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English 13 senses of the word fresh:
ADJECTIVEallfreshrecently made, produced, or harvested
allfresh(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
allfresh, bracing, brisk, refreshing, refreshful, tonicimparting vitality and energy
allfresh, new, noveloriginal and of a kind not seen before
allfreshnot canned or otherwise preserved
allfresh, sweetnot containing or composed of salt water
allfreshhaving recently calved and therefore / therefore able to give milk
allfresh, invigorated, refreshed, reinvigoratedwith restored energy
allfresh, sweet, unfermentednot soured or preserved
allfresh, cleanfree from impurities
allfresh, unusednot yet used or soiled
allfresh, impertinent, impudent, overbold, smart, saucy, sassy, wiseimproperly forward or bold
ADVERBallfresh, newly, freshly, newvery recently
fresh pronunciation
Rhymesafresh ... thresh: 12 rhymes with ehsh...
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 1
Meaningrecently made, produced, or harvested.
  • "fresh bread"
  • "a fresh scent"
  • "fresh lettuce"
Attribute offreshnessThe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
crisppleasingly firm and fresh
fresh-cutcut recently
good, unspoiled, unspoiltnot left to spoil
hotnewly made
new-madenewly made
strong, warmFreshly made or left
undecomposed, incorruptNot decayed
See alsonewnot of long duration
OppositestaleLacking freshness, palatability, or showing deterioration from age
Nounsfreshnessthe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 2
Meaning(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again.
  • "a fresh start"
  • "fresh ideas"
Broadernewnot of long duration
Nounsfreshnessoriginality by virtue of being refreshingly novel
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 3
MeaningImparting vitality and energy.
Synonymsbracing, brisk, refreshing, refreshful, tonic
BroaderinvigoratingImparting strength and vitality
Spanishfresco, refrecante, tónico, vigorizante, vitalizante
Catalanfresc, refrescant, vigoritzant, vitalitzant
Nounsfreshnessthe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 4
MeaningOriginal and of a kind not seen before.
Synonymsnew, novel
BroaderoriginalBeing or productive of something fresh and unusual
Spanishfresco, novedoso, novel, nuevo
Catalanfresc, nou, novell
Nounsfreshnessoriginality by virtue of being new and surprising
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 5
Meaningnot canned or otherwise preserved.
Example"fresh vegetables"
Narrowerunprocessednot treated or prepared by a special process
Oppositepreservedprevented from decaying or spoiling and prepared for future use
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 6
Meaningnot containing or composed of salt water.
Example"fresh water"
OppositesaltyContaining or filled with salt
Spanishfresco, simple
Catalanfresc, fresca
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 7
MeaningHaving recently calved and therefore / therefore able to give milk.
Example"the cow is fresh"
Broaderwet, lactatingproducing or secreting milk
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 8
MeaningWith restored energy.
Synonymsinvigorated, refreshed, reinvigorated
Broaderrestednot tired
Spanishtonificado, vigorizado
Nounsfreshnessan alert and refreshed state
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 9
Meaningnot soured or preserved.
Synonymssweet, unfermented
Broaderunsourednot having turned bad
Nounsfreshnessthe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 10
MeaningFree from impurities.
Example "fresh air"
BroaderpureFree of extraneous elements of any kind
Nounsfreshnessthe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 11
Meaningnot yet used or soiled.
  • "a fresh shirt"
  • "a fresh sheet of paper"
BroadercleanFree from dirt or impurities
Nounsfreshnessthe property of being pure and fresh (as if newly made)
Englishfresh: 13 senses adjective 12
Meaningimproperly forward or bold.
Example"don't be fresh with me"
Synonymsimpertinent, impudent, overbold, smart, saucy, sassy, wise
BroaderforwardUsed of temperament or behavior
Spanishdescarado, fresco, impertinente, impudente, insolente, irrespetuosa, irrespetuoso
Catalandescarat, fresc, impertinent, impudent, insolent
Nounsfreshnessthe trait of being rude and impertinent
Adverbsfreshlyin an impudent or impertinent manner
Englishfresh: 13 senses adverb 1
MeaningVery recently.
  • "a freshly cleaned floor"
  • "we are fresh out of tomatoes"
Synonymsnewly, freshly, new
Spanishnuevamente, recién
Catalannovament, recentment

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