Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 1, motionSentido | go upward with gradual or continuous progress. |
Sinónimos | escalar, montar, subir, trepar |
Específico | escalar | climb mountains for pleasure as a sport |
escalar | climb up by means of a ladder |
subirse, subir | climb up on the body |
trepar | creep up -- used especially of plants |
General | ascender, elevarse, subir | Move upward |
También | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
apearse | Come down |
montar | get up on the back of |
Inglés | climb, climb up, mount, go up |
Catalán | elevar-se, enfilar-se, escalar, grimpar, muntar, pujar |
Nombres | alpinismo, escalada, montañismo | An event that involves rising to a higher point / point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.) |
ascenso, escalada, subida, trepada, trepa | The act of climbing something |
ascenso, cuesta, subida | An upward slope or grade (as in a road) |
crampón | An iron spike attached to the shoe to prevent slipping on ice when walking or climbing |
enredadera | A vine or climbing plant that readily grows up a support or over other plants |
escalador, trepador | someone who climbs as a sport |
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 2, motionSentido | Move upward. |
Sinónimos | elevarse, subir |
Causado por | alzar, aumentar, elevar, levantar, subir, traer | Raise from a lower to a higher position |
alzar, elevar, levantar | Move upwards |
Implicado por | flotar, levitar, revolotear | Be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity |
Específico | aparecer, ascender, elevarse, nacer, salir, subir | come up, of celestial bodies |
ascender, escalar, montar, subir, trepar | go upward with gradual or continuous progress |
disparar | Shoot up abruptly, like a rocket |
erigir, levantar, subir | Be erected, built, or constructed |
evaporarse | Rise as vapor |
remontar | Rise rapidly |
General | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
También | acudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajar | change location |
Contrario | bajar, caer, descender | Move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way |
Inglés | rise, lift, arise, move up, go up, come up, uprise |
Catalán | aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar-se, alçar, ascendir, elevar-se, elevar, pujar |
Nombres | alza, ascensión, ascenso, subida | The act of changing location in an upward direction |
ascensión, ascenso, subida | A movement upward |
elevación | The event of something being raised upward |
Español > ascender: 10 sentidos > verbo 3, socialSentido | Give a promotion to or assign to a higher position. |
Sinónimo | anticipar |
Específico | dar una permanencia | Give life-time employment / employment to |
decantar, favorecer, preferir | Promote over another |
ennoblecer | Give a title / title to someone |
General | asignar, atribuir, delegar, designar | Give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person) |
Contrario | chocar, relegar | Assign to a lower position |
Inglés | promote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, raise, elevate |
Catalán | anticipar |
Nombres | apogeo, auge, cima, cúspide, pico, súmmum, superlativo, tiptop | The highest level or degree attainable |
apoyo, avance, fomento, fortalecimiento, promoción | encouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something |
ascenso, promoción | Act of raising in rank or position |
ascenso, engrandecimiento | The act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something |