Sentit | A person lacking intelligence or common sense. |
Sinònims | capsigrany, enze, ingenu, innocent, simple |
Específic | ase, estúpid, gamarús, idiota | A person who is not very bright |
babau, bajà, beneit, curt, idiota, talòs, tonto | A person who lacks good judgment |
babau, beneit, enze, estaquirot, gamarús, pallús, tanoca, tòtil, totxo | An ignorant or foolish person |
babau, idiota, panoli, tonto, ximple | A stupid foolish person |
capsigrany, eixelebrat, poca-solta, tabalot | A flighty and disorganized person |
cretí, curt, gamarús, idiota, imbècil, neci, pallús, retardat, retrassat, tanoca, tòtil | A person of subnormal intelligence |
deficient mental, disminuït psíquic, subnormal | A person of less than normal intelligence |
gamarús, memo, sabata, sòmines | A stupid incompetent person |
idiot savant | person who is mentally retarded in general but who displays remarkable aptitude in some limited field (usually involving memory) |
nebbech | (Yiddish) a timid unfortunate simpleton |
ovella | A timid defenseless simpleton who is readily preyed upon |
ruc, toix, twirp | someone who is regarded as contemptible |
schlemiel | (Yiddish) a dolt who is a habitual bungler |
General | ésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, persona | A human being |
Anglès | simpleton, simple |
Espanyol | ababol, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente, simple, simplón |