Meaning | A subdivision of a larger / larger / larger / larger religious group. |
Synonyms | sect, religious sect |
Parts | convent | A community of people in a religious order (especially nuns) living together |
Narrower | Abecedarian | A 16th century sect of Anabaptists centered in Germany who had an absolute disdain for human knowledge |
Albigenses, Cathars, Cathari | A Christian religious sect in southern France in the 12th and 13th centuries |
Amish sect | An orthodox Anabaptist sect separated from the Mennonites in late 17th century |
Hare Krishna, International Society for Krishna Consciousness, ISKCON | A religious sect founded in the United States in 1966 |
Haredi | Any of several sects of Orthodox Judaism that reject modern secular culture and many of whom do not recognize the spiritual authority of the modern state of Israel |
High Church, High Anglican Church | A group in the Anglican Church that emphasizes the Catholic tradition (especially in sacraments and rituals and obedience to church authority) |
Jainism | sect founded in the 6th century BC as a revolt against Hinduism |
Karaites | A Jewish sect that recognizes only the Hebrew Scriptures as the source of divinely inspired legislation and denies the authority of the postbiblical tradition of the Talmud |
Kokka Shinto, Kokka | The branch of Shinto recognized as the official state religion of Japan |
Religious Society of Friends, Society of Friends, Quakers | A Christian sect founded by George Fox about 1660 |
Shakers, United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing | A celibate and communistic Christian sect in the United States |
Shaktism, Saktism | A Hindu sect worshiping Shakti |
Shiah, Shia, Shiah Islam | One of the two main branches of orthodox Islam |
Shivaism, Sivaism | A Hindu sect worshiping Shiva |
Shuha Shinto, Shua | Any branch of Shinto other than Kokka |
Sunni, Sunni Islam | One of the two main branches of orthodox Islam |
Taoism | A Chinese sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-tzu but incorporating pantheism and sorcery in addition to Taoism |
Vaishnavism, Vaisnavism | Hindu sect worshiping of Vishnu |
Waldenses, Vaudois | A Christian sect of dissenters that originated in southern France in the late 12th century adopted Calvinist doctrines in the 16th century |
Zurvanism | A Zoroastrian sect that claims Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe |
brethren | (plural) the lay members of a male religious order |
order, monastic order | A group of person living under a religious rule |
sisterhood | A religious society of women who live together as sisters (especially an order of nuns) |
Broader | religion, faith, organized religion | An institution to express belief in a divine power |
Spanish | culto, orden religiosa, secta |
Catalan | orde, secta |