HyperDic: reflect

English > 7 senses of the word reflect:
VERBperceptionreflectmanifest or bring back
cognitionreflect, chew over, think over, meditate, ponder, excogitate, contemplate, muse, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculatereflect deeply on a subject / subject
perceptionreflect, reverberateto throw or bend back (from a surface)
weatherreflect, shinebe bright by reflecting or casting light
perceptionreflectshow an image of
communicationreflectgive evidence of a certain behavior
communicationreflectgive evidence of the quality of
reflect > pronunciation
Soundsrahfleh'kt; rihfleh'kt
Rhymesabject ... wrecked: 66 rhymes with ehkt...
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 1, perception
Meaningmanifest or bring back.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"This action reflects his true beliefs"
Broaderindicate, point, designate, showIndicate a place, direction, person, or thing
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 2, cognition
MeaningReflect deeply on a subject / subject.
PatternSomebody ----s PP
Synonymschew over, think over, meditate, ponder, excogitate, contemplate, muse, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculate
NarrowerbethinkConsider or ponder something carefully
cogitateConsider carefully and deeply
introspectReflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
premeditateThink or reflect beforehand or in advance
puzzleBe uncertain about
study, considerGive careful consideration to
theologize, theologisemake theoretical speculations about theology or discuss theological subjects
wonder, questionplace in doubt or express doubtful speculation
Broaderthink, cogitate, cerebrateUse or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments
Spanishcavilar, considerar, especular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar
Catalanespecular, meditar, ponderar, reflexionar, rumiar
Adjectivesreflectivedevoted to matters of the mind
reflectivedeeply or seriously thoughtful
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 3, perception
MeaningTo throw or bend back (from a surface).
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"Sound is reflected well in this auditorium"
CategoryacousticsThe study of the physical properties of sound
NarrowermirrorReflect as if in a mirror
reverberateBe reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
Similar toreverberateBe reflected as heat, sound, or light or shock waves
Spanishreflejar, reverberar
Nounsreflectordevice that reflects radiation
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 4, weather
MeaningBe bright by reflecting or casting light.
PatternSomething ----s
Example"Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"
NarrowerglareBe sharply reflected
luminesceBe or become luminescent
opalesceReflect light or colors like an opal
resplendBe resplendent or radiant
sparkle, scintillate, coruscateReflect brightly
Broaderemit, give out, give offgive off, send forth, or discharge
Spanishbrillar, reflejar, relucir
Catalanbrillar, lluir, reflectir
Adjectivesreflectivecapable of physically reflecting light or sound
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 5, perception
MeaningShow an image of.
PatternSomething ----s something
Example"her sunglasses reflected his image"
CategoryopticsThe branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light
Broadershowmake visible or noticeable
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 6, communication
MeaningGive evidence of a certain behavior.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him"
Broaderattest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidenceProvide evidence for
Similar toreflectGive evidence of the quality of
English > reflect: 7 senses > verb 7, communication
MeaningGive evidence of the quality of.
PatternSomething is ----ing PP
Example"The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student"
NarrowermirrorReflect or resemble
Broaderattest, certify, manifest, demonstrate, evidenceProvide evidence for
Similar toreflectGive evidence of a certain behavior

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