HyperDic: ascender

Español > 10 sentidos de la palabra ascender:
VERBOmotionascender, escalar, montar, subir, trepargo upward with gradual or continuous progress
motionascender, elevarse, subirmove upward
socialascender, anticipargive a promotion to or assign to a higher position
changeascender, subirincrease / increase in value or to a higher point
motionascenderslope upwards
motionascender, aparecer, elevarse, nacer, salir, subircome up, of celestial bodies
changeascender, escalar, subirrise in rank or status
cognitionascenderrate higher
changeascender, anticipar, aumentar, fomentar, promoverincrease or raise
motionascender, subirappear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
Sentidogo upward with gradual or continuous progress.
Sinónimosescalar, montar, subir, trepar
Específicoescalarclimb mountains for pleasure as a sport
escalarclimb up by means of a ladder
subirse, subirclimb up on the body
treparcreep up -- used especially of plants
Generalascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
Tambiénacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
apearseCome down
montarget up on the back of
Inglésclimb, climb up, mount, go up
Catalánelevar-se, enfilar-se, escalar, grimpar, muntar, pujar
Nombresalpinismo, escalada, montañismoAn event that involves rising to a higher point / point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)
ascenso, escalada, subida, trepada, trepaThe act of climbing something
ascenso, cuesta, subidaAn upward slope or grade (as in a road)
crampónAn iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing
enredaderaA vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants
escalador, trepadorsomeone who climbs as a sport
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
SentidoMove upward.
Sinónimoselevarse, subir
Causado poralzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traerRaise from a lower to a higher position
alzar, elevar, levantarMove upwards
Implicado porflotar, levitar, revolotearBe suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity
Específicoaparecer, ascender, elevarse, nacer, salir, subircome up, of celestial bodies
ascender, escalar, montar, subir, trepargo upward with gradual or continuous progress
dispararShoot up abruptly, like a rocket
erigir, levantar, subirBe erected, built, or constructed
evaporarseRise as vapor
remontarRise rapidly
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Tambiénacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Contrariobajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Inglésrise, lift, arise, move up, go up, come up, uprise
Catalánaixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar
Nombresalza, ascensión, ascenso, subidaThe act of changing location in an upward direction
ascensión, ascenso, subidaA movement upward
elevaciónThe event of something being raised upward
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 3, social
SentidoGive a promotion to or assign to a higher position.
Específicodar una permanenciaGive life-time employment / employment to
decantar, favorecer, preferirPromote over another
ennoblecerGive a title / title to someone
Generalasignar, atribuir, delegar, designarGive an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
Contrariochocar, relegarAssign to a lower position
Ingléspromote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, raise, elevate
Nombresapogeo, auge, cima, cúspide, pico, súmmum, superlativo, tiptopThe highest level or degree attainable
apoyo, avance, fomento, fortalecimiento, promociónencouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something
ascenso, promociónAct of raising in rank or position
ascenso, engrandecimientoThe act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 4, change
Sentidoincrease / increase in value or to a higher point.
Específicoelevarse, remontarGo or move upward
Generalaumentar, crecer, cultivarBecome larger / larger, greater, or bigger
Inglésrise, go up, climb
Catalánascendir, pujar
Nombresalpinismo, escalada, montañismoAn event that involves rising to a higher point / point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)
alza, aumento, subidaincrease / increase / increase / increase / increase in price or value
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 5, motion
Sentidoslope upwards.
GeneralinclinarseBe at an angle
Adjetivoascendente, ascendientetending or directed upward
Nombresascenso, cuesta, subidaAn upward slope or grade (as in a road)
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
Sentidocome up, of celestial bodies.
Sinónimosaparecer, elevarse, nacer, salir, subir
CategoríaastronomíaThe branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole
Generalascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
Tambiénacercarse, derivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, venirMove toward, travel toward something or somebody or approach something or somebody
Contrarioponerse, ponerdisappear beyond the horizon
Inglésrise, come up, uprise, ascend
Catalánascendir, néixer
Adjetivoascendente, ascendientetending or directed upward
Nombresascensión, ascenso, subidaA movement upward
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 7, change
SentidoRise in rank or status.
Sinónimosescalar, subir
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Inglésrise, jump, climb up
Catalánescalar, pujar
Nombresbrinco, giro, saltoAn abrupt transition
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 8, cognition
SentidoRate higher; raise in value or esteem.
Generalclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorarAssign a rank or rating to
ContrariodegradarRate lower
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 9, change
Sentidoincrease or raise.
Sinónimosanticipar, aumentar, fomentar, promover
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Inglésboost, advance, supercharge
Catalánanticipar, ascendir, fomentar, promoure
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
SentidoAppear to be moving upward, as by means of tendrils.
Inglésascend, climb up

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