Sentit | A prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop. |
Sinònims | prognosi, pronòstic |
Específic | pronòstic | A forecast of the weather |
General | predicció, pronosticació, pronòstic | A statement made about the future |
Anglès | prognosis, forecast |
Espanyol | predicción, previsión, prognosis, pronóstico |
Adjectius | predictiu | Of or relating to prediction |
Verbs | anticipar, augurar, predir, presagiar, preveure, pronosticar, vaticinar | make a prediction about |
augurar, calcular, estimar, presagiar, preveure, pronosticar | judge to be probable |
augurar, predir, presagiar, pronosticar, vaticinar | Indicate by signs |
calcular, determinar | predict in advance |