HyperDic: añadir

Español > 9 sentidos de la palabra añadir:
VERBOchangeañadir, adicionar, agregarse, agregar, juntar, sumarmake an addition (to)
contactañadir, adjuntar, anexar, anexionar, complementaradd to the very end
contactañadir, adjuntar, agregarfix to
changeañadirincorporate a food ingredient into a mixture / mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating
communicationañadir, agregarstate or say further
changeañadir, incorporarcause (something) to be mixed with (something else)
stativeañadirconstitute an addition
possessionañadiradd as an extra or as a gratuity
contactañadir, agregarmove into or onto
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidomake an addition (to) ; join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of.
Sinónimosadicionar, agregarse, agregar, juntar, sumar
EspecíficoabotonarProvide with buttons
calificar, cualificar, modificaradd a modifier to a constituent
clavetearProvide with or construct with studs
combinar, componer, fusionar, unirPut or add together
complementar, completar, suplementaradd as a supplement to what seems insufficient
concadenar, concatenar, enlazaradd by linking or joining so as to form a chain or series
contemplar, englobar, incluir, integraradd as part of something else
echar lecheadd milk to
encordar, engarzaradd as if on a string
enriquecer, fortalecer, fortificar, substanciar, sustanciaradd nutrients to
enriquecermake wealthy or richer
haceradd to the odometer
inyectarTo introduce (a new aspect or element)
mezclar, mixturaradd as an additional element or part
puntuarinsert punctuation marks into
sumarmake an addition
Generalaumentar, crecer, elevar, incrementar, subirBecome bigger or greater in amount
Contrarioretirar, sacartake out or remove
Similarañadirconstitute an addition
Catalánaddicionar, afegir, agregar-se, agregar, sumar
AdjetivolinealDesignating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree
Nombresadición, añadiduraThe act of adding one thing to another
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
Sentidoadd to the very end.
Sinónimosadjuntar, anexar, anexionar, complementar
Específicoanexar, anexionarattach to
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Inglésappend, add on, supplement, affix
Catalánadjuntar, annexar, complementar
Nombresaccesorio, complementoA supplementary component that improves capability
addenda, adenda, apéndice, posdata, suplementotextual matter that is added onto a publication
adjuntoThe act of attaching or affixing something
añadidura, apéndiceA part that is joined to something larger
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 3, contact
SentidoFix to; attach.
Sinónimosadjuntar, agregar
Generaladjuntar, unirCause to be attached
Inglésappend, tag on, tack on, tack, hang on
Catalánadjuntar, afegir, agregar
Nombresañadidura, apéndiceA part that is joined to something larger
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 4, change
Sentidoincorporate a food ingredient into a mixture / mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating.
Generalincorporar, integrarmake into a whole or make part of a whole
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 5, communication
Sentidostate or say further.
Específicocolar, incluir, insertar, introducir subrepticiamente, meterseinsert casually
remarcaradd casually to a conversation
Generalafirmar, contar, decir, declarar, manifestar, sentenciarExpress in words / words
Inglésadd, append, supply
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 6, change
SentidoCause (something) to be mixed with (something else).
Específicointerrumpirmix in with cutting motions
Generalcombinar, conjugar, fundir, fusionar, mezclarmix together different elements
Inglésblend in, mix in
Catalánafegir, incorporar
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 7, stative
Sentidoconstitute an addition.
Generalconfeccionar, constituir, crear, formarTo compose or represent
Similaradicionar, agregarse, agregar, añadir, juntar, sumarmake an addition (to)
AdjetivoaditivoCharacterized or produced by addition
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 8, possession
Sentidoadd as an extra or as a gratuity.
Generalaportar, conceder, contribuir, otorgar, propiciarbestow a quality on
Inglésthrow in
Español > añadir: 9 sentidos > verbo 9, contact
SentidoMove into or onto.
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense

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