HyperDic: robar

Català > 10 sentits de la paraula robar:
VERBpossessionrobar, afanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyartake without the owner's consent
possessionrobar, atracartake something away by force or without the consent of the owner
contactrobar, expropiar, incautar, piratejartake arbitrarily or by force
socialrobar, desvalisarcommit a burglary
possessionrobarrob at gunpoint or with the threat / threat of violence
possessionrobar, atracar, plomarrip off
possessionrobar, furtar, pisparmake off with belongings of others
possessionrobartake illegally
competitionrobar, agafar, furtar, prendresteal a base
possessionrobar, embutxacartake unlawfully
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 1, possession
SentitTake without the owner's consent.
Sinònimsafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar
Específicarrambarsell something to or obtain something from by energetic / energetic and especially underhanded activity
atracar, robartake something away by force or without the consent of the owner
desvalisar, robarcommit a burglary
embutxacar, robarTake unlawfully
furtar, pispar, robarMake off with belongings of others
malversarAppropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
nolexsteal in a store
piratejarCopy illegally
plagiarTake without referencing from someone else's writing or speech
robarTake illegally
saquejarTake illegally
Generalagafar, apropiar-se, confiscar, copar, prendre, traure, treureTake by force
Anglèssteal, rip off, rip
Espanyolafanar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, rapiñar, robar, sustraer
Nomsatracament, estafa, furt, lladrocini, robament, robatoriThe act of taking something from someone unlawfully
furtador, lladre, rapinyaire, robadorA criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 2, possession
Sentittake something away by force or without the consent of the owner.
Generalafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
Espanyolatracar, robar
Nomsagressor, assaltant, atracador, bandit, delinqüent, lladreA thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
atracamentlarceny by threat / threat of violence
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 3, contact
SentitTake arbitrarily or by force.
Sinònimsexpropiar, incautar, piratejar
Categoriacrim, delicte, infracció(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Generalapoderar-se, apoderar, capturar, confiscar, embargar, incautar, prendreTake or capture by force
Anglèscommandeer, hijack, highjack, pirate
Espanyolexpropiar, incautar, piratear, requisar
Nomsbandit, bandolerA holdup man who stops a vehicle and steals from it
filibusterisme, pirateriaHijacking on the high seas or in similar contexts
segrestseizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination
segrest d'un vehiclerobbery of a traveller or vehicle in transit or seizing control of a vehicle by the use of force
vaixell pirataA ship that is manned by pirates
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 4, social
Sentitcommit a burglary; enter and rob a dwelling.
Generalafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
Anglèsburglarize, burglarise, burgle, heist
Espanyoldesvalijar, hurtar, robar
Nomsaplanament, robatoriEntering a building unlawfully with intent to commit a felony or to steal valuable property
assalt a mà armada, assaltament a mà armada, assaltament, assalt, atracament a mà armada, atracamentrobbery at gunpoint
escura pisos, lladre de pisos, lladreA thief who enters a building with intent to steal
estafa, xoriçadaThe act of stealing
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 5, possession
Sentitrob at gunpoint or with the threat / threat of violence.
Categoriacrim, delicte, infracció(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Espanyolasaltar, atracar
Nomsatracamentassault with intent to rob
lladreA robber who takes property by threatening or performing violence on the person who is robbed (usually on the street)
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 6, possession
Sentitrip off; ask an unreasonable price.
Sinònimsatracar, plomar
Implicacarregar, cobrar, facturardemand payment
Específicarrabassar, arruïnar, extorquir, extorsionarObtain by coercion or intimidation
Generalensarronar, estafardeprive somebody of something by deceit
Anglèsovercharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob, hook
Espanyolatracar, desplumar, robar
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 7, possession
SentitMake off with belongings of others.
Sinònimsfurtar, pispar
Generalafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
Anglèspilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, hook, sneak, filch, nobble, lift
Espanyolafanar, atrapar, birlar, enganchar, guindar, hurtar, mangar, quitar, robar
Nomsafaneta, lladregot, mangui, pispa, tinyetaA thief who steals without using violence
calés, cuques, kale, lucre, pasta, peles, pistrincs, quartos, simoleonsinformal terms for money
nolexA thief who steals goods that are in a store
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 8, possession
SentitTake illegally.
Categoriacrim, delicte, infracció(criminal law) an act punishable by law
Generalafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
Anglèsrustle, lift
Nomslladre de bestiarsomeone who steals livestock (especially cattle)
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 9, competition
SentitSteal a base.
Sinònimsagafar, furtar, prendre
Categoriabaseball, beisbolA ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players
Generalanticipar, avançar-se, endinsar-se, guanyar, internar-seObtain advantages, such as points, etc.
Català > robar: 10 sentits > verb 10, possession
SentitTake unlawfully.
Generalafanar, furtar, prendre, rampinyar, robarTake without the owner's consent
Anglèspocket, bag
Espanyolembolsarse, embolsar, embolsillarse, robar
NomsbutxacaA small pouch inside a garment for carrying small articles

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