Català > virulent: 2 sentits > adjectiu 2Sentit | harsh or corrosive in tone. |
Sinònims | abrasador, àcid, acre, amarg, aspre, càustic, corrossiu |
General | antipàtic, desagradable | Disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings |
Anglès | acerb, acerbic, acid, acrid, bitter, blistering, caustic, sulfurous, sulphurous, virulent, vitriolic |
Espanyol | abrasador, ácido, acre, amargo, áspero, cáustico, mordaz, virulento, vitriólico |
Noms | acrimònia, acritud | A rough and bitter manner |
improperi, invectiva, vituperació, vituperi | abusive or venomous language used to express blame or censure or bitter deep-seated ill will |
Adverbis | virulentament | In a virulent manner |