Sentit | Any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae characterized by superior intelligence, articulate speech, and erect carriage. |
Sinònims | ésser humà, homo, humà |
Categoria de | cos, estructura física, estructura orgànica | The entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being) |
costat | Either the left or right half of a body |
polidactilia, polidactília | birth defect characterized by the presence of more than the normal number of fingers or toes |
sindactilia, sindactília | birth defect in which there is partial or total webbing connecting two or more fingers or toes |
Membre de | genus homo | type genus of the family Hominidae |
Parts | anatomia, carn, cos humà, cos, cuerpo, figura, físic, forma, soma | Alternative names for the body of a human being |
braç | A human limb |
cabellera, cabell | growth of hair covering the scalp of a human being |
cap humà | The head of a human being |
cara | The front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear |
illada, llom, lumbus | Either side of the backbone between the hipbone and the ribs in humans as well as quadrupeds |
mà, manus | The (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb |
pes, peu | The part of the leg of a human being below the ankle joint |
Específic | espècie humana, gènere humà, home, humanitat, llinatge humà, món, raça humana | All of the living human inhabitants of the earth |
home de Rodèsia, Homo rhodesiensis | A primitive hominid resembling Neanderthal man but living in Africa |
home de neandertal, Home de Neandertal, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, neandertal, Neandertal, Neanderthal | Extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia |
homo erectus, Homo erectus | Extinct species of primitive hominid with upright stature but small brain |
homo habilis, Homo habilis | Extinct species of upright East African hominid having some advanced humanlike characteristics / characteristics |
homo sapiens, Homo sapiens, Humà | The only surviving hominid |
General | homínid | A primate of the family Hominidae |
Anglès | homo, man, human being, human |
Espanyol | hombre, homo, humana, humanidad, humano, ser humano |
Adjectius | antròpic | relating to mankind or the period of mankind's existence |
humà | Having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings |
humà, humana | characteristic of humanity |