Sentit | A human being. |
Sinònims | humà, individu, mortal, persona |
Membre de | gent, persones | (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively |
Parts | anatomia, carn, cos humà, cos, cuerpo, figura, físic, forma, soma | Alternative names for the body of a human being |
personalitat, persona | The complex of all the attributes--behavioral, temperamental, emotional and mental--that characterize a unique individual |
Específic | Aquarius | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aquarius |
Aries | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Aries |
Gemini | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Gemini |
Leo | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Leo |
Libra | (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Libra |
aborigen, aborígen, indígena | An indigenous person who was born in a particular place |
abstinent | A person who refrains from drinking intoxicating beverages |
adjudicador, adjudicatari | A person who studies and settles conflicts / conflicts and disputes |
adulador | A person who charms others (usually by personal attractiveness) |
adulta, adult, persona gran | A fully developed person from maturity onward |
adversària, adversari, antagonista, contrària, contrari, opositor | someone who offers opposition |
afeccionat, aficionat, amateur | someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime |
africà, africana | A native or inhabitant of Africa |
afroamericà, negre, raça negra | A person with dark skin who comes from Africa (or whose ancestors came from Africa) |
agent monetari | A person who receives or invests or pays out money |
agnòstic | someone who is doubtful / doubtful or noncommittal about something |
albí | A person with congenital albinism |
alfabet | A person who can read and write |
allayer | A person who reduces the intensity (e.g., of fears) and calms and pacifies |
amant | A person who loves someone or is loved by someone |
amenaça, terror | A person who inspires fear or dread |
amic, amiga | A person you know well and regard with affection and trust |
amiga, amistat, conegut, coneixença | A person with whom you are acquainted |
amo, mestressa, posseïdora, posseïdor, possessora, possessor, propietària, propietari | A person who owns something |
anacronisme | A person who seems to be displaced in time |
aneguet lleig | An ugly or unpromising child who grows into a beautiful or worthy person |
anglès, creditor | A person to whom money is owed by a debtor |
aprenent | someone (especially a child) who learns (as from a teacher) or takes up knowledge or beliefs |
artista | A person who tries to please or amuse |
asmàtic | A person suffering from asthma |
aspirant, pretendent, sol·licitant | A person who requests or seeks something such as assistance or employment / employment or admission |
aspirant, candidata, candidat | someone who is considered for something (for an office or prize or honor etc.) |
assassí, homicida | someone who causes the death of a person or animal |
autodidacta, autodidacte | A person who has taught himself |
autoritat, dirigent, líder | A person who rules or guides or inspires others |
autoritat | (usually plural) persons who exercise (administrative) control over others |
autòcton, nadiu, natiu, natural | A person born in a particular place or country |
autòmata, zombi | someone who acts or responds in a mechanical or apathetic / apathetic way |
aventurer | A person who enjoys / enjoys / enjoys taking risks |
barroer, desmanyotat, negat | A person with poor motor coordination |
batallador, bel·ligerant, combatent, guerrer, lluitador | someone who fights (or is fighting) |
baulker | A person who refuses / refuses to comply |
blanc, caucàsic | A member of the Caucasoid race |
bloguer | A person who keeps and updates a blog |
bluecoat | A person dressed all in blue (as a soldier or sailor) |
bo | Any person who is on your side |
bona persona | A person who is good to other people |
braquicèfal | A brachycephalic person |
bru, brunet, morè, moreno | A person with dark (brown) hair |
calb | A person whose head is bald |
camaleó | A changeable / changeable or inconstant person |
cap de panotxa, pèl roig, redheader | someone who has red hair |
capitalista | A person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business) |
capsigrany, crèdul, enze, ingenu, innocent, simple | A person lacking intelligence or common sense |
captora, captor | A person who captures and holds people or animals |
cara | A part of a person that is used to refer to a person |
celebrant | A person who is celebrating |
cercador, quester | someone making a search / search / search / search / search or inquiry |
científic | A person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences |
citat, nomenament | A person who is appointed to a job or position |
ciutadà | A person who owes allegiance to that nation |
col·laborador, cooperador, coparticipant, soci | A person who is a member of a partnership |
col·leccionador, col·leccionista | A person who collects things |
comunicador, comunicant | A person who communicates with others |
concursant, contendent, participant | A person who participates in competitions |
consumidor de drogues | A person who takes drugs |
contestatari, dissident, objector | A person who dissents from some established policy |
contriver, planificador | A person who makes plans |
convers | A person who has been converted to another religious or political belief |
copiador, copycat, emulador, imitador, mona, plagiador | someone who copies the words or behavior of another |
covard | A person who shows fear or timidity |
crac, expert, perit, pèrit | A person with special knowledge or ability who performs skillfully |
creador | A person who grows or makes or invents / invents things |
criatura | A human being |
culturista, fisicoculturista | someone who does special exercises to develop a brawny musculature |
debitor, deutora, deutor | A person who owes a creditor |
defecator | A person who defecates |
defensor, partidari, proponent | A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea |
desgraciat, desventurat, infeliç | A person who suffers misfortune |
destre, matador, torejador, torero | someone who fights bulls |
destre | A person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left |
detector | A person who sniffs |
diferenciador | A person who (or that which) differentiates |
difunta, difunt, finada, finat, morta, mort | someone who is no longer alive |
disminuït, invàlid, minusvàlid | A person who has some condition that markedly restricts their ability to function physically or mentally or socially |
disputador, polemista | A person who disputes |
doble, imatge | someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor) |
dolent | Any person who is not on your side |
dormilega, toca son | A sleepy person |
dèbil, desnerit, neulit, nyicris, pelleringa, wuss | A person who is physically weak and ineffectual |
enginyera, enginyer, tecnòleg, tecnòloga | A person who uses scientific knowledge to solve practical problems |
esclau, esclava | A person who is owned by someone |
esfinx | An inscrutable person who keeps his thoughts and intentions secret |
