HyperDic: ofegar

Català > 10 sentits de la paraula ofegar:
VERBchangeofegar, ofegar-secook in liquid / liquid
contactofegar, reprimir, sufocarconceal or hide
bodyofegar, asfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocarstruggle / struggle for breath
bodyofegar, asfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocarconstrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing
changeofegarkill by submerging in water
contactofegar, asfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocarwring the neck of
changeofegar, reprimir, sufocarsmother or suppress
changeofegar, estrangular, ofegar-sereduce the air supply
changeofegarget rid of as if by submerging / submerging
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 1, change
Sentitcook in liquid / liquid.
Categoriacocció, cocción, cuinaThe act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat
Generalcoure, cuinar, guisarTransform and make suitable for consumption by heating
Espanyolrehogarse, rehogar
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 2, contact
Sentitconceal or hide.
Sinònimsreprimir, sufocar
Generalrefrenar, reprimirControl and refrain from showing
Anglèssmother, stifle, strangle, muffle, repress
Espanyolamortiguar, reprimir
Nomsrepressió, supressióforceful prevention
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 3, body
Sentitstruggle / struggle for breath; have insufficient oxygen intake.
Sinònimsasfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocar
Generaldoldre, fer mal, lesionar, sofrirFeel pain or be in pain
Anglèsgag, choke, strangle, suffocate
Espanyolahogar, asfixiar, estrangular, sofocar
Adjectiusasfixiant, sufocador, sufocantCausing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 4, body
Sentitconstrict (someone's) throat and keep from breathing.
Sinònimsasfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocar
Causa deasfixiar, estrangular, ofegar-se, sufocar-sebreathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion
Generalatapeir, compactar, comprimir, estretir, prémer, premsarsqueeze or press together
Anglèschoke, strangle
Espanyolahogar, asfixiar, estrangular, sofocar
Nomsescanyament, estrangulacióThe act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the windpipe
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 5, change
Sentitkill by submerging in water.
Generalassassinar, matarCause to die
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 6, contact
SentitWring the neck of.
Sinònimsasfixiar, escanyar, estrangular, sufocar
Generalatapeir, compactar, comprimir, estretir, prémer, premsarsqueeze or press together
Anglèschoke, scrag
Espanyolasfixiar, estrangular, torcer el pescuezo
Nomsescanyament, estrangulacióThe act of suffocating (someone) by constricting the windpipe
estranguladorsomeone who kills by strangling
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 7, change
Sentitsmother or suppress.
Sinònimsreprimir, sufocar
Generalrefrenar, reprimirControl and refrain from showing
Anglèsstifle, dampen
Espanyolreprimir, sofocar
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 8, change
Sentitcheck; keep in check (a fire) .
Generalcontenir, refrenarSlow the growth or development of
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 9, change
SentitReduce the air supply.
Sinònimsestrangular, ofegar-se
Generalenriquirmake better or improve in quality
Anglèschoke, throttle
Nomsaccelerador, gasA pedal that controls the throttle valve
estàrterA valve that controls the flow of air into the carburetor of a gasoline engine
papallona, vàlvula reguladoraA valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine
Català > ofegar: 10 sentits > verb 10, change
SentitGet rid of as if by submerging / submerging.
Generaldesembarassar-se, desempallegar-se, eliminarTerminate, end, or take out

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