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Català 10 sentits de la paraula innocent:
ADJECTIUallinnocentfree from evil or guilt
allinnocent, angèlic, angelical, càndid, seràfichaving a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub
allinnocent, confiat, crèdul, ingenunaive and easily deceived or tricked
allinnocentlacking in sophistication or worldliness
allinnocentlacking intent or capacity to injure / injure
allinnocent(used of things) lacking sense or awareness
allinnocentfree from sin
NOMperson innocent, capsigrany, crèdul, enze, ingenu, simplea person lacking intelligence or common sense
person innocent, víctimaa person who is tricked or swindled
person innocent, inexpert, ingenua person who lacks knowledge of evil
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 1
SentitFree from evil or guilt.
Específicimpecable, inculpable, irreprotxableFree of guilt
TambéexculpatoriClearing of guilt or blame
honrat, just, recteCharacterized by or proceeding from accepted standards of morality or justice
ContrariculpableResponsible for or chargeable with a reprehensible act
Anglèsinnocent, guiltless, clean-handed
NomsinnocènciaA state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 2
SentitHaving a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub.
Sinònimsangèlic, angelical, càndid, seràfic
Generaladorable, amable, encantador, simpàticHaving characteristics / characteristics that attract love or affection
Anglèsangelic, angelical, cherubic, seraphic, sweet
Espanyolangelical, angélico, cándido, inocente, querúbico, seráfico
Nomscaràcter agradableThe quality of giving pleasure
serafíAn angel of the first order
àngelspiritual being attendant upon God
àngel, santperson of exceptional holiness
AdverbisdolçamentIn an affectionate or loving manner ('sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of 'sweetly')
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 3
Sentitnaive and easily deceived or tricked.
Sinònimsconfiat, crèdul, ingenu
Generalcàndidmarked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly / worldly experience
Anglèsfleeceable, green, gullible
Espanyolconfiado, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente
Nomscredulitattendency to believe too readily and therefore / therefore to be easily deceived / deceived
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 4
Sentitlacking in sophistication or worldliness.
Generalcàndidmarked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly / worldly experience
Anglèsinnocent, ingenuous
Espanyolingenuo, inocente
Nomsingenuïtat, innocència, naturalitatThe quality of innocent naivete
AdverbisinnocentmentIn a naively innocent manner
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 5
Sentitlacking intent or capacity to injure / injure.
Generalinofensiunot causing or capable of causing harm
Anglèsinnocent, innocuous
Espanyolinnocente, inocente, inocua, inocuo
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 6
Sentit(used of things) lacking sense or awareness.
Ús dearcaismeThe use of an archaic expression
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits adjectiu 7
SentitFree from sin.
Generalvirtuósmorally excellent
Anglèsimpeccant, innocent, sinless
NomspuresaThe state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits nom 1, person
SentitA person lacking intelligence or common sense.
Sinònimscapsigrany, crèdul, enze, ingenu, simple
Específicase, estúpid, gamarús, idiotaA person who is not very bright
babau, bajà, beneit, curt, idiota, talòs, tontoA person who lacks good judgment
babau, beneit, enze, estaquirot, gamarús, pallús, tanoca, tòtil, totxoAn ignorant or foolish person
babau, idiota, panoli, tonto, ximpleA stupid foolish person
capsigrany, eixelebrat, poca-solta, tabalotA flighty and disorganized person
cretí, curt, gamarús, idiota, imbècil, neci, pallús, retardat, retrassat, tanoca, tòtilA person of subnormal intelligence
deficient mental, disminuït psíquic, subnormalA person of less than normal intelligence
gamarús, memo, sabata, sòminesA stupid incompetent person
idiot savantperson who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in some limited field (usually involving memory)
nebbech(Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton
ovellaA timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon
ruc, toix, twirpsomeone who is regarded as contemptible
schlemiel(Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler
Generalésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, personaA human being
Anglèssimpleton, simple
Espanyolababol, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente, simple, simplón
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits nom 2, person
SentitA person who is tricked or swindled.
Específicbabau, beneit, encantat, enze, gamarús, gavina, idiota, pallús, tanoca, tòtilA person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of
blanc fàcil, presa fàcilA defenseless / defenseless victim
burlot, rialla, riotaA victim of ridicule or pranks
Generalésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, personaA human being
Anglèsvictim, dupe
Espanyolengrupido, incauta, incauto, inocentón, prima, primo, víctima
Verbsenredar, entabanarfool or hoax
Catalàinnocent: 10 sentits nom 3, person
SentitA person who lacks knowledge of evil.
Sinònimsinexpert, ingenu
EspecíficvergeA person who has never / never had sex
Generalésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, personaA human being
Anglèsinnocent, inexperienced person
Espanyolinexperto, ingenuo, inocente

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