HyperDic: bind

English > 11 senses of the word bind:
VERBcontactbind, adhere, hold fast, bond, stick, stick tostick / stick to firmly
socialbind, tie, attach, bondcreate social or emotional ties
contactbindmake fast
contactbind, bandagewrap / wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose
contactbind, tie down, tie up, trusssecure with or as if with ropes
communicationbind, oblige, hold, obligatebind by an obligation / obligation
contactbindprovide with a binding
contactbind, tiefasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord
changebindform a chemical bond with
bodybind, constipatecause to be constipated
NOUNcognitionbindsomething that hinders as if with bonds
bind > pronunciation
Rhymesaffined ... wind: 39 rhymes with aynd...
English > bind: 11 senses > noun 1, cognition
MeaningSomething that hinders as if with bonds.
Broaderhindrance, hinderance, deterrent, impediment, balk, baulk, check, handicapSomething immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
Spanishatar, fastidio, lata, latazo, ligadura, murga
Catalanenuig, llauna, murga
Verbsbindbind by an obligation / obligation
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 1, contact
Meaningstick / stick to firmly.
PatternSomething ----s; Something is ----ing PP
Synonymsadhere, hold fast, bond, stick, stick to
Caused byaffix, stick onattach to
Narrowerbindform a chemical bond with
BroaderattachBecome attached
Similar tocling, cleave, adhere, stick, cohereCome or be in close contact with
Spanishadherirse, adherir, asociarse, atar, encolar, incorporarse, liar, ligarse, pegarse, pegar, unirse, vincular
Catalanadherir, encolar, enganxar, lligar, vincular
Nounsbindersomething used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface
bindingthe capacity to attract and hold something
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 2, social
Meaningcreate social or emotional ties.
PatternSomething ----s somebody
Synonymstie, attach, bond
NarrowerbefriendBecome friends with
fixateattach (oneself) to a person or thing in a neurotic way
BroaderrelateHave or establish a relationship to
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 3, contact
Meaningmake fast; tie or secure, with or as if with a rope.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP
Example"The Chinese would bind the feet of their women"
Narrowercementmake fast as if with cement
gird, encircleBind with something round or circular
swaddle, swathewrap in swaddling ... / swaddling clothes
BroaderattachCause to be attached
Oppositeunbinduntie or unfasten
Spanishamarrar, atar, sujetar
Catalanamarrar, lligar, subjectar
Adjectivesbindablecapable of being fastened or secured with a rope or bond
Nounsbindersomething used to tie or bind / bind / bind
bindera machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 4, contact
Meaningwrap / wrap around with something so as to cover or enclose.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Broaderfasten, fix, secureCause to be firmly attached
Adjectivesbindablecapable of being fastened or secured with a rope or bond
Nounsbindingthe act of applying a bandage
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 5, contact
MeaningSecure with or as if with ropes.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody
ModelThey want to bind the prisoners
Synonymstie down, tie up, truss
Entailsfasten, fix, secureCause to be firmly attached
Narrowerchain uptie up with chains
faggot, fagot, faggot upBind or tie up in or as if in a faggot
faggot, fagotFasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them
hog-tieTie together somebody's limbs
Broaderrestrain, confine, hold, constrainTo close within bounds, limit or hold back / back from movement
Adjectivesbindablecapable of being fastened or secured with a rope or bond
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 6, communication
MeaningBind by an obligation / obligation; cause to be indebted.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
Synonymsoblige, hold, obligate
NarrowerarticleBind by a contract
indenture, indentBind by or as if by indentures, as of an apprentice or servant
pledgeBind or secure by a pledge
tie downrestrain from independence by an obligation / obligation
BroaderrelateHave or establish a relationship to
Nounsbindsomething that hinders as if with bonds
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 7, contact
MeaningProvide with a binding.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"bind the books in leather"
NarrowerrebindProvide with a new binding
BroadercoverProvide with a covering or cause to be covered
Nounsbinderholds loose papers or magazines
binderya workshop where books are bound
bindingthe protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book
bindingstrip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 8, contact
MeaningFasten or secure with a rope, string, or cord.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s something to somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP; Somebody ----s something PP
NarrowerbandBind or tie together, as with a band / band
cordBind or tie with a cord
gag, muzzleTie a gag around someone's mouth in order to silence them
knotTie or fasten into a knot
lace, lace upDraw through eyes or holes
lashBind with a rope, chain, or cord
lash togetherBind together with a cord or rope
loopFasten or join with a loop
retieTie again or anew
rope, leashFasten with a rope
strapTie with a strap
tie up, bind offFinish the last row
trussTie the wings and legs of a bird before cooking it
Broaderfasten, fix, secureCause to be firmly attached
Oppositeuntie, unbrace, unlaceundo the ties of
Spanishamarrar, atar, empatar, ligar
Catalanamarrar, empatar, lligar
Adjectivesbindablecapable of being fastened or secured with a rope or bond
Nounsbindera machine that cuts grain and binds it in sheaves
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 9, change
Meaningform a chemical bond with.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"The hydrogen binds the oxygen"
Categorychemistry, chemical scienceThe science of matter
NarrowerligateBind chemically
Broaderadhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick, stick tostick / stick to firmly
Nounsbindersomething used to bind separate particles together or facilitate adhesion to a surface
bindingthe capacity to attract and hold something
English > bind: 11 senses > verb 10, body
MeaningCause to be constipated.
PatternSomething ----s somebody
Narrowerobstipateconstipate severely
BroaderindisposeCause to feel unwell

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