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Related WikiPedia: linguistics
English 2 senses of the word linguistics:
NOUNcognitionlinguisticsthe scientific study of language
cognitionlinguistics, philologythe humanistic study of language and literature
linguistics pronunciation
Rhymesacoustics ... UNIX: 110 rhymes with ihks...
Englishlinguistics: 2 senses noun 1, cognition
MeaningThe scientific study of language.
Category ofModern, NewUsed of a living language
Newin use after medieval times
OldOf a very early stage / stage in development
ablativerelating to the ablative case
acceptablejudged to be in conformity with approved usage
allophone(linguistics) any of various acoustically different forms of the same phoneme
analytic, uninflectedExpressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection
animateBelonging to the class of nouns that denote living beings
aphaeresis, apheresis(linguistics) omission at the beginning of a word as in 'coon' for 'raccoon' or 'till' for 'until'
aspectualOf or belonging to an aspect (as an aspect of the verb)
autosemanticOf a word or phrase meaningful in isolation, independent of context
cacuminal, retroflexpronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back toward the hard palate
cognateHaving the same ancestral language
complementary distribution, complementation(linguistics) a distribution of related speech sounds or forms in such a way that they only appear in different contexts
derivative(linguistics) a word that is derived from another word
descriptivedescribing the structure of a language
descriptive grammarA grammar that is produced by descriptive linguistics
descriptivism(linguistics) a doctrine supporting or promoting descriptive linguistics
earlyOf an early stage in the development of a language or literature
etymologize, etymologiseConstruct the history of words
feature of speech, feature(linguistics) a distinctive characteristic of a linguistic unit that serves to distinguish it from other units of the same kind
form, word form, signifier, descriptorThe phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something
generative grammar(linguistics) a type of grammar that describes syntax in terms of a set of logical rules that can generate all and only the infinite number of grammatical sentences in a language and assigns them all the correct structural description
grammarThe branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
homophonousCharacteristic of the phenomenon of words of different origins that are pronounced the same way
inanimateBelonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things
inflectedshowing alteration in form (especially by the addition of affixes)
lateOf a later stage / stage in the development of a language or literature
linguistic competence(linguistics) a speaker's implicit, internalized knowledge of the rules of their language (contrasted with linguistic performance)
linguistic performance(linguistics) a speaker's actual use of language in real situations
linguistic processA process involved in human language
middleOf a stage / stage in the development of a language or literature between earlier and later stages
morphophoneme(linguistics) the phonemes (or strings of phonemes) that constitute the various allomorphs of a morpheme
nonstandardnot conforming to the language usage of a prestige group within a community
obscureReduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa
phoneme(linguistics) one of a small set of speech sounds that are distinguished by the speakers of a particular language
phonology, phonemicsThe study of the sound system of a given language and the analysis and classification of its phonemes
phylum(linguistics) a large group of languages that are historically related
polyphonicHaving two or more phonetic values
postposition(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element after another (as placing a modifier after the word that it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix after the base to which it is attached)
preposition(linguistics) the placing of one linguistic element before another (as placing a modifier before the word it modifies in a sentence or placing an affix before the base to which it is attached)
prepositionalOf or relating to or formed with a preposition
prescriptive grammarA grammar that is produced by prescriptive linguistics
prescriptivism(linguistics) a doctrine supporting or promoting prescriptive linguistics
radicalOf or relating to or constituting / constituting a linguistic root
reducedestress and thus weaken a sound when pronouncing it
reduplicate, geminateform by reduplication
root, root word, base, stem, theme, radical(linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed
rule, linguistic rule(linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice
segmentaldivided or organized into speech segments or isolable speech sounds
semantic role, participant role(linguistics) the underlying relation that a constituent has with the main verb in a clause
signA fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified
standard, receivedconforming to the established language usage of educated native speakers
suprasegmentalpertaining to a feature of speech that extends over more than a single speech sound
synsemanticOf a word or phrase meaningful only when it occurs in the company of other words
syntaxstudies of the rules for forming admissible sentences
syntax, sentence structure, phrase structureThe grammatical arrangement of words in sentences
syntheticSystematic combining of root and modifying elements into single words
tone(linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages
topicalization(linguistics) emphasis placed on the topic or focus of a sentence by preposing it to the beginning of the sentence
topicalizeemphasize by putting heavy stress on or by moving to the front of the sentence
unacceptable, unacceptednot conforming to standard usage
uninflectednot inflected
universal, linguistic universal(linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages
vocativerelating to a case used in some languages
voice(linguistics) the grammatical relation (active or passive) of the grammatical subject of a verb to the action that the verb denotes
Part ofcognitive scienceThe field of science concerned with cognition
Narrowercomputational linguisticsThe use of computers for linguistic research and applications
descriptive linguisticsA description (at a given point in time) of a language with respect to its phonology and morphology / morphology and syntax / syntax and semantics without value judgments
dialect geography, linguistic geographyThe study of the geographical distribution of linguistic features
etymologyThe study of the sources and development of words
historical linguistics, diachronic linguistics, diachronyThe study of linguistic change
neurolinguisticsThe branch of linguistics that studies the relation between language and the structure and function of the nervous system
pragmaticsThe study of language use
prescriptive linguisticsAn account of how a language should be used instead of how it is actually used
semanticsThe study of language meaning / meaning
sociolinguisticsThe study of language in relation to its sociocultural context
structuralism, structural linguisticslinguistics defined as the analysis / analysis of formal structures in a text or discourse
synchronic linguisticsThe study of a language without reference to its historical context
Broaderscience, scientific disciplineA particular branch of scientific knowledge
Spanishlinguística, lingüística
Adjectiveslinguisticof or relating to the scientific study of language
Nounslinguista specialist in linguistics
Englishlinguistics: 2 senses noun 2, cognition
MeaningThe humanistic study of language and literature.
NarrowerdialectologyThe branch of philology that is devoted to the study of dialects
lexicologyThe branch of linguistics that studies the lexical component of language
Broaderhumanistic discipline, humanities, liberal arts, artsstudies intended to provide general knowledge and intellectual skills (rather than occupational or professional skills)
Spanishfilología, lingüística
Catalanfilologia, lingüística
Adjectiveslinguisticconsisting of or related to language
Nounslinguista specialist in linguistics

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