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English 11 senses of the word new / New:
ADJECTIVEallnewnot of long duration
allnew, fresh, noveloriginal and of a kind not seen before
allnew, rawlacking training or experience
allnew, unexampledhaving no previous example or precedent or parallel
allnewother than the former one(s)
allnewunaffected by use or exposure
allNewin use after medieval times
allNew, Modernused of a living language
allnew, young(of crops / crops) harvested at an early stage / stage of development
allnew(often followed by `to') unfamiliar
ADVERBallnew, newly, freshly, freshvery recently
new / New pronunciation
Soundsnuw'; nyuw'
Rhymesanew ... Vishnu: 11 rhymes with nuw...
anew ... Yue: 59 rhymes with yuw...
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 1
Meaningnot of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered.
  • "a new law"
  • "new cars"
  • "a new comet"
  • "a new friend"
  • "a new year"
  • "the New World"
Attribute ofageHow long something has existed
Narrowerbrand-new, bran-new, spic-and-span, spick-and-spanconspicuously new
fresh(of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
hot, red-hotNewest or most recent
newborn, new-sprungHaving just or recently arisen or come into existence
newfangled, new-fangled(of a new kind or fashion) gratuitously new
newfoundnewly discovered
novel, refreshingpleasantly new or different
parvenu, parvenueOf or characteristic of a parvenu
revolutionary, radicalmarkedly new or introducing radical change
risingnewly come into prominence
sunriseOf an industry or technology
untested, untriednot yet proved or subjected to testing
unusednot yet put into use
virginUsed or worked for the first time
youngIn its early stage / stage
See alsocurrentoccurring in or belonging to the present time
freshrecently made, produced, or harvested
modernbelonging to the modern era
young, immature(used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth
OppositeoldOf long duration
Nounsnewnessthe quality of being new
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 2
MeaningOriginal and of a kind not seen before.
Synonymsfresh, novel
BroaderoriginalBeing or productive of something fresh and unusual
Spanishfresco, novedoso, novel, nuevo
Catalanfresc, nou, novell
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 3
Meaninglacking training or experience.
Example"the new men were eager to fight"
Broaderinexperienced, inexperientlacking practical experience or training
Spanishinexperto, novato
Catalaninexpert, novell
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 4
MeaningHaving no previous example or precedent or parallel.
BroaderunprecedentedHaving no precedent
Spanishinaudito, nuevo
Catalaninaudit, nou
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 5
MeaningOther than the former one(s); different.
  • "they now have a new leaders"
  • "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"
  • "ready to take a new direction"
Broaderothernot the same one or ones already mentioned or implied
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 6
MeaningUnaffected by use or exposure.
Example"it looks like new"
Narrowerunweatherednot worn by exposure to the weather
Oppositewornaffected by wear
Spanishnuevo, prístino
EnglishNew: 11 senses adjective 7
Meaningin use after medieval times.
CategorylinguisticsThe scientific study of language
BroaderlateOf a later stage / stage in the development of a language or literature
EnglishNew: 11 senses adjective 8
MeaningUsed of a living language; being the current stage / stage in its development.
CategorylinguisticsThe scientific study of language
BroaderlateOf a later stage / stage in the development of a language or literature
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 9
Meaning(of crops / crops) harvested at an early stage / stage of development; before complete maturity.
Example"new potatoes"
BroaderearlyBeing or occurring at an early stage / stage of development
Spanishcontemporáneo, moderno, nuevo, temprano
Catalancontemporani, modern
Englishnew: 11 senses adjective 10
Meaning(often followed by `to') unfamiliar.
  • "new experiences"
  • "experiences new to him"
  • "errors of someone new to the job"
Broaderunaccustomed tonot habituated to
Spanishnovato, nuevo
Catalannou, novell
Englishnew: 11 senses adverb 1
MeaningVery recently.
  • "they are newly married"
  • "newly raised objections"
  • "a newly arranged hairdo"
  • "grass new washed by the rain"
Synonymsnewly, freshly, fresh
Spanishnuevamente, recién
Catalannovament, recentment

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