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Català 15 sentits de la paraula anticipar:
VERBcommunicationanticipar, augurar, predir, presagiar, preveure, pronosticar, vaticinarmake a prediction about
communicationanticipar, demanar, esperar, requerirconsider obligatory
socialanticipar, animar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsarcontribute to the progress or growth of
cognitionanticipar, aguardar, esperarlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
motionanticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-semove forward, also in the metaphorical sense
competitionanticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, guanyar, internar-seobtain advantages, such as points, etc.
cognitionanticipar, esperar, expectar, preveureregard something as probable or likely
changeanticipar, avançar, progressardevelop in a positive way
socialanticipar, anticipar-seact in advance of
socialanticipargive a promotion to or assign to a higher position
changeanticiparbe a forerunner of or occur earlier than
changeanticipar, augmentar, avançar-se, avançarrise in rate or price / price
possessionanticipar, avançar, bestreurepay in advance
changeanticipardevelop further
changeanticipar, ascendir, fomentar, promoureincrease or raise
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 1, communication
Sentitmake a prediction about; tell in advance.
Sinònimsaugurar, predir, presagiar, preveure, pronosticar, vaticinar
EspecíficapostarMaintain with or as if with a bet
augurarpredict from an omen
calcular, determinarpredict in advance
interpretar, llegirinterpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky
profetar, profetitzarpredict or reveal through, or as if through, divine inspiration
Generalaparentar, aventurar, conjecturar, endevinar, fingirPut forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation
Anglèspredict, foretell, prognosticate, call, forebode, anticipate, promise
Espanyolanticipar, augurar, predecir, presagiar, prever, pronosticar, vaticinar
AdjectiusanticipadorIn anticipation
predictiuOf or relating to prediction
Nomspredicció, pronosticació, pronòsticA statement made about the future
pressentimentA feeling of evil to come
previsió, prognosi, pronòsticA prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop
profeciaknowledge of the future (usually said to be obtained from a divine source)
pronosticador, vaticinadorsomeone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 2, communication
SentitConsider obligatory; request and expect.
Sinònimsdemanar, esperar, requerir
Generaldemanar, exigir, reclamarrequest urgently and forcefully
Anglèsask, require, expect
Espanyolanticipar, esperar, pedir, requerir
Nomsexigència, requisitrequired activity
expectativa, perspectivabelief about (or mental picture of) the future
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 3, social
Sentitcontribute to the progress or growth of.
Sinònimsanimar, avançar, fomentar, incentivar, potenciar, propulsar
Específicalimentarsupport / support or promote
Generaldonar suport, recolzar-se, recolzarGive moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to
Anglèspromote, advance, boost, further, encourage
Espanyolanimar, anticipar, auspiciar, estimular, favorecer, fomentar, impulsar, incentivar, potenciar, promover, propulsar
Nomsadepta, adepte, aficionada, aficionat, amic, amiga, entusiasta, protagonista, seguidora, seguidorA person who backs a politician or a team etc.
avenç, evolucióThe advancement of some enterprise / enterprise
coratge, encoratjamentThe act of giving hope or support to someone
foment, promocióencouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something
patrocinador, promotorsomeone who is an active supporter and advocate
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 4, cognition
Sentitlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of.
Sinònimsaguardar, esperar
Específicesperarlook forward to the birth of a child
esperarBe excited or anxious about
Similaranticipar, esperar, expectar, preveureregard something as probable or likely
Anglèsexpect, look, await, wait
Espanyolaguardar, anticipar, contar, esperar con expectación, esperar
NomsexpectacióSomething expected (as on the basis of a norm)
expectativaAnticipating with confidence of fulfillment
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 5, motion
SentitMove forward, also in the metaphorical sense.
Sinònimsavançar-se, endinsar-se, internar-se
Implicat perabordar, acostar-se, acostar, apropar-se, aproximar, encarar, venirMove towards
Específicacabar, passar, transcórrerpass by
enfilarMove or come along
envairAdvance beyond the usual limit
Generalacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
Tambéacudir, anar, desplaçar-se, moure's, moure, viatjarchange location
gambar, marxarwalk fast, with regular or measured steps
Contrariallunyar-se, apartar-se, jubilar, retirar-se, retirar, retrocedir, suprimirpull back or move away or backward
Anglèsadvance, progress, pass on, move on, march on, go on
Espanyoladentrarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, internarse
Nomsavançament, avanç, avenç, evolució, progrés, progressióThe act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
avançament, avanç, avenç, evolució, progrés, progressióA movement forward
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 6, competition
SentitObtain advantages, such as points, etc..
