Sentido | plants with heads composed of many florets. |
Sinónimos | asteraceae, Asteraceae, Asteráceas, Compositae |
Miembros | abrótano macho, abrótano, boja, tanaceto | A large genus of plants resembling chrysanthemums |
absintio, ajenjo, alosna | Any of several low composite herbs of the genera ... / genera Artemisia or Seriphidium |
actinomeris, genus actinomeris | Used in some classification systems for plants now included in genus Verbesina |
ageratina, genus ageratina | annual to perennial herbs or shrubs of eastern United States and Central and South America |
amberboa, genus amberboa | herbs of Mediterranean to central Asia cultivated for their flowers |
ambrosiáceas | In some classifications considered a separate family comprising a subgroup of the Compositae including the ragweeds |
anacyclus, genus anacyclus | A Spanish pellitory |
anaphalis, genus anaphalis | A genus of herbs of north temperate regions having hoary leaves |
antennaria, genus antennaria | small woolly perennial herbs having small whitish discoid flowers surrounded by a ring of club-shaped bristles |
anthemis, género anthemis, genus anthemis, magarzuela, manzanilla hedionda | dog fennel |
antheropeas, genus antheropeas | small genus of North American herbs often included in genus Eriophyllum |
arctium, género arctium, genus arctium | burdock |
arctotis, genus arctotis | herbs and subshrubs |
argyranthemum, genus argyranthemum | Comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum |
argyroxiphium, genus argyroxiphium | small genus of Hawaiian spreading and rosette-forming shrubs |
arnoseris, género arnoseris, genus arnoseris | lamb succory |
baccharis, genus baccharis | shrubs of western hemisphere often having honey-scented flowers followed by silky thistlelike heads of tiny fruits |
balsamorhiza, genus balsamorhiza | genus of coarse western American herbs with large roots containing an aromatic balsam / balsam |
bellis, género bellis, genus bellis | daisy |
bidens, género bidens, genus bidens | bur marigolds |
boltonia, genus boltonia | genus of tall leafy perennial herbs of eastern America and eastern Asia having flowers that resemble asters |
brachycome, genus brachycome | Mostly Australian herbs having basal or alternate leaves and loosely corymbose flower heads |
brickellia, genus brickelia | genus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded fruits in a prominent bristly sheath |
buphthalmum, género puphthalmum, genus buphthalmum, manzanilla loca | oxeye |
cacalia, genus cacalia | genus of tall smooth herbs of forested mountains of Europe and Asia minor |
callistephus, genus callistephus | One species |
caléndula, género tagetes, genus tagetes, tageteste | marigolds |
cardo | Any of numerous plants of the family Compositae and especially of the genera ... / genera Carduus and Cirsium and Onopordum having prickly-edged leaves |
carduus, genus carduus | genus of annual or perennial Old World prickly thistles |
carlina, genus carlina | genus of Mediterranean thistles |
carthamus, género carthamus, genus carthamus | safflower |
centaurea, género centaurea, genus centaurea | knapweed |
chamaemelum, genus chamaemelum | small genus of plants sometimes included in genus Anthemis |
chrysanthemum, crisantemo | Any of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum, Argyranthemum, Dendranthema, Tanacetum |
chrysopsis, género chrysopsis, genus chrysopsis | golden aster |
chrysothamnus, genus chrysothamnus | genus of low branching shrubs of western North America |
cichorium, género acichorium, genus cichorium | chicory |
cirsium, género cirsium, genus cirsium | plume thistles |
cnicus, genus cnicus | One species |
conoclinium, género conoclinium, genus conoclinium | mistflower |
conyza, genus conyza | Common American weed or wildflower |
cotula, genus cotula | cosmopolitan herbs especially southern hemisphere |
craspedia, genus craspedia | herbs of Australia and New Zealand |
crepis, género crepis, genus crepis | hawk's-beard |
cynara, género cynara, genus cynara | artichoke |
delairea, genus delairea | One species |
dendranthema, genus dendranthema | Comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum |
dimorphotheca, genus dimorphotheca | South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers |
doronicum, genus doronicum | genus of Eurasian perennial tuberous or rhizomatous herbs |
echinacea, genus echinacea | small genus of North American coarse perennial herbs |
echinops, genus echinops | genus of Mediterranean and Eurasian herbs |
elephantopus, genus elephantopus | perennial American herb |
emilia, genus emilia | Tropical African herbs |
encelia, genus encelia | genus of shrubs of southwestern United States and Mexico |
enceliopsis, genus enceliopsis | small genus of xerophytic herbs of southwestern United States |
erigeron, genus erigeron | cosmopolitan genus of usually perennial herbs with flowers that resemble asters |
eriophyllum, genus eriophyllum | genus of hairy herbs and shrubs of western North America |
eupatorium, genus eupatorium | large genus of chiefly tropical herbs having heads of white or purplish flowers |
felicia, Felisa, genus felicia | genus of tropical African herbs or subshrubs with usually blue flowers |
