Sentit | A statement made about the future. |
Sinònims | predicció, pronòstic |
Específic | divinació, endevinació, profecia, vaticini | A prediction uttered under divine inspiration |
horòscop | A prediction of someone's future based on the relative positions of the planets |
meteorologia, pronòstic del temps | predicting what the weather will be |
previsió, prognosi, pronòstic | A prediction about how something (as the weather) will develop |
General | afirmació, declaració | A message that is stated or declared |
Anglès | prediction, foretelling, forecasting, prognostication |
Espanyol | predicción, pronosticación, pronóstico |
Verbs | anticipar, augurar, predir, presagiar, preveure, pronosticar, vaticinar | make a prediction about |
calcular, determinar | predict in advance |