HyperDic: arreglarse

Español > 4 sentidos de la palabra arreglarse:
VERBObodyarreglarse, acicalarse, almohazar, cuidarse, sobrehilarcare for one's external appearance
bodyarreglarse, ataviarse, ataviarput on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
bodyarreglarse, acicalarse, vestirdress or groom with elaborate care
bodyarreglarse, ataviarsedress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion
Español > arreglarse: 4 sentidos > verbo 1, body
Sentidocare for one's external appearance.
Sinónimosacicalarse, almohazar, cuidarse, sobrehilar
Específicoaderezar, arreglarse el pelo, arreglar, atusar, cardar, marcar, peinar con estilo, peinararrange attractively
afeitarse, afeitar, barbear, rapar, rasurarse, rasurarRemove body hair with a razor
arreglarse, ataviarseDress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion
asearse, lavarse, limpiarse, limpiarclean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing
asearsemake oneself clean, presentable or neat
ataviar, embellecerUse special care in dressing, making-up , etc.
desenmarañar, desenredar, peinarsmoothen and neaten with or as with a comb
maquillarse, maquillarapply make-up or cosmetics to one's face to appear prettier
perfumarse, perfumarapply perfume / perfume to
Generaladornar, decorar, embellecer, hermosearmake more beautiful
Inglésgroom, neaten
Cataláncompondre's, empolainar-se, empolistrar-se
NombresarregloThe activity of getting dressed
Español > arreglarse: 4 sentidos > verbo 2, body
SentidoPut on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive.
Sinónimosataviarse, ataviar
Específicoacicalarse, arreglarse, vestirDress or groom with elaborate care
emperejilarse, emperifollarsedress up garishly and tastelessly
emperejilarse, emperifollarsedress up in a cheap and provocative way
engalanarsedress up showily
ponerse una túnicaadorn with a robe / robe
Generalvestirse, vestirPut on clothes
Tambiénvestirse, vestirPut on clothes
SimilardisfrazarDress in a costume
vestirDress in a certain manner
Inglésoverdress, dress up, fig out, fig up, deck up, gussy up, fancy up, trick up, deck out, trick out, prink, attire, get up, rig out, tog up, tog out
Catalánarreglar-se, empolainar-se, vestir-se
Nombresatavío, atuendo, traje, veste, vestidoclothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion
atavío, atuendo, tenida, trajeA set of clothing (with accessories)
Español > arreglarse: 4 sentidos > verbo 3, body
SentidoDress or groom with elaborate care.
Sinónimosacicalarse, vestir
Generalarreglarse, ataviarse, ataviarPut on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive
Similarvestirse, vestirPut on clothes
Ingléspreen, primp, plume, dress
Catalánabillar-se, arreglar-se, empolainar-se, vestir
Nombresarreglo personalCareful or finicky grooming
atavío, ropa, vestimentaclothing in general
Español > arreglarse: 4 sentidos > verbo 4, body
SentidoDress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion.
Generalacicalarse, almohazar, arreglarse, cuidarse, sobrehilarcare for one's external appearance
Inglésspruce up, spruce, slick up, smarten up
Catalánabillar-se, empolainar-se

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