genus achillea | perennial often aromatic and sometimes mat-forming herbs of north temperate regions |
genus ageratum | genus of tropical American herbs grown for their flowers |
genus ambrosia | Comprising the ragweeds |
genus ammobium | small genus of Australian herbs grown for their flowers |
genus andryala | A genus of hardy hairy latex-producing perennials of Mediterranean area |
genus arnica | large genus of herbs of north temperate and Arctic regions |
genus artemisia | usually aromatic shrubs or herbs of north temperate regions and South Africa and western South America |
genus aster | large genus of herbs widely cultivated for their daisylike flowers |
genus ayapana | genus of tropical American herbs sometimes included in genus Eupatorium |
genus catananche | genus of Mediterranean herbs |
genus chaenactis | genus of flowering herbs of western United States |
genus chrysanthemum | In some classifications many plants usually assigned to the genus Chrysanthemum have been divided among other genera |
genus coreopsis | genus of American plants widely cultivated for their flowers |
genus cosmos | genus of tropical American plants cultivated for their colorful flowers |
genus dahlia | genus of perennial tuberous plants of Mexico and Central America |
genus engelmannia | One species |
genus erechtites | coarse herbs with whitish discoid flower heads and silky pappus |
genus filago | genus of small woolly herbs |
genus gaillardia | genus of western American hairy herbs with showy flowers |
genus gazania | genus of tomentose tropical African herbs with milky sap |
genus gerbera, gerbera | genus of South African or Asiatic herbs |
genus gerea, gerea | small genus of hairy herbs with yellow flowers |
genus gnaphalium, gnaphalium | large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres |
genus grindelia, grindelia | large genus of coarse gummy herbs of western North and Central America |
genus gutierrezia, gutierrezia | sticky perennial herbs and subshrubs of western North America and warm South America |
genus gynura, gynura | genus of Old World tropical herbs |
genus haastia, haastia | genus of New Zealand mat-forming herbs or subshrubs |
genus haplopappus, haplopappus | genus of North and South American perennial herbs or shrubs with yellow flowers |
genus hazardia, hazardia | small genus of shrubs and subshrubs of western United States having flowers that change color as they mature |
genus helenium, helenium | genus of American herbs with flowers having yellow rays |
genus helianthus | genus of tall erect or branched American annual or perennial herbs with showy flowers |
genus helichrysum, helichrysum | large genus of mostly African and Australian herbs and shrubs |
genus helipterum, helipterum | genus of South African and Australian herbs or shrubs grown as everlastings |
genus heterotheca, heterotheca | genus of yellow-flowered North American herbs |
genus hieracium, hieracium | large genus of perennial hairy herbs of Europe to western Asia to northwestern Africa and North America |
genus homogyne, homogyne | small genus of low perennial herbs of montane Europe |
genus hulsea, hulsea | small genus of erect balsam-scented herbs |
genus hyalosperma, hyalosperma | genus of herbs of temperate Australia including some from genus Helipterum |
genus hypochaeris, genus hypochoeris, hypochaeris, hypochoeris | widely distributed genus of herbs with milky juice |
genus inula | genus of Old World herbs or subshrubs |
genus iva | small genus of American herbs or shrubs |
genus krigia | small herbs closely related to chicory |
genus lactuca, lactuca | An herb with milky juice |
genus lagenophera, lagenophera | small genus of herbs of Australia and South America having small solitary white or purple flowers similar to true daisies of genus Bellis |
genus lasthenia, lasthenia | small genus of herbs of Pacific coast of North and South America |
genus layia, layia | genus of western United States annuals with showy yellow or white flowers |
genus leucanthemum, leucanthemum | Comprises plants often included in the genus Chrysanthemum |
genus liatris, liatris | genus of perennial North American herbs with aromatic usually cormous roots |
genus ligularia, ligularia | genus of Old World herbs resembling groundsel |
genus lindheimera, lindheimera | One species |
genus lonas, lonas | One species |
genus machaeranthera, machaeranthera | wildflowers of western North America |
genus madia, madia | genus of sticky herbs with yellow flowers open / open in morning or evening but closed in bright light |
genus matricaria, matricaria | chiefly Old World strong-smelling weedy herbs |
genus melampodium, melampodium | herbs and subshrubs of warm North America |
genus mikania, mikania | large genus of evergreen lianas of tropical America |
genus mutisia | genus of South American shrubs or lianas having large flower heads with feathery pappuses |
genus nabalus, nabalus | genus of North American and east Asian perennial herbs |
genus olearia, olearia | large genus of Australian evergreen shrubs or small trees with large daisylike flowers |
genus onopordon, genus onopordum, onopordon, onopordum | A genus of Eurasian herbs of the family Compositae with prickly foliage and large purplish flowers |
genus othonna | genus of western African herbs or shrubs |