esguerrat, mutilat | someone who is unable to walk normally because of an injury or disability to the legs or back |
eslau, eslava | Any member of the people of eastern Europe or Asian Russia who speak a Slavonic language |
espectador, observador | A person who becomes aware (of things or events) through the senses |
esperança | someone (or something) on which expectations are centered |
esquerrà | A person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right |
estrafolari, excèntric, extravagant | A person with an unusual or odd personality |
estrany, persona estranya, rar | A person who is unusual |
explorador | someone who travels into little known regions (especially for some scientific purpose) |
extremista, radical | A person who has radical ideas or opinions |
extrovertit | (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings |
factor, faedor | A person who acts and gets things done |
femella | A person who belongs to the sex that can have babies |
fiduciari | A person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary |
gai, homosexual | someone who practices homosexuality |
gentil, pagà | A person who is not a member of one's own religion |
governador, governant | A person who rules or commands |
guerrer | someone engaged in or experienced in warfare |
guillat, sonat, tocat de l'ala | someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group |
habitant, llatinoamericà, pobladora, poblador, resident, veí, veïna | A person who inhabits a particular place |
hebrea, hebreu, jueu, jueva | A person belonging to the worldwide / worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural / cultural or religious ties |
hetero, heterosexual | A heterosexual person |
home, persona | The generic use of the word to refer to any human being |
homònim | A person with the same name as another |
igual, parell, parió | A person who is of equal standing with another in a group |
inadaptat | someone unable to adapt to their circumstances |
individualista | A person who pursues independent thought or action |
inexpert, ingenu, innocent | A person who lacks knowledge of evil |
innocent, víctima | A person who is tricked or swindled |
inscrit | A person who enrolls in (or is enrolled in) a class or course of study |
intel·lectual | A person who uses the mind creatively |
introvertit | (psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social / social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts |
intèrpret | someone who uses art to represent something |
jugadora, jugador | A person who wagers money on the outcome of games / games / games or sporting events |
juvenil, menor | A young person, not fully developed |
llançador | someone who projects something (especially by a rapid motion of the arm) |
lliurador | A person who gives up or transfers money or goods |
mala persona | A person who does harm to others |
mediocre | A person of second-rate ability or value |
mestís | A person of mixed racial ancestry (especially mixed European and Native American ancestry) |
mesurador | A person who makes measurements |
milionària, milionari, potentada, potentat, rica, ric | A person who possesses great material wealth |
millor | The person who is most outstanding / outstanding or excellent |
miracle man, taumaturg | A person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles |
màquina | An efficient person |
namer | A person who gives a name or names |
nena, nen | An immature childish person |
neutral | One who does not side with any party / party / party in a war / war / war or dispute |
no fumador | A person who does not smoke tobacco |
nonpartizan | A person who is nonpartisan |
nu | A naked person |
ocultista | A believer in occultism |
optimista | A person disposed to take a favorable view of things |
pansexual | A person who participates in (or is open to) sexual activities of many kinds |
parella | A person (not necessarily a spouse) with whom you cohabit and share a long-term sexual relationship |
parent | A person related by blood or marriage |
part | A person involved in legal proceedings |
partidària, partidari, seguidora, seguidor, sequaç | A person who accepts the leadership / leadership of another |
persona de color | (formal) any non-European non-white person |
persona no grata, persona non grata | A person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome |
persona no qualificada | A person who lacks technical training |
persona religiosa | A person who manifests devotion to a deity |
personatge | Another word for person |
personificació | A person who represents an abstract quality |
plebeu | A person who holds no title |
poliglota, políglota, poliglot | A person who speaks more than one language |
precursor | A person who goes before or announces the coming of another |
primitiu | A person who belongs to an early stage / stage of civilization |
propositus | The person immediately affected by or concerned with an action |
pupil | A person who is under the protection or in the custody of another |
rara avis | A rare or unique person |
romàntic, sentimental | someone who indulges in excessive sentimentality |
ros | A person with fair skin and hair |
salvador | someone who saves something from danger or violence |
selector | A person who chooses or selects out |
sensualista | A person who enjoys / enjoys / enjoys sensuality |
signant, signatari | someone who signs and is bound by a document |
slobberer | A person who dribbles |
sol·licitador | A person who makes demands / demands |
sord | A person with a severe auditory impairment |
sospitós | someone who is under suspicion |
squirmer | One who can't stay still (especially a child) |
supervivent | One who outlives another |
temptadora, temptador | A person who tempts others |
testador | A person who makes a will |
testimoni | (law) a person who testifies under oath in a court of law |
tigre | A fierce or audacious person |
totemist | A person who belongs to a clan or tribe having a totem |
transformista, transvestit, travesti | someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex |
transsexual | A person who has undergone a sex change operation |
treballador | A person who works at a specific occupation |
un mateix | A person considered as a unique individual |
unperson | A person regarded as nonexistent and having no rights |
usuari | A person who makes use of a thing |
veí, veïna | A person who lives (or is located) near another |
viatgera, viatger | A person who changes location |
victorià | A person who lived during the reign of Victoria |
vida | A living person |
yearner | A person with a strong desire for something |
èxit, guanyador | A person with a record / record of successes |
General | agent causal, causa | Any entity that produces an effect or is responsible for events or results |
ésser, ésser viu, organisme | A living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently |
Anglès | person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul |
Espanyol | alguien, alguno, alma, humano, individuo, mortal, persona, ser humano, ser |
Adjectius | mortal | Subject to death |
Verbs | individualitzar, personalitzar | make personal or more personal |
personificar | Attribute human qualities to something |