Español > montañismo: 2 sentidos > nombre 2, actSentido | The activity of climbing a mountain. |
Sinónimo | alpinismo |
Categoría de | abseil, descenso en rápel, descenso por cuerda, rapel, rápel, rappel | (mountaineering) a descent of a vertical cliff or wall made by using a doubled rope that is fixed to a higher point and wrapped around the body |
aerodontalgia | pain in the teeth that results from a change in air pressure (as in flying or mountain climbing) |
Específico | alpinismo | mountain climbing (not restricted to the Alps) |
General | ascenso, escalada, subida, trepada, trepa | The act of climbing something |
Inglés | mountain climbing, mountaineering |
Catalán | alpinisme, muntanyisme |
Verbos | escalar | climb mountains for pleasure as a sport |