar, desafiar, resistir, soportar, sostenerseresist or confront with resistance / resistance
communicationaguantar, consentir, permitir, soportar, tolerarallow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting
contactaguantar, agujerear, barrenar, cansar, horadar, perforar, taladrarmake a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool
stativeaguantar, tolerarbe in some specified state or condition
stativeaguantar, alzar, levantar, poner de pieoccupy a place or location, also metaphorically
contactaguantar, levantar, poner de pie, ponerse de pie, ponerput into an upright position
stativeaguantar, permanecerhold one's ground
socialaguantar, contener, retenerkeep from departing
stativeaguantar, conservarse, conservar, durar, guardarse, guardar, mantenerse fresco, mantenerse, quedarfail to spoil or rot
stativeaguantar, soportar, sostenerbe designed to hold or take
consumptionaguantardrink alcohol without showing ill effects
stativeaguantar, mantenerse, perdurar, resistir, sobrevivirhang on during a trial of endurance
stativeaguantar, estar de pieremain inactive or immobile
emotionaguantar, aburrir, cansar, fatigar, hastiarcause to be bored
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 1, contact
SentidoHave or hold in one's hands or grip.
Sinónimosagarrar, ostentar, sostener, sujetar, sustentar, tener, tomar
Implicado poragitar, balancear, blandir, esgrimir, ondear, ondular, prosperarMove or swing back and forth
Específicoacunarhold gently and carefully
aferrar, agarrar, asirhold firmly
agarrarsehold firmly, usually with one's hands
atraparhold or catch / catch as if in a trap
entrelazarhold in a locking position
Contrariodejar ir, liberar, renunciar, soltarRelease, as from one's grip
Ingléshold, take hold
Catalánaguantar, ostentar, sostenir, subjectar, sustentar
Nombresagarre, agarro, agarrónThe act of grasping
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
Sentidoput up with something or somebody unpleasant.
Sinónimosapechar, consentir, digerir, sobrellevar, soportar, sufrir, tolerar
Específicoacceptar, aceptar, tragarse, vivir conTolerate or accommodate oneself to
animarse, sobrellevarendure cheerfully
consentir, permitirTolerate or bear
Generalaprobar, consentir, dar permiso, dejar, permitir, sancionarconsent to, give permission
SimilarsufrirExperience (emotional) pain
Inglésdigest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up
Catalánaguantar, sofrir, suportar, tolerar
Adjetivoamable, indulgente, tolerantetolerant and forgiving under provocation
comprensivo, paciente, toleranteshowing the capacity for endurance
llevadero, soportable, tolerablecapable of being borne though unpleasant
Nombresaguante, resistencia física, resistenciaThe power to withstand hardship or stress / stress
toleranciaThe act of tolerating something
toleranciaA disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
SentidoTo close within bounds, limit or hold back / back from movement.
Sinónimosconstreñir, contener, sujetar
EspecíficoapriscarConfine in a fold, like sheep
atarSecure with or as if with ropes
embargarplace or shut up in a pound
encadenarRestrain or bind with chains
engrilletar, impedir, trabarRestrain with fetters
maniatarBind the arms of
Generalimposibilitar, incapacitarmake unable to perform a certain action
Inglésrestrain, confine, hold, constrain
Catalánaguantar, sostenir-se, sostenir, subjectar
Nombrescoerción, limitación, restricciónThe state of being physically constrained
custodiaA state of being confined (usually for a short time)
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 4, competition
Sentidostand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something.
Sinónimosaguantar firme, resistir, soportar
Específicoaguantar, desafiar, resistir, soportar, sostenerseresist or confront with resistance / resistance
aguantar, permanecerhold one's ground
arrostrar, exceder en corajeresist bravely
insistirBe stubborn in resolution or resistance
mantener a raya, resistir, tener a rayaResist and fight to a standoff
mantenerserefuse to back down
Generaldefenderse, defender, derrotar, enfrentarse, luchar, oponerse a, oponerse, oponer, pelearfight against or resist strongly
Tambiénaguantar, tolerarBe in some specified state or condition
conservar, mantener, sostenerKeep in a certain state, position, or activity
Contrarioabandonar, desistir, entregar, rendirGive up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another
Inglésresist, hold out, withstand, stand firm
Adjetivoinsubordinado, provocador, resistente, resistivodisposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority
NombresresistenciaThe military action of resisting the enemy's / enemy's advance
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoBe standing; be upright.
Sinónimosalzar, levantarse, levantar, ponerse de pie, tolerar
Implicaalzarse, erguirse, levantarseRise to one's feet
Causado poraguantar, levantar, poner de pie, ponerse de pie, ponerput into an upright position
Específicoponer en filaform a queue, form a line, stand in line
Generaldescansar, reposarnot move
Tambiénalzarse, erguirse, levantarseRise to one's feet
Contrarioestar sentado, sentarse, sentarBe seated
radicar, yacerBe lying, be prostrate
Similaraguantar, levantar, poner de pie, ponerse de pie, ponerput into an upright position
Inglésstand, stand up
Catalánaguantar, aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar, posar-se dempeus, tolerar
NombresposturaStanding posture
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 6, stative
Sentidoresist or confront with resistance / resistance.
