Español > cáustico: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 1Sentido | Of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action. |
Sinónimos | corrosivo, erosivo |
General | demoledor, destructivo, destructor, devastador | Causing destruction or much damage / damage |
Inglés | caustic, corrosive, erosive, vitriolic, mordant |
Catalán | càustic, corrosiu |
Nombres | aceite de vitriolo, ácido sulfúrico, vitriolo | (H2SO4) a highly corrosive acid made from sulfur dioxide |
corrosivo | A substance having the tendency to cause corrosion (such a strong acids or alkali) |
cáustico, producto cáustico | Any chemical substance that burns or destroys living tissue |
mordaz, mordiente | A substance used to treat leather or other materials before dyeing |
Verbos | aherrumbrar, corroer, desgastar, herrumbrar, oxidar | Cause to deteriorate due to the action of water, air, or an acid |
aherrumbrarse, corroerse, corroer, oxidarse | Become destroyed by water, air, or a corrosive such as an acid |
desgastarse, erosionarse, erosionar | Become ground down or deteriorate |
Español > cáustico: 4 sentidos > adjetivo 2Sentido | harsh or corrosive in tone. |
Sinónimos | abrasador, ácido, acre, amargo, áspero, mordaz, virulento, vitriólico |
General | antipático, desagradable, desapacible, grosero, insultante, ofensivo | Disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings |
Inglés | acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic |
Catalán | abrasador, àcid, acre, amarg, aspre, càustic, corrossiu, virulent |
Nombres | acrimonia, acritud | A rough and bitter manner |
improperio, invectiva, vituperación, vituperio | abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will |
Adverbios | acerbamente, ácidamente, acremente, agriamente, amargamente, cáusticamente, mordazmente, virulentamente | In a caustic vitriolic manner |