HyperDic: empujar

Español > 13 sentidos de la palabra empujar:
VERBOmotionempujar, apretarmove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
communicationempujar, exhortar, instar, presionar, urgirforce or impel in an indicated direction
motionempujar, embestir, impeler, propulsarmake a thrusting forward movement
motionempujar, empellar, impelercome into rough contact with while moving
contactempujar, dar empujones, empellar, impelerpush roughly
motionempujar, hacer salirforce or drive out
contactempujar, pulsarmake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby
motionempujar, codearmake one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving
motionempujarmove strenuously and with effort
motionempujarpress against forcefully without moving
stativeempujar, impeler, propulsarpush upward
motionempujar, pasearwheel somebody or something
motionempujarsteer into a certain direction
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 1, motion
SentidoMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner".
Implicaapretar, prensar, presionar, pulsarExert pressure or force to or upon
moverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Implicado porempujar con pértiga, navegar con pértigapropel with a pole
Específicoaguijonear, codear, dar un codazo, golpear suavementeTo push against gently
apartar, sacarPush out of the way
dar empujones, empellar, empujar, impelerPush roughly
demoler, derribar, derrocar, volcarCause to topple or tumble by pushing
echar fuera, lanzar fuera, sacarPush to thrust outward
embutir, llenar, meterPress or force
empellar, empujar, impelerCome into rough contact with while moving
empujar, pulsarmake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby
impeler, impulsar, lanzar, propulsarPush forcefully
repeler, repulsarCause to move back / back by force or influence
sacudirThrow or toss with a quick motion
trabarPush down forcibly
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénempujar, hacer salirForce or drive out
excluirPress, force, or thrust out of a small space
Contrarioarrastrar, estirar, tirarCause to move by pulling
SimilarempujarPress against forcefully without moving
Ingléspush, force
Catalánempentar, empènyer, prémer
Adjetivofísico, forzadoimpelled by physical force especially against resistance
Participioforzadoproduced by or subjected to forcing
Nombrescarriola, carrito, cochecito de bebé, cochecito de niño, cochecito, silla de paseo, sillita de niño, sillita de paseoA small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around
empujeThe force used in pushing
fuerza, vigor(physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity
impulsiónThe act of applying force in order to move something away
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 2, communication
SentidoForce or impel in an indicated direction.
Sinónimosexhortar, instar, presionar, urgir
Específicoabogar, apoyar, predicar, propugnar, sermonearspeak, plead, or argue in favor of
achuchar, apresurar, meter prisaurge to an unnatural speed
animar, incitarPress, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
Generalaconsejar, advertir, asesorar, dar consejos, notificarGive advice to
Inglésurge, urge on, press, exhort
Catalánempènyer, exhortar, instar, pressionar
Adjetivoacuciante, urgenteCompelling immediate action
exhortativo, exhortatorioGiving strong encouragement
Nombresacicate, aguijoneo, aguijón, empujón, espuela, estímulo, exhorto, incentivo, incitaciónA verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
exhortaciónA communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action
exhortación, incitaciónThe act of exhorting
presiónA force that compels
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 3, motion
Sentidomake a thrusting forward movement.
Sinónimosembestir, impeler, propulsar
Específicolanzarse, precipitarseMove with sudden speed
Generalmoverse, mover, trasladarMove so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion
Ingléslunge, hurl, hurtle, thrust
Catalánempentar, empènyer, envestir, impel·lir, propel·lir, propulsar
Nombresarremetida, embestida, estocadaThe act of moving forward suddenly
codazo, empuje, empujón, golpe, hurgonadaA sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow)
cuchillada, cuchillazo, navajazo, puñalada, tajoA strong blow with a knife or other sharp pointed instrument
empuje, fuerza, impulsoThe act of applying force to propel something
impulsor, propulsorOne who intrudes or pushes himself forward
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 4, motion
SentidoCome into rough contact with while moving.
Sinónimosempellar, impeler
Generalapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
Inglésjostle, shove
Catalánempentar, empentejar, empènyer, impel·lir
Nombresel que empuja, empujadorsomeone who pushes
empellón, empujónThe act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something)
porrazo, trompazoThe act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 5, contact
SentidoPush roughly.
Sinónimosdar empujones, empellar, impeler
Generalapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
Catalánempentar, empentejar, empènyer, impel·lir
Nombresel que empuja, empujadorsomeone who pushes
empellón, empujónThe act of shoving (giving a push to someone or something)
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 6, motion
SentidoForce or drive out.
Sinónimohacer salir
Generaldesplazar, mover, trasladarCause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
Tambiénapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
conducir, impulsar, manejarCause someone or something to move by driving
Similarahuyentar, alejar, desvanecerForce to go away
Inglésrout out, drive out, force out, rouse
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 7, contact
Sentidomake strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby.
Generalapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
Ingléspress, push
NombresempujeThe force used in pushing
impulsiónThe act of applying force in order to move something away
prensa, presiónThe act of pressing
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 8, motion
Sentidomake one's way by jostling, pushing, or shoving.
Nombresporrazo, trompazoThe act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 9, motion
SentidoMove strenuously and with effort.
Generalacudir, desplazarse, ir, moverse, mover, viajarchange location
SimilarempujarPress against forcefully without moving
NombresimpulsiónThe act of applying force in order to move something away
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 10, motion
SentidoPress against forcefully without moving.
Generalapretar, prensar, presionar, pulsarExert pressure or force to or upon
Similarapretar, empujarMove with force, "He pushed the table into a corner"
empujarMove strenuously and with effort
NombresimpulsiónThe act of applying force in order to move something away
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 11, stative
SentidoPush upward.
Sinónimosimpeler, propulsar
Generalexceler, protruir, proyectarse, proyectar, sobresalirExtend out or project in space
SimilarpropulsarForce (molten rock) into pre-existing rock
Inglésthrust, push up
Catalánempentar, empènyer, envestir, impel·lir, propel·lir, propulsar
NombresempujeThe force used in pushing
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 12, motion
Sentidowheel somebody or something.
GeneraltransportarMove something or somebody around
Ingléswheel, wheel around
NombresruedaA simple machine consisting of a circular frame with spokes (or a solid disc) that can rotate on a shaft or axle (as in vehicles or other machines)
Español > empujar: 13 sentidos > verbo 13, motion
SentidoSteer into a certain direction.
Generalconducir, impulsar, manejarCause someone or something to move by driving

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