Sentit | Be engaged in a fight; carry on a fight. |
Sinònims | barallar-se, barallar, batallar, lluitar |
Implica | competir, contendir, contendre | compete for something |
Implicat per | defensar | Be on the defensive |
Específic | agredir, assaltar, atacar | launch an attack or assault on |
arrossegar, remolcar | struggle in opposition |
barallar-se, lluitar | carry out a feud |
batallar, combatre | Battle or contend against in or as if in a battle |
boxar, boxejar | Engage in a boxing match |
defensar-se, lluitar, oposar | fight against or resist strongly |
defensar-se | defend oneself |
duel | fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman |
escaramussar | Engage in a skirmish |
guerrejar | make or wage war |
justar | joust against somebody in a tournament by fighting on horseback |
lluitar | fight or struggle in a confused way at close quarters |
També | repel·lir | Force or drive back |
Anglès | contend, fight, struggle |
Espanyol | batallar, combatir, esforzarse con denuedo, forcejear, lidiar, luchar, pelear, pugnar |
Noms | acció, batalla, combat, lluita | A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war |
baralla, batalla, brega, combat, lluita | The act of fighting |
batalla, conflicte, lluita, pugna | An open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals) |
batallador, bel·ligerant, combatent, guerrer, lluitador | someone who fights (or is fighting) |
caça bombarder, caça | A high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy / enemy aircraft in the air |
combat | A boxing or wrestling match |