ADJECTIU | all | innocent | free from evil or guilt |
all | innocent, angèlic, angelical, càndid, seràfic | having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub | |
all | innocent, confiat, crèdul, ingenu | naive and easily deceived or tricked | |
all | innocent | lacking in sophistication or worldliness | |
all | innocent | lacking intent or capacity to injure / injure | |
all | innocent | (used of things) lacking sense or awareness | |
all | innocent | free from sin | |
NOM | person | innocent, capsigrany, crèdul, enze, ingenu, simple | a person lacking intelligence or common sense |
person | innocent, víctima | a person who is tricked or swindled | |
person | innocent, inexpert, ingenu | a person who lacks knowledge of evil |
Sentit | Free from evil or guilt. | |
Específic | impecable, inculpable, irreprotxable | Free of guilt |
També | exculpatori | Clearing of guilt or blame |
honrat, just, recte | Characterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice | |
Contrari | culpable | Responsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act |
Anglès | innocent, guiltless, clean-handed | |
Espanyol | inocente | |
Noms | innocència | A state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense |
Sentit | Having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub. | |
Sinònims | angèlic, angelical, càndid, seràfic | |
General | adorable, amable, encantador, simpàtic | Having characteristics / characteristics that attract love or affection |
Anglès | angelic, angelical, cherubic, seraphic, sweet | |
Espanyol | angelical, angélico, cándido, inocente, querúbico, seráfico | |
Noms | caràcter agradable | The quality of giving pleasure |
serafí | An angel of the first order | |
àngel | spiritual being attendant upon God | |
àngel, sant | person of exceptional holiness | |
Adverbis | dolçament | In an affectionate or loving manner ('sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of 'sweetly') |
Sentit | naive and easily deceived or tricked. | |
Sinònims | confiat, crèdul, ingenu | |
General | càndid | marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly / worldly experience |
Anglès | fleeceable, green, gullible | |
Espanyol | confiado, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente | |
Noms | credulitat | tendency to believe too readily and therefore / therefore to be easily deceived / deceived |
Sentit | lacking in sophistication or worldliness. | |
General | càndid | marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly / worldly experience |
Anglès | innocent, ingenuous | |
Espanyol | ingenuo, inocente | |
Noms | ingenuïtat, innocència, naturalitat | The quality of innocent naivete |
Adverbis | innocentment | In a naively innocent manner |
Sentit | lacking intent or capacity to injure / injure. | |
General | inofensiu | not causing or capable of causing harm |
Anglès | innocent, innocuous | |
Espanyol | innocente, inocente, inocua, inocuo |
Sentit | (used of things) lacking sense or awareness. | |
Ús de | arcaisme | The use of an archaic expression |
Anglès | innocent |
Sentit | Free from sin. | |
General | virtuós | morally excellent |
Anglès | impeccant, innocent, sinless | |
Espanyol | inocente | |
Noms | puresa | The state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong |
Sentit | A person who is tricked or swindled. | |
Sinònim | víctima | |
Específic | babau, beneit, encantat, enze, gamarús, gavina, idiota, pallús, tanoca, tòtil | A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of |
blanc fàcil, presa fàcil | A defenseless / defenseless victim | |
burlot, rialla, riota | A victim of ridicule or pranks | |
General | ésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, persona | A human being |
Anglès | victim, dupe | |
Espanyol | engrupido, incauta, incauto, inocentón, prima, primo, víctima | |
Verbs | enredar, entabanar | fool or hoax |
Sentit | A person who lacks knowledge of evil. | |
Sinònims | inexpert, ingenu | |
Específic | verge | A person who has never / never had sex |
General | ésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, persona | A human being |
Anglès | innocent, inexperienced person | |
Espanyol | inexperto, ingenuo, inocente |
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