Sinónimosdesafiar, resistir, soportar, sostenerse
Específicoafrontar, desafiar, perdurarface and withstand with courage
Generalaguantar firme, aguantar, resistir, soportarstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
Inglésdefy, withstand, hold, hold up
Catalánresistir, suportar
Adjetivodesafiante, provocativo, rebeldeboldly resisting authority or an opposing force
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
SentidoAllow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting.
Sinónimosconsentir, permitir, soportar, tolerar
Generalaprobar, consentir, dar permiso, dejar, permitir, sancionarconsent to, give permission
Inglésallow, permit, tolerate
Catalánaguantar, consentir, suportar, tolerar
Adjetivolaxo, permisivogranting or inclined or able to grant permission
NombresconcesiónThe act of allowing
licencia, permisoThe act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization
licencia, permisoA legal document giving official permission to do something
margenA permissible / permissible difference
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 8, contact
Sentidomake a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool.
Sinónimosagujerear, barrenar, cansar, horadar, perforar, taladrar
EspecíficoescardarInitiate drilling operations, as for petroleum
trepanarcut a hole with a trepan, as in surgery
Generalcortar, perforar, seccionarseparate with or as if with an instrument
Inglésbore, drill
Catalánaguantar, barrinar, cansar, foradar, perforar, trepar
NombresbarrenaA drill for penetrating rock / rock
barreno, taladroA hole or passage made by a drill
calibre, diámetro, medida estándardiameter of a tube or gun barrel
perforación, trepado, trepaThe act of drilling a hole in the earth in the hope of producing petroleum
taladradora, taladroA tool with a sharp point and cutting edges for making holes in hard materials (usually rotating rapidly or by repeated blows)
taladro eléctricoA rotating power drill powered by an electric motor
trepado, trepaThe act of drilling
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 9, stative
SentidoBe in some specified state or condition.
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Tambiénaguantar firme, aguantar, resistir, soportarstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
apoyarBe loyal to
aventajar, descollar, destacarse, destacar, distinguirse, resaltar, sobrepasar, sobresalirdistinguish oneself
destacar, sobresalirBe highly noticeable / noticeable
Catalánaguantar, tolerar
Nombresóptica, perspectiva, punto de vista, visiónA mental position from which things are viewed
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 10, stative
SentidoOccupy a place or location, also metaphorically.
Sinónimosalzar, levantar, poner de pie
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Catalánaguantar, aixecar, alçar, estar a peu dret, estar dempeus, estar dret, llevar, posar dret
Nombresóptica, perspectiva, punto de vista, visiónA mental position from which things are viewed
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 11, contact
Sentidoput into an upright position.
Sinónimoslevantar, poner de pie, ponerse de pie, poner
Causa deaguantar, alzar, levantarse, levantar, ponerse de pie, tolerarBe standing
Generalcolocar, dejar, depositar, poner, posar, posicionar, situar, ubicarPut into a certain place or abstract location
Similaraguantar, alzar, levantarse, levantar, ponerse de pie, tolerarBe standing
Inglésstand, stand up, place upright
Catalánaguantar, posar dret, posar-se dempeus
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 12, stative
Sentidohold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright.
Generalaguantar firme, aguantar, resistir, soportarstand up or offer resistance / resistance to somebody or something
Contrarioacceder, ceder, rendirsegive in, as to influence or pressure
Inglésstand, remain firm
Nombresóptica, perspectiva, punto de vista, visiónA mental position from which things are viewed
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 13, social
SentidoKeep from departing.
Sinónimoscontener, retener
Generalentrabar, evitar, impedir, prevenirStop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 14, stative
Sentidofail to spoil or rot.
Sinónimosconservarse, conservar, durar, guardarse, guardar, mantenerse fresco, mantenerse, quedar
Generaldescansar, mantenerse, perdurar, permanecer, quedarse, quedar, reposar, restar, seguirStay the same
Similarconservar, preservarprevent (food) from rotting
Ingléskeep, stay fresh
Catalánconservar, guardar, quedar
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 15, stative
SentidoBe designed to hold or take.
Sinónimossoportar, sostener
Generalestar, serHave the quality of being
Inglésaccept, take
Catalánagafar, aguantar, dur, portar, prendre, suportar
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 16, consumption
Sentidodrink alcohol without showing ill effects.
Generalbeber, emborracharse, soplar, tomar unas copas, tomarconsume alcohol
Ingléscarry, hold
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 17, stative
SentidoHang on during a trial of endurance.
Sinónimosmantenerse, perdurar, resistir, sobrevivir
Específicoaguantar más, quedarse más tiempo, tener más aguanteSurpass in staying power
Ingléslast out, stay, ride out, outride
Catalánaguantar, resistir
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 18, stative
SentidoRemain inactive or immobile.
Sinónimoestar de pie
Generaldescansar, mantenerse, perdurar, permanecer, quedarse, quedar, reposar, restar, seguirStay the same
Catalánaguantar, estar a peu dret, estar dempeus, estar dret, posar dret
Nombresinmovilización, parada, paralizaciónAn interruption of normal activity
Español > aguantar: 19 sentidos > verbo 19, emotion
SentidoCause to be bored.
Sinónimosaburrir, cansar, fatigar, hastiar
Contrarioaficionar, interesarse, interesarexcite the curiosity of
Inglésbore, tire
Catalánafartar, aguantar, avorrir, cansar, fastiguejar, fatigar
Nombrespelma, pelmazo, pesadoA person who evokes boredom

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