HyperDic: aumentar

Español > 24 sentidos de la palabra aumentar:
VERBOchangeaumentar, acrecentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
changeaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirbecome bigger or greater in amount
motionaumentar, alzar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerraise from a lower to a higher position
changeaumentar, agrandar, ampliar, anchar, ensancharmake larger
changeaumentar, crecer, cultivarbecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
changeaumentar, destacar, realzarmake better or more attractive
changeaumentar, agrandar, ampliar, engrandecermake large
changeaumentar, agrandarse, agrandar, ampliarse, ampliar, engrandecer, ensancharsebecome larger or bigger
changeaumentar, incrementarenlarge or increase / increase
changeaumentar, intensificarmake more extreme / extreme
changeaumentar, revalorizar, revaluargain in value
changeaumentar, subirincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity
changeaumentar, intensificarbecome more extreme / extreme
changeaumentar, adelantar, anticipar, ganarrise in rate or price / price
changeaumentargrow or intensify
changeaumentar, acrecentargrow together (of plants and organs)
changeaumentar, acrecentargrow by addition
motionaumentar, incrementar, subirincrease / increase in volume
changeaumentargive a boost to
bodyaumentar, engordargain (weight)
changeaumentar, alzar, elevarraise the level or amount of something
changeaumentar, anticipar, ascender, fomentar, promoverincrease or raise
bodyaumentar, crecerdevelop
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidomake bigger or more.
Sinónimosacrecentar, elevar, incrementar, subir
Específicoacelerar, subir de revolucionesspeed up
acelerarse, acelerarincrease the number of rotations per minute
agrandar, ampliar, anchar, aumentar, ensancharmake larger
agrandar, ampliar, aumentar, engrandecermake large
alargar, prolongarmake longer
alzar, aumentar, elevarRaise the level or amount of something
ampliar, ensanchar, extenderExtend in scope or range or area
ampliar, amplificar, ensanchar, expandirexaggerate or make bigger
anticipar, ascender, aumentar, fomentar, promoverincrease or raise
aumentar, incrementarenlarge or increase / increase
aumentar, intensificarmake more extreme / extreme
aumentar, intensificarBecome more extreme / extreme
aumentarGive a boost to
escalar, intensificarse, intensificarincrease in extent or intensity
estirarincrease in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance
fortificar, intensificar, reforzar, robustecerbolster or strengthen
maximizarmake as big or large as possible
multiplicarse, multiplicarcombine or increase / increase by multiplication
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Contrariodecrecer, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirmake smaller
Catalánacréixer, augmentar, elevar, incrementar
Nombresacrecentamiento, aumento, crecimiento, incremento, multiplicaciónThe act of increasing / increasing something
adición, aumento, incrementoA quantity that is added
aumento, incrementoThe amount by which something increases / increases
aumento, crecimiento, incrementoA change resulting in an increase / increase
aumento, crecida, crecimiento, incremento, multiplicaciónA process of becoming larger / larger or longer or more numerous or more important
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 2, change
SentidoBecome bigger or greater in amount.
Sinónimoscrecer, elevar, incrementar, subir
Específicoacrecentar, aumentarGrow by addition
acumularse, acumular, amontonarse, amontonar, conglomerar, congregarCollect or gather
adicionar, agregarse, agregar, añadir, juntar, sumarmake an addition (to)
ampliar, ensanchar, extenderseBecome broader or wider or more extensive
aumentar, crecer, cultivarBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
aumentar, revalorizar, revaluargain in value
aumentar, subirincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity
aumentar de fase, crecer, incrementar la intensidadincrease in phase
congregarincrease / increase or develop
dilatarse, ensancharse, ensancharBecome broader
dispararseincrease / increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner
escalar, subirgo up or advance
espigarRise dramatically
intensificarmake more intense, stronger, or more marked
intensificarse, intensificarBecome more intense
pulularBecome abundant
Generalcambiar de magnitudchange in size or magnitude
Contrarioconsumirse, desmoronarse, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirsedecrease in size, extent, or range
Catalánaugmentar, elevar, incrementar
Nombresacrecentamiento, aumento, crecimiento, incremento, multiplicaciónThe act of increasing / increasing something
adición, aumento, incrementoA quantity that is added
aumento, incrementoThe amount by which something increases / increases
aumento, crecimiento, incrementoA change resulting in an increase / increase
aumento, crecida, crecimiento, incremento, multiplicaciónA process of becoming larger / larger or longer or more numerous or more important
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
SentidoRaise from a lower to a higher position.
