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English 5 senses of the word soil:
NOUNstatesoil, dirt, filth, grime, stain, grease, grungethe state of being covered with unclean things
substancesoil, dirtthe part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock
objectsoil, land, groundmaterial in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
locationsoil, territorythe geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state
VERBcontactsoil, dirty, begrime, grime, colly, bemiremake soiled, filthy, or dirty
soil pronunciation
Rhymesairfoil ... uncoil: 21 rhymes with oyl...
Englishsoil: 5 senses noun 1, state
MeaningThe state of being covered with unclean things.
Synonymsdirt, filth, grime, stain, grease, grunge
Broaderdirtiness, uncleannessThe state of being unsanitary
Spanishgrasa, grunge, inmundicia, mugre, mugriento, porquería, suciedad
Catalanbrutícia, grunge, immundícia, porqueria, ronya, sutja
Verbssoilmake soiled, filthy, or dirty
Englishsoil: 5 senses noun 2, substance
MeaningThe part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock.
NarrowerIndian redA red soil containing ferric oxide
alluvial soilA fine-grained fertile soil deposited by water flowing over flood plains or in river beds
bog soilpoorly drained soils on top of peat and under marsh or swamp vegetation
boleA soft oily clay used as a pigment (especially a reddish brown pigment)
caliche, hardpancrust or layer of hard subsoil encrusted with calcium-carbonate occurring in arid or semiarid regions
clayA very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired
clunchhardened clay
desert soil, desertic soilA type of soil that develops in arid climates
fuller's earthAn absorbent soil resembling clay
gilgai soilsoil in the melon holes of Australia
gumbo, gumbo soilAny of various fine-grained silty soils that become waxy and very sticky mud when saturated with water
humuspartially decomposed organic matter
indurated clayhardened clay
lateriteA red soil produced by rock decay
loamA rich soil consisting of a mixture of sand and clay and decaying organic materials
loessA fine-grained unstratified accumulation of clay and silt deposited by the wind
marlA loose and crumbling earthy deposit consisting mainly of calcite or dolomite
mold, mouldLoose soil rich in organic matter
mud, claywater soaked soil
podzol, podzol soil, podsol, podsol soil, podsolic soilA soil that develops in temperate to cold moist climates under coniferous or heath vegetation
prairie soilA type of soil occurring under grasses in temperate climates
regosolA type of soil consisting of unconsolidated material from freshly deposited alluvium or sand
residual soil, residual clayThe soil that is remaining after the soluble elements have been dissolved
sandA loose material consisting of grains of rock or coral
sedimentary clayclay soil formed by sedimentary deposits
siltmud or clay or small rocks deposited by a river or lake
subsoil, undersoilThe layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrock
till, boulder clayunstratified soil deposited by a glacier
topsoil, surface soilThe layer of soil on the surface
tundra soilA black mucky soil with a frozen subsoil that is characteristic of Arctic and subarctic regions
wiesenbodenA dark meadow soil rich in organic material
Broaderearth, groundThe loose soft material that makes up a large part of the land surface
Spanishsuelo, tierra
Catalansòl, terra
Englishsoil: 5 senses noun 3, object
Meaningmaterial in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use).
Example "good agricultural soil"
Synonymsland, ground
NarrowerbadlandsDeeply eroded barren land
bottomland, bottomlow-lying alluvial land near a river
coastlandLand in a coastal area
cultivated land, farmland, plowland, ploughland, tilled land, tillage, tiltharable land that is worked by plowing and sowing and raising crops
overburdenThe surface soil that must be moved away to get at coal seams and mineral deposits
permafrostground that is permanently frozen
polderlow-lying land that has been reclaimed and is protected by dikes (especially in the Netherlands)
rangelandLand suitable for grazing livestock
scablands(geology) flat elevated land with poor soil and little vegetation that is scarred by dry channels of glacial origin (especially in eastern Washington)
turf, sod, sward, greenswardsurface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots
wetlandA low area where the land is saturated with water
Broaderobject, physical objectA tangible and visible entity
Spanishsuelo, tierra
Catalansòl, terra, terreny
Englishsoil: 5 senses noun 4, location
MeaningThe geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state.
Example"American troops were stationed on Japanese soil"
Broadergeographical area, geographic area, geographical region, geographic regionA demarcated area of the Earth
Englishsoil: 5 senses verb 1, contact
Meaningmake soiled, filthy, or dirty.
PatternSomebody ----s something; Something ----s something
Example"don't soil your clothes when you play outside!"
Synonymsdirty, begrime, grime, colly, bemire
Narrowerblemish, spotmar or impair with a flaw
crockSoil with or as with crock
foulmake unclean
mire, muck, mud, muck upSoil with mud, muck, or mire
muddy, muddy updirty with mud
pollute, foul, contaminatemake impure
slimeCover or stain with slime
smearstain by smearing or daubing with a dirty substance
splashSoil or stain with a splashed liquid / liquid
Broaderchange, alter, modifyCause to change
Oppositeclean, make cleanmake clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from
Spanishemporcar, enmugrecer, ensuciar, manchar
Catalanembrutar-se, embrutar, embrutir, empastifar, emporcar-se, enllardar-se, ensutzar, pastifejar, sollar, tacar
Nounssoilthe state of being covered with unclean things
soiling, soilurethe act of soiling something

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