HyperDic: con

English > 6 senses of the word con:
NOUNcommunicationconan argument opposed to a proposal
person con, convict, inmate, yard bird, yardbirda person serving a sentence in a jail or prison
actcon, bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, confidence trick, confidence game, con game, hustle, sting, flimflama swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
ADVERBallconin opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.
VERBsocialcon, victimize, swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, diddle, bunco, defraud, scam, mulct, hornswoggle, short-changedeprive of by deceit
cognitioncon, memorize, memorise, learncommit to memory
con > pronunciation
RhymesAbidjan ... Yukon: 149 rhymes with aan...
English > con: 6 senses > noun 1, communication
MeaningAn argument opposed to a proposal.
Broaderargument, statementA fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true
OppositeproAn argument in favor of a proposal
English > con: 6 senses > noun 2, person
MeaningA person serving a sentence in a jail or prison.
Synonymsconvict, inmate, yard bird, yardbird
NarrowerliferA prisoner serving a term of life imprisonment
trustyA convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges
Broaderprisoner, captiveA person who is confined
Spanishcondenada, condenado, convicta, convicto, presidario, presidiaria, presidiario, preso, prisionero, recluso
Catalanpresidiari, pres, presoner, reclús
English > con: 6 senses > noun 3, act
MeaningA swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property.
Synonymsbunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, confidence trick, confidence game, con game, hustle, sting, flimflam
Narrowersting operationA complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care (especially an operation implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals)
Broaderswindle, cheat, rigThe act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme
Spanishbunco, bunko, camelo, engatusamiento, estafa, fraude, timo
Catalanbunco, bunko, entabanada, estafa, frau
Verbscondeprive of by deceit
English > con: 6 senses > adverb 1
MeaningIn opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc..
Example"much was written pro and con"
OppositeproIn favor of a proposition, opinion / opinion / opinion / opinion / opinion, etc.
English > con: 6 senses > verb 1, social
Meaningdeprive of by deceit.
PatternSomebody ----s somebody; Somebody ----s somebody PP
ModelThey con him of all his money
Synonymsvictimize, swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, diddle, bunco, defraud, scam, mulct, hornswoggle, short-change
Narrowershort-change, shortcheat someone by not returning him enough money
Broadercheat, rip off, chiseldeprive somebody of something by deceit
Spanishdar gato por liebre, defraudar, embaucar, engañar, estafar, petardear, timar, victimizar
Catalandefraudar, entabanar, estafar
Nounscona swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
English > con: 6 senses > verb 2, cognition
Meaningcommit to memory; learn by heart.
PatternSomebody ----s something
Synonymsmemorize, memorise, learn
Narrowerunderstudy, alternateBe an understudy or alternate for a role
Broaderstudy, hit the booksLearn by reading books
Spanishaprender de memoria, aprender, memorizarse, memorizar

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