Sinónimosalzar, elevar, levantar, subir, traer
Causa deascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
bombearRaise (gases or fluids) with a pump
elevar, enarbolar, izar, levantar, subirRaise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
elevar en plataformaelevate onto skids
encumbrarRaise on or as if on a pinnacle
erguir, erigir, levantarCause to rise up
hacer crecer, leudar, levantarCause to puff up with a leaven
hacer crecerincrease the height of
izar, levantarRaise
levantarCause to rise
levantarMove from one place to another by lifting
levitarCause to rise in the air and float, as if in defiance of gravity
recogerTake and lift upward
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénacarrear, copar, llevar, portar, tomar, traer, transportarTake something or somebody with oneself somewhere
recogerTake and lift upward
Contrarioarriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
Inglésraise, lift, elevate, get up, bring up
Catalánaixecar, alçar, elevar, enlairar, pujar
Nombresalturadistance of something above a reference point (such as sea level)
ascenso, cuesta, subidaAn upward slope or grade (as in a road)
ascensor, elevadorlifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building
crecidaA wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground
elevaciónThe event of something being raised upward
elevaciónA raised or elevated geological formation
halterófilo, levantador de pesosAn athlete who lifts barbells
puente aéreo, transporte aéreotransportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable)
telesquíA powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 4, change
Sentidomake larger.
Sinónimosagrandar, ampliar, anchar, ensanchar
Específicoampliar, expandirmake bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity
profundizarmake deeper
taladrarenlarge with a reamer
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Catalánampliar, eixamplar, engrandir, fer gran
Nombresagrandamiento, ampliación, expansiónThe act of increasing / increasing (something) in size or volume or quantity or scope
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 5, change
SentidoBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger; expand or gain.
Sinónimoscrecer, cultivar
Causado pordesarrollar, elaborarCause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development
Específicoagrandarse, agrandar, ampliarse, ampliar, aumentar, engrandecer, ensancharseBecome larger or bigger
alargarse, darse, ensancharse, estirarseBecome longer by being stretched and pulled
alargarse, alargar, alongar, prolongarBecome long / long or longer
ampliar, expandirBecome larger / larger in size or volume or quantity
ampliar, expandir, extenderseExtend in one or more directions
ascender, subirincrease / increase in value or to a higher point
aumentarGrow or intensify
aumentar, incrementar, subirincrease / increase in volume
crecer, florecer, medrar, prosperarGrow vigorously
desarrollarse, elaborarGrow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment
enraizartake root and begin to grow
medrar, rebrotarGrow and flourish
proliferarGrow rapidly
ramificarGrow and send out branches or branch-like structures
sobrecrecerGrow beyond or across
vegetarGrow or spread abnormally
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
TambiéncrecerBecome an adult
Catalánaugmentar, créixer, cultivar
Nombresaumento, crecida, crecimiento, incremento, multiplicaciónA process of becoming larger / larger or longer or more numerous or more important
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 6, change
Sentidomake better or more attractive.
Sinónimosdestacar, realzar
Específicoretocar, trucaralter so as to produce a more desirable appearance
Generalameliorar, arreglar, corregir, enriquecer, mejorar, perfeccionarTo make better
Catalándestacar, realçar
AdjetivocosméticoServing an aesthetic purpose in beautifying the body
Nombresmejora, mejoría, realceAn improvement that makes something more agreeable
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 7, change
Sentidomake large.
