HyperDic: vestido

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra vestido:
ADJETIVOallvestido, cubiertowearing or provided with clothing
allvestidodressed or clothed especially in fine attire
allvestido, ataviadodressed in fancy or formal clothing
allvestido, ataviadoin ceremonial attire and paraphernalia
NOMBREartifactvestido, atavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestimenta, vestuarioa covering designed to be worn on a person's body
artifactvestido, indumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropaan article of clothing
artifactvestido, atavío, atuendo, traje, vesteclothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
artifactvestido, trajea one-piece garment for a woman
artifactvestido, conjunto, flux, terno, trajea set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color
artifactvestido, traje, vestido largoa woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions
artifactvestido, togaouterwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions
artifactvestidoany loose flowing garment
artifactvestidoprotective garment worn by surgeons during operations
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoWearing or provided with clothing; sometimes used in combination.
Específicoataviado, vestidoDressed in fancy or formal clothing
ataviado, vestidoIn ceremonial attire and paraphernalia
engualdrapadoclothed in finery (especially a horse in ornamental trappings)
uniformadoDressed in a uniform
vestidoDressed or clothed especially in fine attire
Tambiénadornado, decoradoProvided with something intended to increase its beauty or distinction
Inglésclothed, clad
Cataláncobert, vestit
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 2
SentidoDressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination.
Generalcubierto, vestidoWearing or provided with clothing
Inglésappareled, attired, dressed, garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 3
SentidoDressed in fancy or formal clothing.
Generalcubierto, vestidoWearing or provided with clothing
Inglésdressed, dressed-up, dressed to the nines, dressed to kill, dolled up, spruced up, spiffed up, togged up
Catalánguarnit, vestit
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > adjetivo 4
SentidoIn ceremonial attire and paraphernalia.
Generalcubierto, vestidoWearing or provided with clothing
Inglésarrayed, panoplied
Catalánabillat, vestit
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 1, artifact
SentidoA covering designed to be worn on a person's body.
Sinónimosatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestimenta, vestuario
Partesguardarropa, vestuariocollection of clothing belonging to one person
Específicoabrigo, prenda exteriorclothing for use outdoors
accesorio, complementoclothing that is worn or carried, but not part of your main clothing
arrequives, atavío, galasespecially fine or decorative clothing
atavío, ropa, vestimentaclothing in general
atavío, atuendo, traje, veste, vestidoclothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
azulblue clothing
calzadoclothing worn on a person's feet
grisclothing that is a grey color
género de punto, géneros de puntoknitted clothing
indumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa, vestidoAn article of clothing
pret-a-porterready-made clothing
protección, protectorclothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury
ropa de calleordinary clothing suitable for public appearances (as opposed to costumes or sports apparel or work clothes etc.)
ropa de civil, ropa de paisanoordinary clothing as distinguished from uniforms, work clothes, clerical garb, etc.
ropa de playaclothing to be worn at a beach
ropa de sportinformal clothing designed to be worn when you are relaxing
ropa de trabajoclothing worn for doing manual labor
sombreroclothing for the head
togs, vestidosinformal terms for clothing
uniformeclothing of distinctive design worn by members of a particular group as a means of identification
Generalartículos de consumoGoods (as food or clothing) intended for direct use or consumption
cobertura, cubiertaAn artifact that covers something else (usually to protect or shelter or conceal it)
Inglésclothing, article of clothing, vesture, wear, wearable, habiliment
Catalánhabiliment, indumentària, roba, vestimenta, vestit
Verbosataviar, vestirProvide with clothes or put clothes on
llevar, vestirHave on one's person
llevar, vestirBe dressed in
llevar, ponerse, vestirPut clothing on one's body
vestirclothe formally
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 2, artifact
SentidoAn article of clothing.
Sinónimosindumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa
PartesbolsilloA small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles
canesúFabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
cuelloAn opening in a garment for the neck of the wearer
escudete, forro, refuerzoA piece of material used to strengthen or enlarge a garment
faja, tiraAn adornment consisting of a strip of a contrasting color or material
faldaCloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist
forroA piece of cloth that is used as the inside surface of a garment
funda, mangaThe part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the arm
ojalA hole through which buttons are pushed
ojeteA small hole (usually round and finished around the edges) in cloth or leather for the passage of a cord or hook or bar
pecheracloth that covers the chest or breasts
pinza, pinzo, sisaA tapered tuck made in dressmaking
sisa, sobaqueraA hole through which you put your arm and where a sleeve can be attached
Específicobañador, calzonera, calzoneta, traje de baño, trusatight fitting garment worn for swimming
bufanda, echarpe, fularA garment worn around the head or neck or shoulders for warmth or decoration
burka, burqaA loose garment (usually with veiled holes for the eyes) worn by Muslim women especially in India and Pakistan
camisaA garment worn on the upper half of the body
camisa de fuerzaA garment similar to a jacket that is used to bind the arms tightly against the body as a means of restraining a violent person
chaleco, jersey, suéterA crocheted / crocheted or knitted garment covering the upper part of the body
chaleco, chalequilloA man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat
chándal, sudaderagarment consisting of sweat pants and a sweatshirt
coladagarments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
conjunto, flux, terno, traje, vestidoA set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color
dodotis, pañal, servilletagarment consisting of a folded cloth drawn up between the legs and fastened at the waist
enaguas, faldaA garment hanging from the waist
escapulariogarment consisting of a long wide piece of woolen cloth worn over the shoulders with an opening for the head
haikAn outer garment consisting of a large piece of white cloth
herales, pantalones, pantalón(usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately
kanzu(Swahili) a long garment (usually white) with long sleeves
leotardo, unitardA tight-fitting garment of stretchy material that covers the body from the shoulders to the thighs (and may have long sleeves or legs reaching down to the ankles)
monoone-piece garment fashioned after a parachutist's uniform
peplo, peplosA garment worn by women in ancient Greece
peto, stomachergarment consisting of a V-shaped panel of stiff material worn over the chest and stomach in the 16th century
pielA garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal
polainaA garment covering the leg (usually extending from the knee to the ankle)
raglánA garment (coat or sweater) that has raglan sleeves
ropa de lutoA black garment (dress) worn by a widow as a sign of mourning
ropa de niñoA garment (a gown or narrow strips of cloth) for an infant
ropa interiorA garment worn under other garments
taparrabo, taparrabosA garment that provides covering for the loins
veloA garment that covers the head and face
vestidoAny loose flowing garment
vestidoprotective garment worn by surgeons during operations
Generalatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuarioA covering designed to be worn on a person's body
Catalánpeça de vestir, peça, vestit
Verbosataviar, vestirProvide with clothes or put clothes on
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 3, artifact
Sentidoclothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion.
Sinónimosatavío, atuendo, traje, veste
Específicoao daiThe traditional dress of Vietnamese women consisting of a tunic with long sleeves and panels front and back
atavío, atuendo, tenida, trajeA set of clothing (with accessories)
añadido, bisoñé, cabellera, postizoA covering or bunch of human or artificial hair used for disguise or adornment
chaquéformal attire for men during the daytime
disfraz, trajeThe attire worn in a play or at a fancy dress ball
disfrazAny attire that modifies the appearance in order to conceal the wearer's identity
gala, galaselaborate or showy attire and accessories
hábitoA distinctive attire worn by a member of a religious order
trajeThe prevalent fashion of dress (including accessories and hair style as well as garments)
traje de noche, vestido de etiqueta, vestido de nocheattire to wear on formal occasions in the evening
Generalatavío, habiliment, indumentaria, prenda, ropa, traje, vestido, vestimenta, vestuarioA covering designed to be worn on a person's body
Inglésattire, garb, dress
Catalánindumentària, vestit
Verbosarreglarse, ataviarse, ataviarPut on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
ataviar, vestirProvide with clothes or put clothes on
vestirDress in a certain manner
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 4, artifact
SentidoA one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice.
Partesalmilla, corpiño, jubónPart of a dress above the waist
bajoThe line formed by the lower edge of a skirt / skirt or coat
bragueta, cierre, cremallera, zíperA fastener for locking together two toothed edges by means of a sliding tab
escoteThe line formed by the edge of a garment around the neck
EspecíficocaftánA woman's dress style that imitates the caftan cloaks worn by men in the Near East
chaquéA woman's informal dress for housework
mandilA sleeveless dress resembling an apron
muumuuA woman's loose unbelted dress
polonesaA woman's dress with a tight bodice and an overskirt drawn back to reveal a colorful underskirt
sariA dress worn primarily by Hindu women
traje, vestido largo, vestidoA woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions
traje de etiqueta, vestido de cóctelA dress suitable for formal occasions
vestido camiseroA dress that is tailored like a shirt and has buttons all the way down the front
Inglésdress, frock
Verbosponerse los hábitos, tomar los hábitos, vestirse con sotanaPut a frock on
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 5, artifact
SentidoA set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color.
Sinónimosconjunto, flux, terno, traje
Específicotraje cruzadoA suit with a double-breasted jacket
Generalindumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa, vestidoAn article of clothing
Ingléssuit, suit of clothes
Catalánconjunt, vestit
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 6, artifact
SentidoA woman's dress, usually with a close-fitting bodice and a long flared skirt, often worn on formal occasions.
Sinónimostraje, vestido largo
EspecíficomantuaLoose gown of the 17th and 18th centuries
traje de nocheA gown for evening wear
vestido de noviaA gown worn by the bride at a wedding
Generaltraje, vestidoA one-piece garment for a woman
Catalánvestit llarg, vestit
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 7, artifact
Sentidoouterwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions.
Específicovestidura, vestimentagown (especially ceremonial garments) worn by the clergy
Generalabrigo, prenda exteriorclothing for use outdoors
Inglésgown, robe
Verbosvestirclothe formally
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 8, artifact
SentidoAny loose flowing garment.
Específicoabaya(Arabic) a loose black robe from head to toe
albornoz, bata de bañoA loose-fitting robe of towelling
bata, batínA robe worn before dressing or while lounging
kimono, quimonoA loose robe
Generalindumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa, vestidoAn article of clothing
Verbosvestirclothe formally
Español > vestido: 13 sentidos > nombre 9, artifact
Sentidoprotective garment worn by surgeons during operations.
Generalindumento, prenda de vestir, prenda, ropa, vestidoAn article of clothing
Inglésgown, surgical gown, scrubs

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