Meaning | The waging of armed conflict against an enemy / enemy. |
Example | "thousands of people were killed in the war" |
Synonym | warfare |
Category of | de-escalation | (war) a reduction in intensity (of a crisis or a war) |
plunderer, pillager, looter, spoiler, despoiler, raider, freebooter | someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war) |
side | One of two or more contesting groups |
war, state of war | A legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply |
Category | military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine | The military forces of a nation |
Instances | Arab-Israeli War, Six-Day War, Six Day War | tension between Arabs and Israeli erupted / erupted into a brief war in June 1967 |
Arab-Israeli War, Yom Kippur War | Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (on Yom Kippur) |
Balkan Wars | Two wars (1912-1913) that were fought over the last of the European territories of the Ottoman Empire and that left the area around Constantinople (now Istanbul) as the only Ottoman territory in Europe |
Boer War | Either of two wars |
Chino-Japanese War, Sino-Japanese War | A war between China and Japan (1894 and 1895) over the control of the Korean Peninsula |
Crimean War | A war in Crimea between Russia and a group of nations including England and France and Turkey and Sardinia |
Franco-Prussian War | A war between France and Prussia that ended the Second Empire in France and led to the founding of modern Germany |
French and Indian War | A war in North America between France and Britain (both aided by American Indian tribes) |
Hundred Years' War | The series of wars fought intermittently between France and England |
Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War | A dispute over control of the waterway between Iraq and Iran broke out into open / open fighting in 1980 and continued until 1988, when they accepted a UN cease-fire resolution |
Korean War | A war between North and South Korea |
Macedonian War | One the four wars between Macedonia and Rome in the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, which ended in the defeat of Macedonia and its annexation as a Roman province |
Mexican War | After disputes over Texas lands that were settled by Mexicans the United States declared war on Mexico in 1846 and by treaty in 1848 took Texas and California and Arizona and New Mexico and Nevada and Utah and part of Colorado and paid Mexico $15,000,000 |
Napoleonic Wars | A series of wars fought between France (led by Napoleon Bonaparte) and alliances involving England and Prussia and Russia and Austria at different times |
Peloponnesian War | A war in which Athens and its allies were defeated by the league centered on Sparta |
Persian Gulf War, Gulf War | A war fought between Iraq and a coalition led by the United States that freed Kuwait from Iraqi invaders |
Punic War | One of the three wars between Carthage and Rome that resulted in the destruction of Carthage and its annexation by Rome |
Russo-Japanese War | Japanese victory in the war with Russia (1904-1905) gave Japan power over Korea and Manchuria |
Seven Years' War | A war of England and Prussia against France and Austria (1756-1763) |
Spanish-American War, Spanish War | A war between the United States and Spain in 1898 |
Thirty Years' War | A series of conflicts (1618-1648) between Protestants and Catholics starting in Germany and spreading until France and Denmark and Sweden were opposing the Holy Roman Empire and Spain |
Trojan War | (Greek mythology) a great war fought between Greece and Troy |
Vietnam War, Vietnam | A prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States |
War of 1812 | A war (1812-1814) between the United States and England which was trying to interfere with American trade with France |
War of Greek Independence | The Greeks rebelled against Turkish rule in 1821 |
War of the Austrian Succession | Prussia and Austria fought over Silesia and most of the rest of Europe took sides |
War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg | An aggressive war waged by Louis XIV against Spain and the Holy Roman Empire and England and Holland and other states / states (1689-1697) |
War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses | struggle for the English throne (1455-1485) between the house of York (white rose) and the house of Lancaster (red rose) ending with the accession of the Tudor monarch Henry VII |
War of the Spanish Succession | A general war in Europe (1701-1714) that broke out when Louis XIV installed his grandson on the throne of Spain |
Parts | aggression | The act of initiating hostilities |
battle, conflict, fight, engagement | A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war |
combat, armed combat | An engagement fought between two military forces |
Narrower | biological warfare, BW, biological attack, biologic attack, bioattack | The use of bacteria or viruses or toxins to destroy men and animals or food |
chemical warfare, chemical operations | warfare using chemical agents to kill or injure or incapacitate the enemy / enemy |
civil war | A war between factions in the same country |
hot war | Actual fighting between the warring parties |
information warfare, IW | The use of information or information technology during a time of crisis or conflict to achieve or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or adversaries |
limited war | A war whose objective is less than the unconditional defeat of the enemy / enemy |
psychological warfare, war of nerves | The use of psychological tactics to destroy the opponents' morale |
world war | A war in which the major nations of the world are involved |
Broader | military action, action | A military engagement |
Spanish | conflagración, guerra |
Catalan | guerra |
Verbs | war | make or wage war |