Català > estendre: 11 sentits > verb 2, contactSentit | Be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position. |
Sinònims | abocar, ajaçar-se, ajaçar, ajeure's, ajeure, allitar, jaure, jeure, radicar |
Implica | abocar, ajaçar, ajeure's, ajeure, allitar, jeure, radicar | assume a reclining position |
Causat per | tombar | put in a horizontal position |
Específic | arrepapar-se, escarxofar-se, repapar-se | Sit or lie with one's limbs spread out |
prendre el sol | expose one's body to the sun |
reposar | lie when dead |
torrar-se | Be exposed |
Contrari | aguantar, aixecar-se, aixecar, alçar, posar-se dempeus, tolerar | Be standing |
asseure's, asseure, seure | Be seated |
Similar | abocar, ajaçar, ajeure's, ajeure, allitar, jeure, radicar | assume a reclining position |
Anglès | lie |
Espanyol | radicar, yacer |
Català > estendre: 11 sentits > verb 3, contactSentit | Distribute or disperse widely. |
Sinònims | desplegar, dispensar, distribuir, escampar, estendre's |
Específic | abocar, descarregar | pour forth or release |
aclofar-se, arrepapar-se, estendre's, expandir-se | Go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way |
desplegar | To distribute systematically or strategically |
dispersar, escampar, espargir | spread by scattering ("straw"is archaic) |
escampar-se, generalitzar-se | Become systemic and spread throughout the body |
estendre's, propagar-se | Move outward |
metastatitzar | Spread throughout the body |
propagar-se, propagar | transmit or cause to broaden or spread |
redistribuir | Distribute anew |
També | allargar, ampliar, desplegar, dilatar, eixamplar-se, escampar-se, estendre, estirar, expandir-se, expandir, perllongar, prolongar-se | Extend in one or more directions |
dissipar-se, dissipar, escampar-se, escampar, espargir-se, espargir | Move away from each other |
estendre's, propagar-se | Move outward |
Contrari | ajuntar, aplegar, arreplegar, collir, congregar, recol·lectar, recollir, recopilar, reunir | Assemble or get together |
Anglès | spread, distribute |
Espanyol | desplegar, dispensar, distribuir, extender |
Noms | aplicador, escampador, espàtula | A hand tool for spreading something |
difusió, extensió, propagació | Act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time |
dispersió, distribució | The act of distributing or spreading or apportioning |
propagació | A haphazard distribution in all directions |
Català > estendre: 11 sentits > verb 9, motionSentit | Extend in one or more directions. |
Sinònims | allargar, ampliar, desplegar, dilatar, eixamplar-se, escampar-se, estirar, expandir-se, expandir, perllongar, prolongar-se |
General | augmentar, créixer, cultivar | Become larger / larger, greater, or bigger |
També | desplegar, dispensar, distribuir, escampar, estendre's, estendre | Distribute or disperse widely |
Contrari | contraure, contreure, encongir, minvar | Become smaller or draw together |
Anglès | expand, spread out |
Espanyol | ampliar, expandir, extenderse |
Adjectius | expansible | able to expand or be expanded |
expansible | (of gases) capable of expansion |