genus ozothamnus, ozothamnus | genus of Australian shrubs and perennial herbs |
genus packera, packera | genus of American of east Asian perennial herbs with yellow to orange or red flower rays |
genus parthenium, parthenium | small genus of North American herbs and shrubs with terminal panicles of small ray flowers |
genus petasites, petasites | genus of rhizomatous herbs of north temperate regions |
genus picris, picris | genus of weedy Old World yellow-flowered herbs usually containing a bitter-tasting substance |
genus pilosella, pilosella | genus of hairy perennial herbs with horizontal rhizomes and leafy or underground stolons |
genus piqueria, piqueria | small genus of tropical American perennial herbs or subshrubs with white to pale yellow flowers |
genus prenanthes, prenanthes | genus of North American and Asiatic perennial herbs having pinnatisect leaves small heads of drooping yellowish to purple flowers |
genus pteropogon | genus of Australian and South African herbs including some from genus Helipterum |
genus pulicaria, pulicaria | genus of temperate Old World herbs |
genus pyrethrum, piretro, pyrethrum | Used in former classifications for plants later placed in genus Chrysanthemum and now often included in genus Tanacetum |
genus raoulia, raoulia | genus of low-growing mat-forming New Zealand plants |
genus ratibida, ratibida | genus of perennial wildflowers of North American plains and prairies |
genus rhodanthe | genus of xerophytic herbs and shrubs of South Africa and Australia |
genus rudbeckia, rudbeckia | North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads |
genus santolina, santolina | genus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads |
genus sanvitalia, sanvitalia | small genus of tropical American annual herbs |
genus saussurea, saussurea | genus of herbs of temperate and cool regions / regions of Eurasia |
genus scolymus, scolymus | small genus of thistlelike herbs of the Mediterranean region |
genus scorzonera, scorzonera | genus of narrow-leaved European herbs |
genus senecio, senecio | enormous and diverse cosmopolitan genus of trees and shrubs and vines and herbs including many weeds |
genus sericocarpus, sericocarpus | small genus of herbs of the eastern United States |
genus seriphidium, seriphidium | woody plants grown chiefly for their silver or grey and often aromatic foliage |
genus serratula, serratula | genus of Old World perennial herbs with spirally arranged toothed leaves |
genus silphium, silphium | tall North American perennial herbs |
genus silybum, silybum | small genus of east African herbs |
genus stenotus, stenotus | genus of western North American low evergreen shrubs growing in dense tufts |
genus stevia | genus of shrubs and herbs of tropical and warm Americas |
genus stokesia, stokesia | One species |
genus taraxacum, taraxacum | An asterid dicot genus of the family Compositae including dandelions |
genus tetraneuris, tetraneuris | genus of hairy yellow-flowered plants of the western United States |
genus tithonia | genus of robust herbs of Mexico and Central America |
genus townsendia, townsendia | genus of western American low tufted herbs |
genus tragopogon, tragopogon | genus of Old World herbs with linear entire leaves and yellow or purple flower heads |
genus trilisa, trilisa | genus of herbs of southern United States |
genus tripleurospermum, tripleurospermum | small genus comprising plants often included in genus Matricaria |
genus tussilago, tussilago | genus of low creeping yellow-flowered perennial herbs of north temperate regions |
genus ursinia | genus of South African herbs and shrubs cultivated as ornamentals |
genus verbesina, verbesina | herbs and shrubs of warm North America to Mexico |
genus vernonia | genus of New World tropical herbs or shrubs with terminal cymose heads of tubular flowers |
genus wyethia | coarse leafy perennial plants resembling sunflowers found especially in the western United States |
genus xanthium, xanthium | coarse herbs having small heads of greenish flowers followed by burrs with hooked bristles |
genus xeranthemum | genus of annual densely hairy herbs of Mediterranean to southwestern Asia |
genus zinnia | genus of annual or perennial plants of tropical America having solitary heads of brightly colored flowers |
género leucogenes, genus leucogenes, leucogenes | New Zealand edelweiss |
género caléndula, genus calendula | marigold |
género heliopsis, genus heliopsis | oxeye |
género leontopodium, genus leontopodium, leontopodium | edelweiss |
género pericallis, genus pericallis, pericallis | cineraria |
género solidago, genus solidago, solidago | goldenrod |
género sonchus, genus sonchus, sonchus | sow thistles |
génro leontodon, genus leontodon, leontodon | hawkbit |
planta compuesta | Considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers |
siempreviva | Any of various plants of various genera of the family Compositae having flowers that can be dried without loss of form or color |
Inglés | Compositae, family Compositae, Asteraceae, family Asteraceae, aster family |
Catalán | asteraceae, Asteraceae, asteràcia, Asteràcia, Compositae, compostes |
Adjetivo | compuesto | Of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae |