Español > necio: 6 sentidos > adjetivo 1Sentido | Devoid of good sense or judgment. |
Sinónimo | tonto |
Específico | absurdo, disparatado, estúpido, incongruente, irracional, ridículo | incongruous |
alocado, despistado | lacking sense or discretion |
asnal, estúpido, fatuo, inane, necio | Devoid of intelligence |
desacertado, desencaminado | poorly conceived or thought out |
disparatado | Very foolish |
estrafalario, tonto | Ludicrous, foolish |
imprudente, insensato | showing or resulting from lack of judgment or wisdom / wisdom / wisdom |
También | desacertado, desaconsejado, imprudente | Without careful prior deliberation or counsel |
desaconsejable, desaconsejado | not prudent or wise |
impolítico | not politic |
imprudente, insensato | not prudent or wise |
Contrario | juicioso, sabio | Having or prompted by wisdom / wisdom / wisdom or discernment |
Inglés | foolish |
Nombres | desatino, insensatez, locura, tontería | The quality of being rash and foolish |
Adverbios | estúpidamente, imprudentemente, tontamente | Without good sense or judgment |
Español > necio: 6 sentidos > nombre 2, person Sentido | A person of subnormal intelligence. |
Sinónimos | bobo, corto, cretino, estúpido, idiota, imbécil, memo, retardado, retrasado, tonto |
General | ababol, crédulo, ingenuo, inocente, simple, simplón | A person lacking intelligence or common sense |
Inglés | idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron, changeling, half-wit, retard |
Catalán | cretí, curt, gamarús, idiota, imbècil, neci, pallús, retardat, retrassat, tanoca, tòtil |
Adjetivo | cretino | Afflicted with cretinism |
imbécil | Having a mental age of three to seven years |
imbécil | Having a mental age of between eight and twelve years |
Verbos | contener, refrenar | Slow the growth or development of |
Español > necio: 6 sentidos > nombre 3, person Sentido | A man who is a stupid incompetent fool. |
Sinónimos | burro, estúpido, idiota, imbécil, zoquete |
General | bobo, corto, imbécil, necio, tonto | A person who lacks good judgment |
Inglés | fathead, goof, goofball, bozo, jackass, goose, cuckoo, twat, zany |
Catalán | burro, estúpid, idiota, imbecil, imbècil |
Adjetivo | bobo, estúpido, ridículo, tonto | Having or revealing stupidity |
bufón, payaso | like a clown |
estrafalario, tonto | Ludicrous, foolish |
Verbos | joderla, meter la pata, pecar, pifiar | Commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake |