HyperDic: resolver

Español > 12 sentidos de la palabra resolver:
VERBOcognitionresolver, deducir, solucionar, solverfind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of
cognitionresolver, adjudicar, decidir, dirimir, solucionar, solventarbring to an end
cognitionresolver, concluir, decidirse, decidir, determinarreach, make, or come to a decision about something
cognitionresolver, solucionarfind the solution
cognitionresolver, concluir, determinarfix conclusively or authoritatively
communicationresolver, concluirreach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
communicationresolver, acordar, decidir, determinarsettle conclusively
communicationresolverend a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement
perceptionresolvermake clearly visible
cognitionresolver, ajustardecide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
cognitionresolver, decidir, proponersereach a decision
changeresolver, resolver problemas, solucionar problemassolve problems
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 1, cognition
SentidoFind the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning / meaning of.
Sinónimosdeducir, solucionar, solver
ImplicarazonarThink logically
Específicoadivinar, atinar, conjeturar, inferir, suponerguess correctly
comprender, resolverseunderstand the meaning / meaning of
contestar, responderGive the correct answer or solution to
dar con, encontrararrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighing
descifrarFind the solution or key to
resolver un acertijoexplain a riddle
Generalcoger, comprender, entenderknow and comprehend the nature or meaning / meaning of
Tambiénasombrar, confundir, desconcertar, incomodar, irritar, molestar, sorprenderBe a mystery or bewildering to
averigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Ingléssolve, work out, figure out, puzzle out, lick, work
Catalánresoldre, solucionar
Adjetivoalcanzable, factible, practicable, realizable, viablecapable of being done with means / means at hand and circumstances as they are
Nombresresolución, soluciónFinding a solution / solution to a problem
resolución, respuesta, resultado, solución, solventeA statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem
solucionadora, solucionador, solverA thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 2, cognition
SentidoBring to an end; settle conclusively.
Sinónimosadjudicar, decidir, dirimir, solucionar, solventar
Específicoajustar, resolverdecide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim
juzgarDetermine the result of (a competition)
Generalacabar, concluir, finalizar, rescindir, terminarBring to an end or halt
Inglésdecide, settle, resolve, adjudicate
Catalánadjudicar, decidir, dirimir
Adjetivoadjudicativo, adjudicatorioconcerned with adjudicating
Nombresdecisión, toma de decisionesThe cognitive process of reaching a decision
declaración, resoluciónA formal expression by a meeting
resoluciónA conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
árbitro, jueza, juez, magistrado, togadoA public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justice
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 3, cognition
Sentidoreach, make, or come to a decision about something.
Sinónimosconcluir, decidirse, decidir, determinar
Implicadebatir, deliberar, discutirdiscuss the pros and cons of an issue
Específicocoger, decantar, elegir, escoger, optar, seleccionar, tomar, triarpick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives
decidir, proponerse, resolverreach a decision
decretar, dictaminar, gobernar, legislardecide with authority
dosar, medir, mesurarDetermine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of
instruir, juzgarput on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of
normar, regir, regularizar, regularBring into conformity with rules or principles / principles or usage
orientarse, orientarDetermine one's position with reference to another point
quererDetermine by choice
sellardecide irrevocably
Inglésdecide, make up one's mind, determine
Catalándecidir, determinar, prendre una decisió
Adjetivodecisivo, determinante, influyenteHaving the power or quality of deciding
Nombresconclusión, decisión, determinación, resoluciónA position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
decisión, determinación, resoluciónThe act of making up your mind about something
decisión, toma de decisionesThe cognitive process of reaching a decision
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 4, cognition
SentidoFind the solution.
Específicofactorizarresolve (a polynomial) into factors
Generalaverigüar, calcular, codificar, computar, deducirmake a mathematical calculation or computation
Inglésresolve, solve
Catalánresoldre, solucionar
Nombresresolución, soluciónFinding a solution / solution to a problem
solucionadora, solucionador, solverA thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 5, cognition
SentidoFix conclusively or authoritatively.
Sinónimosconcluir, determinar
Específicoapreciar, tasar, valorarFix or determine the value of
cobrarSet or ask for a certain price
cotizar, valorarDetermine the price of
datar, fecharAssign a date / date / date to
evaluar, tasar, valorarSet or determine the amount of (a payment such as a fine)
identificarrecognize as being
inicializarAssign an initial value to a computer program
Inglésdetermine, set
Catalánconcloure, determinar, fixar
Nombresconclusión, decisión, determinación, resoluciónA position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
decisión, determinación, resoluciónThe act of making up your mind about something
inclinaciónA relatively permanent inclination to react in a particular way
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 6, communication
Sentidoreach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation.
Específicoacordar, decidir, determinar, resolverSettle conclusively
Generalacordar, aprobar, asentir, coincidir, concordar, convenir, estar de acuerdo, pactarBe in accord / accord
Inglésconclude, resolve
Adjetivoconclusivo, concluyente, decisivoforming an end or termination
Nombresdecisión, determinación, resoluciónThe act of making up your mind about something
declaración, resoluciónA formal expression by a meeting
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 7, communication
SentidoSettle conclusively; come to terms.
Sinónimosacordar, decidir, determinar
Específicocomprometerse, comprometer, pactarSettle by concession
concertarSettle by agreement
saldarSettle, as of a debt
Generalconcluir, resolverreach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
Ingléssettle, square off, square up, determine
Catalándecidir, determinar
Nombresconclusión, decisión, determinación, resoluciónA position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration
decisión, determinación, resoluciónThe act of making up your mind about something
factor decisivo, factor determinanteAn argument that is conclusive
resoluciónA conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 8, communication
Sentidoend a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement.
Generalacordar, aprobar, asentir, coincidir, concordar, convenir, estar de acuerdo, pactarBe in accord / accord
Nombresacuerdo, resoluciónSomething settled or resolved
resoluciónA conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 9, perception
Sentidomake clearly visible.
CategoríaópticaThe branch of physics that studies the physical properties of light
Generaldetectar, discernir, distinguir, percibir, reconocer, sentir, vislumbrardetect with the senses
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 10, cognition
Sentidodecide how much is to be paid on an insurance claim.
Generaladjudicar, decidir, dirimir, resolver, solucionar, solventarBring to an end
NombresbonificaciónAn amount added or deducted on the basis of qualifying circumstances
liquidador de reclamaciones, tasadorOne who investigates insurance ... / insurance claims or claims for damages and recommends an effective settlement
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 11, cognition
Sentidoreach a decision.
Sinónimosdecidir, proponerse
Generalconcluir, decidirse, decidir, determinar, resolverreach, make, or come to a decision about something
Ingléspurpose, resolve
Nombresdeclaración, resoluciónA formal expression by a meeting
determinación, propósito, resoluciónThe quality of being determined to do or achieve something
Español > resolver: 12 sentidos > verbo 12, change
Sentidosolve problems.
Sinónimosresolver problemas, solucionar problemas
Generalarreglar, atender, componer, recomponer, reparar, restaurar, restituirrestore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn / torn or broken
Ingléstrouble-shoot, troubleshoot

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