HyperDic: breathe

English > 9 senses of the word breathe:
VERBbodybreathe, take a breath, respire, suspiredraw air into, and expel out of, the lungs
stativebreathebe alive
possessionbreatheimpart as if by breathing / breathing
stativebreatheallow the passage of air through
communicationbreatheutter or tell
communicationbreathemanifest or evince
communicationbreathe, rest, catch one's breath, take a breathertake a short break from one's activities in order to relax
changebreathereach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked
bodybreathe, emit, pass offexpel (gases or odors)
breathe > pronunciation
Rhymesseethe ... teethe: 4 rhymes with iydh...
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 1, body
MeaningDraw air into, and expel out of, the lungs.
PatternSomebody ----s; Somebody ----s something
Example"I can breathe better when the air is clean"
Synonymstake a breath, respire, suspire
Entailsexhale, expire, breathe outExpel air
inhale, inspire, breathe inDraw in (air)
Narrowerchokebreathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion
exhale, expire, breathe outExpel air
hiccup, hiccoughbreathe spasmodically, and make a sound
hyperventilatebreathe excessively hard and fast
inhale, inspire, breathe inDraw in (air)
respirebreathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety
sigh, suspireheave or utter a sigh
snore, saw wood, saw logsbreathe noisily during one's sleep
wheezebreathe with difficulty
yawnUtter a yawn, as from lack of oxygen or when one is tired
See alsobreathe indraw in (air)
breathe outexpel air
Similar torespireUndergo the biomedical and metabolic processes of respiration by taking up oxygen and producing carbon monoxide
respirebreathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety
Spanishaspirar, respirar
Catalanalenar, espirar, respirar
Nounsbreatherair passage provided by a retractable device containing intake and exhaust pipes
breathingthe bodily process of inhalation and exhalation
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 2, stative
MeaningBe alive.
PatternSomething ----s; Somebody ----s
Example"Every creature that breathes"
Broaderexist, survive, live, subsistsupport oneself
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 3, possession
MeaningImpart as if by breathing / breathing.
PatternSomebody ----s something PP
Example"He breathed new life into the old house"
Broaderinstill, transfuseImpart gradually
Spanishdar, inspirar
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 4, stative
MeaningAllow the passage of air through.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear"
BroaderbeHave the quality of being
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 5, communication
MeaningUtter or tell.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Example"not breathe a word"
Broaderexpress, verbalize, verbalise, utter, give tongue toarticulate
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 6, communication
Meaningmanifest or evince.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something to somebody
Example"She breathes the Christian spirit"
Broaderconveymake known
Catalandir en veu baixa
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 7, communication
MeaningTake a short break from one's activities in order to relax.
PatternSomebody ----s
ModelSam and Sue breathe
Synonymsrest, catch one's breath, take a breather
Broaderpause, intermit, breakCease an action temporarily
Nounsbreathera short respite
breathingthe bodily process of inhalation and exhalation
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 8, change
Meaningreach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"
Broaderoxidize, oxidise, oxidateadd oxygen to or combine with oxygen
English > breathe: 9 senses > verb 9, body
MeaningExpel (gases or odors) .
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Synonymsemit, pass off
Narrowerbubbleform, produce, or emit bubbles
burp, bubble, belch, eructExpel gas from the stomach
exhale, give forth, emanateGive out (breath or an odor)
force outemit or cause to move with force of effort
radiatesend out real or metaphoric rays
Broaderexhaust, discharge, expel, eject, releaseEliminate (a substance)
Spanishexhalar, vomitar

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