HyperDic: antipático

Español > 8 sentidos de la palabra antipático:
ADJETIVOallantipático, desagradable, desapacible, grosero, insultante, ofensivodisagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings
allantipáticonot disposed to friendship or friendliness
allantipático, poco simpatizante, poco solidarionot sympathetic or disposed toward
allantipáticolacking cordiality
allantipáticoincapable of inspiring love or affection
allantipático, adverso, contradictorio, contrario, opuesto, reacio(usually followed by 'to') strongly opposed
allantipático, inigualabledifficult or impossible to like
NOMBREperson antipático, desagradablea person who is not pleasant or agreeable
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 1
SentidoDisagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings.
Sinónimosdesagradable, desapacible, grosero, insultante, ofensivo
Cualidad decarácter agradableThe quality of giving pleasure
Específicoabrasador, ácido, acre, amargo, áspero, cáustico, mordaz, virulento, vitriólicoharsh or corrosive in tone
adusto, austero, duro, severoharshly uninviting / uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
avergonzante, embarazosoCausing to feel shame or chagrin or vexation
desagradable, desagradecido, ingratoDisagreeable
deslumbrante, fuerteDisagreeable to the senses
dolorido, doloroso, incómodo, lamentable, penoso, tristeCausing misery or pain or distress / distress
doloroso, tristeCausing discomfort
endiablado, infernalVery unpleasant
repelenteServing or tending to repel
Tambiénantiestéticoviolating aesthetic / aesthetic canons or requirements
desagradable, ofensivounpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses
desagradable, incomiblenot pleasant or acceptable to the taste or mind
desagradable, disgustosoCausing displeasure or lacking pleasing qualities
desagradable, fastidioso, malévolo, molestonot to your liking
horrible, repugnanteOffensive or even (of persons) malicious
Contrarioagradable, grato, placentero, simpáticoaffording pleasure
Catalánantipàtic, desagradable
Nombrescarácter desagradableThe quality of giving displeasure
AdverbiosdesagradablementeIn an unpleasant manner
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 2
Sentidonot disposed to friendship or friendliness.
Cualidad debenevolencia, simpatíaA friendly disposition
Específicoceñudosullen or unfriendly in appearance
distante, fríolacking warmth of feeling
frío, secolacking warmth or friendliness
Tambiénarisco, esquivo, huraño, insociable, retraídonot inclined to society or companionship
hostil, mal, malo, malvado, perjudicialCharacterized by enmity / enmity or ill ... / ill will
incompatiblenot suitable to your tastes or needs
inhospitalario, inhóspito, poco acogedor, poco amablenot hospitable
Contrarioamigable, amistosocharacteristic of or befitting a friend
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 3
Sentidonot sympathetic or disposed toward.
Sinónimospoco simpatizante, poco solidario
Tambiénincompatiblenot suitable to your tastes or needs
ContrariocomprensivoExpressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy / sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 4
Sentidolacking cordiality; unfriendly.
Generalinabordable, inaccesible, intratablediscouraging intimacies
Inglésoffish, standoffish
NombresfrialdadA disposition to be distant and unsympathetic in manner
AdverbiosdistantementeIn a standoffish manner
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 5
Sentidoincapable of inspiring love or affection.
Generaldespreciable, odioso, repugnanteEvoking or deserving hatred
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 6
Sentido(usually followed by 'to') strongly opposed.
Sinónimosadverso, contradictorio, contrario, opuesto, reacio
Inglésantipathetic, antipathetical, averse, indisposed, loath, loth
Catalánadvers, antipàtic, contradictori, contrari, oposat, reaci
NombresantipatíaThe object of a feeling of intense aversion
antipatía, aversión, disgusto, inquina, malquerencia, repelo, repugnancia, repulsiónA feeling of intense dislike
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > adjetivo 7
SentidoDifficult or impossible to like.
Inglésunlikable, unlikeable
Español > antipático: 8 sentidos > nombre 1, person
SentidoA person who is not pleasant or agreeable.
Específicoadvenedizo, arribista, nouveau-riche, nuevo rico, nuevoricoA person who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained social acceptance of others in that class
anatemaA detested person
arpía, perra, puta, ramera, zorraA person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked
arrebatador, grabberAn unpleasant person who grabs inconsiderately
arroganteAn arrogant or presumptuous person
atosigador, opresorA person of authority who subjects / subjects others to undue pressures
bastardo, cabrón, capullo, cerdo, gilipollas, hideputa, hijo de puta, hijoputa, hijueputa, huevón, pendejoinsulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
bicho raro, espectro, estrafalario, rarito, tipo rarosomeone unpleasantly strange or eccentric
bribón, cabrón, canalla, fulano, Fulano, gilipollas, git, miserable, perro, rata, sinvergüenza, vagabundo, villano, vómito, zorroA person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible
burlón, escarnecedor, guasón, mofadorsomeone who jeers or mocks or treats something with contempt / contempt or calls out in derision
bárbaro, basto, bestia, charro, grosero, montañero, palurdo, patán, zamarro, zambomboA crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
canalla, sabandijaA person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respect
cascarrabias, gruñón, polvorilla, quejicaA bad-tempered person
crítico, criticónsomeone who frequently finds fault or makes harsh and unfair judgments
cucufato, mojigato, puritano, remilgadoA person excessively concerned about propriety and decorum
cínico, criticón, sacafaltassomeone who is critical of the motives of others
demonio, diablo, fiera, malvado, monstruo, ogroA cruel wicked and inhuman person
egoísta, egotista, swellheadA conceited and self-centered person
egoísta, interesadoA person who is unusually selfish
esnob, moco, mojigato, pijo, pituco, presuntuoso, siútico, snobA person regarded as arrogant and annoying
fariseoA self-righteous or sanctimonious person
hieloAn aloof unemotional person
jeremías, llorón, protestón, pupas, quejica, quejón, refunfuñón, rezongónA person given to excessive complaints and crying and whining
pelma, pelmazo, pesadoA person who evokes boredom
penaA bothersome annoying person
regañónsomeone (especially a woman) who annoys people by constantly finding fault
vulgarA vulgar person (especially someone who makes a vulgar display of wealth)
Generalpersona non grataA person who for some reason is not wanted or welcome
Inglésunpleasant person, disagreeable person
Catalánantipàtic, desagradable

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