HyperDic: estirar

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra estirar:
VERBOchangeestirar, distender, ensanchar, extendermake long or longer by pulling and stretching
contactestirar, arrastrar, tirarcause to move by pulling
changeestirar, ajustar, apretar, atar, tensarmake tight / tight or tighter / tighter
bodyestirar, desentumecer, distenderextend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body
stativeestirar, alargarse, ensancharseoccupy a large, elongated area
motionestirar, desdoblar, desenvolver, desplegar, distender, extenderextend or stretch out to a greater or the full length
bodyestirarextend one's body or limbs
changeestirar, ajustar, tensarbecome tight / tight / tight / tight / tight or tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter
changeestirarincrease in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance
bodyestirar, desentumecer, distender, estirarse, fortalecer, hacer ejercicio, tonificargive a healthy elasticity to
contactestirar, desenrollar, enderezarstraighten by unrolling
possessionestirar, complementarsupplement what is thought to be deficient
changeestirar, afirmar, atiesar, tensarmake taut or tauter
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 1, change
Sentidomake long or longer by pulling and stretching.
Sinónimosdistender, ensanchar, extender
Causa dealargarse, darse, ensancharse, estirarseBecome longer by being stretched and pulled
Generalalargar, prolongarmake longer
Ingléselongate, stretch
Catalánallargar, distendre, eixamplar, estirar
Nombresalargamiento, elongaciónThe act of lengthening something
alargamiento, extensiónAn addition to the length of something
alargamiento, elongaciónThe quality of being elongated
ensanchadorA mechanical device used to make something larger (as shoes or gloves) by stretching it
estiramiento, estirónextension to or beyond the ordinary limit / limit
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 2, contact
SentidoCause to move by pulling.
Sinónimosarrastrar, tirar
Específicoacarrear, arrastrar, carretear, tirar, transportarDraw slowly or heavily
arrancar, desplumar, jalar, pelar, pelliscar, sacarPull or pull out sharply
arrastrar, tirarPull, as against a resistance
atraerdirect toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
dar un tirón, sacudir, tirar de, tirar, tironearPull, or move with a sudden movement
remolcarPull or strain hard at
retirarMove to a rearward position
tirarMove or pull with a sudden motion
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénarrancar, desplumar, jalar, pelar, pelliscar, sacarPull or pull out sharply
arrasar, desarticular, desmantelar, igualartear down so as to make flat with the ground
arrastrarpull along heavily, like a heavy load against a resistance
atraerdirect toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes
extraer, sacarRemove, usually with some force or effort
retirarMove to a rearward position
Contrarioapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
SimilarconfiarCause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense
tirarapply force so as to cause motion towards the source of the motion
Ingléspull, draw
Catalánarrossegar, estirar, tirar
Nombresacarreo, arrastre, tirón, transporteThe act of drawing or hauling / hauling something
tracciónThe act of pulling
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 3, change
Sentidomake tight / tight or tighter / tighter.
Sinónimosajustar, apretar, atar, tensar
Específicoafirmar, atiesar, estirar, tensarmake taut or tauter
enroscartighten or fasten by means of screwing motions
tensartake up the slack of
Generalalterar, cambiar, modificar, mudar, retocar, transformar, variarCause to change
Ingléstighten, fasten
Catalánajustar, estirar, fer força, tibar
NombresagarrotamientoThe act of making something tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 4, body
SentidoExtend one's limbs or muscles, or the entire body.
Sinónimosdesentumecer, distender
Específicodespatarrarse, despatarrarstretch out completely
estirarsestretch (the neck) so as to see better
Generaltensarse, tensarCause to be tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious
Inglésstretch, extend
Catalándesemperesir-se, desentumir, distendre, estirar-se, estirar
NombresestiramientoExercise designed to extend the limbs and muscles to their full extent
extensor, músculo extensorA skeletal muscle whose contraction extends or stretches a body part
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 5, stative
SentidoOccupy a large, elongated area.
Sinónimosalargarse, ensancharse
Generalestar, haberOccupy a certain position or area
Inglésstretch, stretch along
Catalánallargar-se, eixamplar-se, estirar
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
SentidoExtend or stretch out to a greater or the full length.
Sinónimosdesdoblar, desenvolver, desplegar, distender, extender
Generalcambiar de forma, deformarassume a different shape or form
Inglésunfold, stretch, stretch out, extend
Catalándesdoblar, desembolicar, desplegar, distendre, estendre, estirar
Adjetivoextensiblecapable of being protruded or stretched or opened out
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 7, body
SentidoExtend one's body or limbs.
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Inglésstretch, stretch out
NombresalcanceThe act of physically reaching or thrusting out
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 8, change
SentidoBecome tight / tight / tight / tight / tight or tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter / tighter.
Sinónimosajustar, tensar
Específicoangostarse, estrecharse, estrecharBecome tight or as if tight
apretar, comprimirsqueeze or press together
atesarse, atirantarse, tensar, tesarseBecome taut or tauter
tensarse, tensarbecome stretched or tense or taut
Generalalterar, cambiar, sufrir un cambio, transformar, variarUndergo a change
Catalánajustar, estirar, serrar, tibar
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 9, change
Sentidoincrease in quantity or bulk by adding a cheaper substance.
Generalacrecentar, aumentar, elevar, incrementar, subirmake bigger or more
Similaradulterar, diluirCorrupt, debase, or make impure by adding a foreign or inferior substance
Inglésextend, stretch
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 10, body
SentidoGive a healthy elasticity to.
Sinónimosdesentumecer, distender, estirarse, fortalecer, hacer ejercicio, tonificar
Generalejercitarse, ejercitar, entrenar, trabajarDo physical exercise
Ingléstone, tone up, strengthen
Catalándesentumir, distendre, estirar-se, estirar
Nombreshipertónico, tonicidad, tonoThe elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 11, contact
Sentidostraighten by unrolling.
Sinónimosdesenrollar, enderezar
Generaldesenredar, desovillarseparate the tangles of
Inglésroll out, straighten
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 12, possession
Sentidosupplement what is thought to be deficient.
Generalcomplementar, completar, suplementaradd as a supplement to what seems insufficient
Ingléseke out, fill out
Cataláncomplementar, fer arribar
Español > estirar: 13 sentidos > verbo 13, change
Sentidomake taut or tauter.
Sinónimosafirmar, atiesar, tensar
Generalajustar, apretar, atar, estirar, tensarmake tight / tight or tighter / tighter
Ingléstauten, firm
Catalántensar, tibar

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