Sinónimosagrandar, ampliar, engrandecer
Categoríafotografia, fotografíaThe act of taking and printing photographs
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Contrariodisminuir, reducirmake smaller
Inglésblow up, enlarge, magnify
Catalánampliar, engrandir
NombresampliaciónA photographic print that has been enlarged
ampliadora fotográfica, ampliadoraphotographic equipment consisting of an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph
amplificador, lupa, magnificadorA scientific instrument that magnifies an image
magnitudThe property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 8, change
SentidoBecome larger or bigger.
Sinónimosagrandarse, agrandar, ampliarse, ampliar, engrandecer, ensancharse
Específicoamplificar, magnificarincrease in size, volume or significance
Generalaumentar, crecer, cultivarBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
Catalánagegantar, ampliar, augmentar, eixamplar-se, engegantir, engrandir
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 9, change
Sentidoenlarge or increase / increase.
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Adjetivoaumentativointensifying by augmentation and enhancement
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 10, change
Sentidomake more extreme / extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity.
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Catalánaixecar, augmentar, intensificar
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 11, change
Sentidogain in value.
Sinónimosrevalorizar, revaluar
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
Contrariodepreciar, desvalorar, desvalorizarse, desvalorizar, devaluarLose in value
Similarapreciarincrease the value of
Inglésappreciate, apprize, apprise, revalue
Catalánaugmentar, pujar, revaluar
Nombresreajuste, reevaluación, revaluaciónA new appraisal or evaluation
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 12, change
Sentidoincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity.
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
Catalánaugmentar, pujar
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 13, change
SentidoBecome more extreme / extreme.
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Inglésheighten, rise
Catalánaugmentar, intensificar, pujar
Nombresaumento, subidaA growth in strength or number or importance
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 14, change
SentidoRise in rate or price / price.
Sinónimosadelantar, anticipar, ganar
Generalescalar, subirgo up or advance
Inglésadvance, gain
Catalánanticipar, augmentar, avançar-se, avançar
Nombresalza, aumento, subidaincrease / increase / increase / increase / increase in price or value
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 15, change
SentidoGrow or intensify.
Generalaumentar, crecer, cultivarBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
Adjetivoaumentativointensifying by augmentation and enhancement
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 16, change
SentidoGrow together (of plants and organs).
Categoríaflora, mata, plantae, planta, plantas, vegetación, vida vegetal(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
Generalcombinar, conjugar, fundir, fusionar, mezclarmix together different elements
Catalánacréixer, augmentar
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 17, motion
Generalalzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerRaise from a lower to a higher position
Ingléshike, hike up, boost
Nombresaumento, incrementoAn increase / increase / increase / increase / increase in cost
aumentoThe amount a salary is increased
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 18, change
SentidoGrow by addition.
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
NombresacumulaciónThe act of accumulating
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 19, motion
Sentidoincrease / increase in volume.
Sinónimosincrementar, subir
Causado porhacer crecer, leudar, levantarCause to puff up with a leaven
Generalaumentar, crecer, cultivarBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
Inglésrise, prove
Catalánincrementar-se, incrementar, pujar
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 20, change
SentidoGive a boost to; be beneficial to.
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Catalánaugmentar, estimular, impulsar
Nombresaliento, ánimo, coraje, fuerza, valorThe act of giving hope or support to someone
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 21, body
Sentidogain (weight).
Generalengordar, engrosar, engruesar, ganarincrease (one's body weight)
Ingléspack on
Catalánaugmentar, engreixar-se
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 22, change
SentidoRaise the level or amount of something.
Sinónimosalzar, elevar
Específicosubirincrease or raise
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Catalánalçar, elevar
NombresaumentoThe amount a salary is increased
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 23, change
Sentidoincrease or raise.
Sinónimosanticipar, ascender, fomentar, promover
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Inglésboost, advance, supercharge
Catalánanticipar, ascendir, fomentar, promoure
Español > aumentar: 24 sentidos > verbo 24, body
Generaladquirir, crecer, cultivar, desarrollar, elaborar, producirCome to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)
Ingléswork up, get up
Catalánaugmentar, créixer

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