Sentido | Have an emotional or cognitive impact / impact upon. |
Sinónimos | afectar, conmover, impresionar |
Causa de | experimentar, sentir | Undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind |
Específico | abrumar, afligir, alterar, descomponer, incomodar, molestar, perturbar | Move deeply |
abrumar, barrer | overwhelm emotionally |
alienar | Make withdrawn or isolated or emotionally dissociated |
apenar, entristecer | make unhappy |
asombrar, sorprender | Cause to be surprised |
conmover, enternecer | Arouse sympathy or compassion in |
despertar, palpar, provocar, tocar | affect emotionally |
despertarse | make aware / aware |
impresionar, marcar | produce or try to produce a vivid impression of |
impresionar | impress positively |
Similar | dar, ocurrir, toparse, topars | Cause to experience suddenly |
incitar, instigar, motivar, propulsar | Give an incentive for action / action |
Inglés | affect, impress, move, strike |
Catalán | afectar, repercutir |
Adjetivo | afectivo, emotivo | Characterized by emotion |
contundente, impresionante | producing a strong effect |
impresionable | easily impressed or influenced |
impresionante | making a strong or vivid impression |
Nombres | afecto | The conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion |