Sentit | A person who accepts the leadership / leadership of another. |
Sinònims | partidària, partidari, seguidora, sequaç |
Específic | adherent, deixeble, partidari | someone who believes and helps to spread the doctrine of another |
adulador, llagoter | A person who uses flattery |
afeccionada, afeccionat, amant, amic, amiga, apassionada, apassionat, devota, devot, entusiasta, fanàtica, fanàtic, fan | An ardent follower and admirer |
estalinista | A follower of Stalin and Stalinism |
inferior | One of lesser rank or station or quality |
lapa, paparra | someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along |
llepacrestes, llepaculs, pelotillero, rentacares | A person of unquestioning obedience |
manat | A follower who carries out orders without question |
newtonià | A follower of Isaac Newton |
paràsit, sangonella, sangonera | A follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage |
satèl·lit | A person who follows or serves another |
súbdit, vassall | A person holding a fief |
General | ésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, persona | A human being |
Contrari | autoritat, dirigent, líder | A person who rules or guides or inspires others |
Anglès | follower |
Espanyol | partidaria, partidario, secuaz, seguidora, seguidor |