Español > considerar: 15 sentidos > verbo 3, cognitionSentido | Reflect deeply on a subject / subject. |
Sinónimos | cavilar, especular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar |
Específico | cogitar, meditar, reflexionar | Consider carefully and deeply |
considerar, contemplar, estimar, estudiar, juzgar | Give careful consideration to |
preguntarse, preguntar | place in doubt or express doubtful speculation |
General | creer, discurrir, meditar, pensar, reflexionar | Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments |
También | creer, discurrir, meditar, pensar, reflexionar | Use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments |
Inglés | chew over, think over, meditate, ponder, excogitate, contemplate, muse, reflect, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculate |
Catalán | especular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar |
Adjetivo | contemplativo, meditativo, pensativo | Deeply or seriously thoughtful |
inquisitivo, interrogativo | showing curiosity |
meditabundo, pensativo | devoted to matters of the mind |
Nombres | cavilación, consideración, contemplación, ensimismamiento, especulación, meditación, pensamiento, ponderación, reflexión | A calm, lengthy, intent consideration |
meditación | continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject / subject or series of subjects / subjects of a deep or abstruse nature |
musa | The source of an artist's inspiration |
Español > considerar: 15 sentidos > verbo 4, cognitionSentido | deem to be. |
Sinónimos | estimar, ver |
Específico | apreciar, estimar, reputar, respetar, valorar | Regard highly |
apreciar, atesorar, estimar, valorar, valorizar | hold dear |
auspiciar, favorecer, preferir | Consider as the favorite |
capitalizar | Consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses |
considerar, estimar, juzgar, mirar, observar, reputar | Keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view |
cosificar, reificar | Consider an abstract concept to be real |
faltar al respeto | Have little or no respect for |
idealizar | Consider or render as ideal |
identificarse | Consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else |
incluir | Consider as part of something |
reconsiderar | Consider again |
relativizar | Consider or treat as relative / relative |
General | considerar, creer, opinar, pensar | judge or regard |
Similar | construir, entender, interpretar, ver | make sense of |
Inglés | see, consider, reckon, view, regard |
Catalán | considerar, estimar, veure |
Nombres | apreciación, convencimiento, idea, opinión, parecer, punto de vista, visión | A personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty |
criterio, opinión, parecer, punto de vista, vista | A message expressing a belief about something |
perspectiva, visión, vista | A way of regarding situations or topics etc. |
Español > considerar: 15 sentidos > verbo 6, communicationSentido | think about carefully; weigh. |
Sinónimos | contemplar, deliberar, discutir, estimar |
Específico | debatir, deliberar, discutir | argue with one another |
luchar | Engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate |
premeditar | Consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand |
ver | Deliberate or decide |
General | discutir, entrar en detalles | speak with others about (something) |
Similar | considerar, contemplar, estimar, estudiar, juzgar | Give careful consideration to |
Inglés | consider, debate, moot, turn over, deliberate |
Catalán | considerar, deliberar, discutir, estimar, plantejar |
Nombres | consideración, reflexión | The process of giving careful thought to something |
consideración, deliberación, ponderación | Careful consideration |
consideración | A discussion of a topic (as in a meeting) |
deliberación, reflexión | The trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision |
deliberación | (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question |
Español > considerar: 15 sentidos > verbo 9, perceptionSentido | Give careful consideration to. |
Sinónimos | contemplar, estimar, estudiar, juzgar |
Causado por | recordar | Cause oneself to consider something |
Específico | comparar, equiparar | Consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous |
General | cavilar, considerar, especular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar | Reflect deeply on a subject / subject |
Similar | considerar, contemplar, deliberar, discutir, estimar | think about carefully |
Inglés | study, consider |
Catalán | considerar, estimar, jutjar |
Nombres | circunstancia, condición, consideración | Information that should be kept in mind when making a decision |
cogitación, estudio, pensar | attentive consideration and meditation / meditation |
consideración, reflexión | The process of giving careful thought to something |
consideración | A discussion of a topic (as in a meeting) |
estudio | A detailed critical inspection |