HyperDic: caer

Español > 23 sentidos de la palabra caer:
VERBOmotioncaer, bajar, descendermove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
motioncaer, caersedescend in free fall under the influence of gravity
motioncaerlose an upright position suddenly
weathercaer, bajar, precipitarfall from clouds
motioncaer, ceder, colapsar, derrumbarse, desplomarse, desplomar, irse a pique, rompersebreak down, literally or metaphorically
changecaerpass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind
motioncaer, caerse, dejar caer, hundirse, hundir, sumirsefall or descend to a lower place or level
contactcaerfall or flow in a certain way
changecaeroccur at a specified time or place
motioncaer, bajarto fall vertically
stativecaer, balancearse, columpearse, columpiarse, penderhang freely
stativecaerdie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt
changecaergo as if by falling
socialcaeryield to temptation or sin
socialcaerlose office or power
motioncaerlower (prices or markets)
possessioncaerbe captured
changecaer, bajar, descendergo down in value
changecaer, descender, hundirsego down momentarily
motioncaer, derrumbarse, destruirse, quebrarse, venirse abajofall or come down violently
changecaer, disminuirfall or diminish
changecaer, asentarse, descendercome as if by falling
contactcaer, hacer caerthrow together in a confused / confused mass
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
SentidoMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way.
Sinónimosbajar, descender
Causado porarriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
derribar, talarCause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow
EspecíficoabalanzarseMove down on as if in an attack
abatir, caerse, demoler, derribar, derrocar, perder el equilibrio, venirse abajofall down, as if collapsing
adentrarse, hundirse, sumirsedescend into or as if into some soft substance or place
agacharse, apearse, bajarse, descabalgar, desmontar, livianoAlight from (a horse)
apearseCome down
bajar, caerTo fall vertically
caer, derrumbarse, destruirse, quebrarse, venirse abajofall or come down violently
caer en picado, desplomarse, hundirse, sumergirse, zambullirseDrop steeply
chorrear, destilar, gotearfall in drops
dejar caer, dejarse caerfall suddenly and abruptly
echar, lanzarse, tirarsefall or plunge / plunge forward
establecerse, hundirse, ir abajo, naufragar, sumergirse, sumirsego under, "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"
ponerse, ponerdisappear beyond the horizon
precipitarsefall vertically, sharply, or headlong
prolapsarSlip or fall out of place, as of body parts
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Tambiénacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
caer, ceder, colapsar, derrumbarse, desplomarse, desplomar, irse a pique, rompersebreak down, literally or metaphorically
Contrarioascender, elevarse, subirMove upward
Inglésdescend, fall, go down, come down
Catalándavallar, descendir
AdjetivodescendienteGoing or coming down
Nombresbajada, descensoA movement downward
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 2, motion
Sentidodescend in free fall under the influence of gravity.
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
Similarbajar, caer, precipitarfall from clouds
NombrescaídaA sudden drop from an upright position
caída, despeñoA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
SentidoLose an upright position suddenly.
Generalcambiar de posturaUndergo a change in bodily posture
Inglésfall, fall down
NombrescaídaA sudden drop from an upright position
caída, despeñoA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 4, weather
Sentidofall from clouds.
Sinónimosbajar, precipitar
Implicacondensarse, condensarUndergo condensation
Específicoazotar, chispearcome down like raindrops
caer aguas lluvia, cellisquearprecipitate as a mixture of rain and snow
granizarprecipitate as small ice particles
llover, precipitarprecipitate as rain
nevarfall as snow
Similarcaerse, caerdescend in free fall under the influence of gravity
Inglésprecipitate, come down, fall
NombresprecipitaciónThe falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 5, motion
Sentidobreak down, literally or metaphorically.
Sinónimosceder, colapsar, derrumbarse, desplomarse, desplomar, irse a pique, romperse
Causado pordesplomar, estallar, explotar, reventarCause to burst
Específicodejarse caerfall loosely
doblarse, encogerseFold or collapse
hundirsefall or sink heavily
implosionar, implotarBurst inward / inward
rompercurl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Tambiénbajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Similarabandonar, renunciarstop maintaining or insisting on
desplomar, estallar, explotar, reventarCause to burst
Ingléscollapse, fall in, cave in, give, give way, break, founder
NombrescolapsoA natural event caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in
derrumbamiento, derrumbe, hundimiento, subsidenciaThe sudden collapse of something into a hollow beneath it
hundimiento, quiebraA sudden large decline of business or the prices / prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 6, change
SentidoPass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind.
EspecíficoenamorarseBegin to experience feelings of love / love towards
Generalconvertirse, girar, rotar, transformarseUndergo a transformation or a change of position or action
Tambiénabandonar, perder, replegarse, retirarse, retrocederretreat
agravarse, bajar, declinar, deteriorar, empeorarget worse
caer de plano, derrumbarse, fracasar, hundirse, irse a pique, malograrse, zozobrarfail utterly
derruirse, derrumbarse, desmigajarse, desmoronarse, desmoronarbreak or fall apart into fragments
partirse, romperseBecome separated / separated into pieces or fragments
quedarse atrás, retrasarsehang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 7, motion
Sentidofall or descend to a lower place or level.
Sinónimoscaerse, dejar caer, hundirse, hundir, sumirse
Específicocombarsedroop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness
combarseCause to sag
Generalcambiar de posturaUndergo a change in bodily posture
SimilarlargarLet fall to the ground
Ingléssink, drop, drop down
Cataláncaure's, enfonsar-se, enfonsar, ensorrar-se, esfondrar, sumir-se
NombresbambalinaA curtain that can be lowered and raised onto a stage from the flies
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 8, contact
Sentidofall or flow in a certain way.
Ingléshang, fall, flow
NombrescaídaThe way a garment hangs
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 9, change
Sentidooccur at a specified time or place.
Generalacaecer, acontecer, llegar a ocurrir, llegar a pasar, ocurrir, pasar, sobrevenir, suceder, tener lugarCome to pass
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
SentidoTo fall vertically.
Específicobotar, desplomarse, precipitarsefall abruptly
caer a plomo, caer en picadoDrop sharply
decaer, decrecer, disminuirgo down
Generalbajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
SimilarlargarLet fall to the ground
Catalánbaixar, caure
Nombrescaída, despeñoA free and rapid descent by the force of gravity
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 11, stative
Sentidohang freely.
Sinónimosbalancearse, columpearse, columpiarse, pender
Específicocolgarhang loosely or laxly
Generalcolgar, penderBe suspended or hanging
Inglésdangle, swing, drop
Catalánbalancejar-se, gronxar-se, gronxolar
Nombresbalanceo, intercambio de pareja, oscilación, vacilación, vaivénchanging location by moving back and forth
columpiomechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 12, stative
Sentidodie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt.
Generalacudir, asfixiarse, asfixiar, caducar, caer muerto, colgar los guayos, croar, dejar de existir, diñar, entregar el alma, espichar, estirar la pata, estrangular, exhalar el último suspiro, expirar, fallecer, fenecer, finar, irse al otro barrio, ir, morir, palmar, pasar a mejor vida, pasar, perder la vida, perecer, salir de este mundo, salir, sucumbir, vencerPass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain / sustain life
SimilarcaerBe captured
caerLose office or power
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 13, change
Sentidogo as if by falling.
Generaldesaparecer, desvancerse, disiparse, esfumarseGet lost, as without warning or explanation
Similarasentarse, caer, descenderCome as if by falling
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 14, social
SentidoYield to temptation or sin.
Generalpecarcommit a sin
NombrescaídaA lapse into sin
caída, pecado capitalThe lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 15, social
SentidoLose office or power.
Generaldejar, dimitir, renunciar, resignarGive up or retire from a position
Similarcaerdie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt
NombrescapitulaciónThe act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions)
caída, perdición, ruinaA sudden decline in strength or number or importance
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 16, motion
Sentidolower (prices or markets).
Generalarriar, bajarse, bajarMove something or somebody to a lower position
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 17, possession
SentidoBe captured.
Generalsometerse, sucumbirCease opposition
Similarcaerdie, as in battle / battle or in a hunt / hunt
NombrescapitulaciónThe act of surrendering (usually under agreed conditions)
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 18, change
Sentidogo down in value.
Sinónimosbajar, descender
Específicocaerse, tambalearsefall suddenly and sharply
Generaldeclinar, disminuir, mermarGrow smaller
Catalánbaixar, caure, davallar, descendir
Nombresbajada, baja, bajón, caída, descensoA sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 19, change
Sentidogo down momentarily.
Sinónimosdescender, hundirse
Generaldeclinar, disminuir, mermarGrow smaller
Cataláncaure, davallar
NombresdepresiónA depression in an otherwise level surface
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 20, motion
Sentidofall or come down violently.
Sinónimosderrumbarse, destruirse, quebrarse, venirse abajo
Generalbajar, caer, descenderMove downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way
Catalándestruir, estavellar-se, rompre's, topar, trencar-se, xocar
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 21, change
Sentidofall or diminish.
Generalconsumirse, desmoronarse, disminuir, menguar, mermar, reducirsedecrease in size, extent, or range
Inglésdrop off
Catalánbaixar, disminuir
Nombresaminoración, bajada, baja, caída, descenso, disminución, mengua, rebaja, reducciónA change downward
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 22, change
SentidoCome as if by falling.
Sinónimosasentarse, descender
Generalderivar, llegar, provenir, resultar, suceder, venirCome to pass
Similarcaergo as if by falling
Inglésfall, descend, settle
Español > caer: 23 sentidos > verbo 23, contact
Sentidothrow together in a confused / confused mass.
Sinónimohacer caer
Generalmezclar, revolverBring into random order

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