HyperDic: prevenir

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra prevenir:
VERBOsocialprevenir, estorbar, evitar, impedir, imposibilitar, prohibirkeep from happening / happening or arising
socialprevenir, entrabar, evitar, impedirstop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state
socialprevenir, alejar, atajar, capear, desviar, detener, eludir, esquivar, evitar, obviar, prohibirprevent the occurrence of
communicationprevenir, desalentar, desanimar, disuadir, evitartry to prevent
communicationprevenir, advertir, alertar, avisar, notificarnotify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk
communicationprevenir, amonestar, avisaradmonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
cognitionprevenir, anticipar, preveer, prever, saber de antemanorealize beforehand
communicationprevenirwarn in advance or beforehand
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 1, social
SentidoKeep from happening / happening or arising; make impossible.
Sinónimosestorbar, evitar, impedir, imposibilitar, prohibir
Específicoalejar, atajar, capear, desviar, detener, eludir, esquivar, evitar, obviar, prevenir, prohibirprevent the occurrence of
apenar, bloquear, dificultar, entorpecer, estorbar, impedir, obstaculizar, obstruirhinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of
bloquear, detener, estancar, obstruir, pararStop from happening / happening or developing
contrariar, defraudar, desbaratar, estafar, estropear, frustrarhinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
inhibirLimit the range or extent of
Inglésprevent, forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbid
Catalándestorbar, evitar, impedir, impossibilitar, prevenir, prohibir
Adjetivopreventivotending to prevent or hinder
NombresanticipaciónThe act of preventing something by anticipating and disposing of it effectively
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 2, social
SentidoStop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state.
Sinónimosentrabar, evitar, impedir
Específicoaguantar, contener, retenerKeep from departing
cerrar, exceptuar, excluir, privarprevent from entering
defender, evitarBe on the defensive
dificultar, entorpecer, estorbar, impedir, obstaculizarBe a hindrance or obstacle to
suspender por lluviaprevent or interrupt due to rain
Contrariodejar, permitirmake it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen / happen
Inglésprevent, keep
Catalánevitar, impedir, prevenir
Adjetivopreventivotending to prevent or hinder
NombresprevenciónThe act of preventing / preventing
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 3, social
Sentidoprevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening / happening.
Sinónimosalejar, atajar, capear, desviar, detener, eludir, esquivar, evitar, obviar, prohibir
Generalestorbar, evitar, impedir, imposibilitar, prevenir, prohibirKeep from happening / happening or arising
Inglésdebar, forefend, forfend, obviate, deflect, avert, head off, stave off, fend off, avoid, ward off
Cataláneludir, evitar, prevenir
Adjetivoevitablecapable of being avoided / avoided or warded off
NombresanticipaciónThe act of preventing something by anticipating and disposing of it effectively
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 4, communication
Sentidotry to prevent; show opposition to.
Sinónimosdesalentar, desanimar, disuadir, evitar
Generaldesaprobardeem wrong or inappropriate
Inglésdeter, discourage
Catalándesanimar, descoratjar
Adjetivodesalentador, disuasivo, disuasoriotending to deter
Nombresdesaliento, desánimoThe act of discouraging
disuasiónThe act or process of discouraging actions or preventing occurrences by instilling fear or doubt or anxiety
estorbo, freno, impedimento, obstáculoSomething immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
Sentidonotify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk.
Sinónimosadvertir, alertar, avisar, notificar
Implicado porintimidar, refrenarTo compel or deter by or as if by threats / threats
Específicoadvertir, amonestar, reprenderwarn strongly
alarmar, alertarwarn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness
amenazarTo utter intentions of injury or punishment against
prevenirwarn in advance or beforehand
Generaladvertir, anunciar, avisar, comunicar, dar información, informarImpart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to
Similaramonestar, avisar, preveniradmonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior
Catalánadvertir, avisar, notificar
Nombresadvertencia, alarma, avisoA message informing of danger / danger
amonestador, avisadorsomeone who gives a warning / warning to others
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidoadmonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior.
Sinónimosamonestar, avisar
Generalaconsejar, advertir, asesorar, dar consejos, notificarGive advice to
Similaradvertir, alertar, avisar, notificar, prevenirnotify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk
Ingléswarn, discourage, admonish, monish
Catalánadvertir, amonestar, avisar, prevenir
Adjetivoadmonitorio, aleccionador, ejemplarServing to warn
Nombresadmonición, amonestación, avisocautionary advice about something imminent (especially imminent danger or other unpleasantness)
monitora, monitorsomeone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 7, cognition
Sentidorealize beforehand.
Sinónimosanticipar, preveer, prever, saber de antemano
Generalestar seguro de, saberBe aware of the truth of something
Inglésanticipate, previse, foreknow, foresee
Nombresanticipador, anticipanteOne who anticipates
Español > prevenir: 8 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidowarn in advance or beforehand; give an early warning.
Generaladvertir, alertar, avisar, notificar, prevenirnotify of danger / danger, potential harm, or risk
Inglésforewarn, previse
NombrespreavisoAn early warning about a future event

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