Sinònimsavançar-se, endinsar-se, guanyar, internar-se
Específicagafar, furtar, prendre, robarSteal a base
anotar, marcargain points in a game / game / game
Tambéconstituir, esdevenir, iniciar, posar-se, tornar-se, tornarEnter or assume a certain state or condition
Anglèsgain, advance, win, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground
Espanyoladelantarse, anticipar, avanzarse, avanzar, ganar, internarse
Nomstriomf, victòriaA victory (as in a race or other competition)
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 7, cognition
Sentitregard something as probable or likely.
Sinònimsesperar, expectar, preveure
Específicadquirir, assumir, presumirtake to be the case or to be true
conjecturar, especular, fer hipòtesis, imaginar, suposar, teoritzarTo believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds
considerar, pensarBe confident about something
creure, imaginar, opinar, pensar, suposarExpect, believe, or suppose
Generalavaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Similaraguardar, anticipar, esperarlook ... / look forward to the probable occurrence of
Anglèsexpect, anticipate
Espanyolanticipar, esperar, prever
NomsexpectacióThe feeling that something is about to happen / happen / happen
expectativa, perspectivabelief about (or mental picture of) the future
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 8, change
SentitDevelop in a positive way.
Sinònimsavançar, progressar
Generaldesenvolupar-se, desenvolupar, elaborarGrow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment
Tambéconstituir, esdevenir, iniciar, posar-se, tornar-se, tornarEnter or assume a certain state or condition
Contrariretrocedirget worse or fall back to a previous condition
Anglèsprogress, come on, come along, advance, get on, get along, shape up
Espanyolanticipar, avanzar, progresar
Nomsavançament, avanç, avenç, evolució, progrés, progressióThe act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
avenç, progrésgradual improvement or growth or development
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 9, social
SentitAct in advance of; deal / deal with ahead of time.
Generalactuar, ferPerform an action, or work out or perform (an action)
Anglèsanticipate, foresee, forestall, counter
Espanyolanticiparse, anticipar, prever
AdjectiusanticipadorIn anticipation
NomsanticipacióThe act of preventing something by anticipating and disposing of it effectively
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 10, social
SentitGive a promotion to or assign to a higher position.
Específicafavorir, decantar, estimar-se més, favorejar, preferirPromote over another
Generalassignar, delegar, designarGive an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
Anglèspromote, upgrade, advance, kick upstairs, raise, elevate
Espanyolanticipar, ascender
Nomsapogeu, caramull, cim, súmmum, tiptopThe highest level or degree attainable
ascens, elevacióThe act of increasing the wealth or prestige or power or scope of something
foment, promocióencouragement of the progress or growth or acceptance / acceptance of something
promocióAct of raising in rank or position
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 11, change
SentitBe a forerunner of or occur earlier than.
Generalesdevenir-se, ocórrer, passar, sobrevenir, succeir, tenir llocCome to pass
AdjectiusanticipadorIn anticipation
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 12, change
SentitRise in rate or price / price.
Sinònimsaugmentar, avançar-se, avançar
Generalescalargo up or advance
Anglèsadvance, gain
Espanyoladelantar, anticipar, aumentar, ganar
Nomspujadaincrease / increase / increase / increase / increase in price or value
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 13, possession
Sentitpay in advance.
Sinònimsavançar, bestreure
Generaldeixar, prestarGive temporarily
Espanyoladelantar, anticipar, avanzar
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 14, change
SentitDevelop further.
GeneralmillorarTo make better
Espanyolanticipar, avanzar
Nomsavançament, avanç, avenç, evolució, progrés, progressióThe act of moving forward (as toward a goal)
avenç, progrésgradual improvement or growth or development
Catalàanticipar: 15 sentits verb 15, change
Sentitincrease or raise.
Sinònimsascendir, fomentar, promoure
Generalacréixer, augmentar, elevar, incrementarmake bigger or more
Anglèsboost, advance, supercharge
Espanyolanticipar, ascender, aumentar, fomentar, promover

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