Sentit | someone who fights (or is fighting). |
Sinònims | batallador, bel·ligerant, guerrer, lluitador |
Específic | boxador, boxejador, pugilista, púgil | someone who fights with his fists for sport |
busca-raons, esvalotador | A fighter (especially one who participates in brawls) |
espadatxí, tirador | someone skilled at fencing |
gladiador | (ancient Rome) a professional combatant or a captive who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat |
lluitador | combatant who tries to throw opponent to the ground |
vencedor | A combatant who is able to defeat rivals |
General | ésser humà, humà, individu, mortal, persona | A human being |
Anglès | combatant, battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper |
Espanyol | batallador, beligerante, combatiente, guerrero, luchador |
Adjectius | militant | Engaged in war |
Verbs | barallar-se, discutir-se, discutir, disputar | Have a disagreement over something |
barallar-se, barallar, batallar, lluitar, pugnar | Be engaged in a fight |
batallar, combatre | Battle or contend against in or as if in a battle |
defensar-se, lluitar, oposar | fight against or resist strongly |